Cat Wisdom 101 Etsy Shop Opens & Giveaway
We’re purring with excitement to announce our Cat Wisdom 101 Etsy Shop is open! Click on the “Shop” tab on our header or here This shop is to benefit cat rescue groups and cats in need. It’s a work in progress and we need your help to succeed. We’ll be adding new items weekly. Even if you don’t buy anything would you kindly “follow” our shop of “favorite” some items? Please tell me what like or don’t, what you’d like to see or would like to see more of. Leave a comment or contact me privately at [email protected]
We’re offering an extra discount to our introductory sale prices PLUS a GIVEAWAY! One lucky Cat Wisdom 101 subscriber ( our website and/or our weekly newsletter) will win one original piece of their choice including optional customization of a name or quote of their choice. If you aren’t a subscriber, there’s never been a better time. Scroll down to the bottom to the subscribe boxes and subscribe today.
To enter this giveaway: simply leave a comment saying what art work you’d like to win.
For extra chances to win, share this post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest and mention in a separate comment where you shared. This giveaway is on until August 1, 2013. The winner will be announced on August 2, 2013. Good Luck! This giveaway is open worldwide!
We have winners! The two winners of of Fresh Step Giveaway for their latest cat litter are Robin Gianotti and Linda Kwolek. Congratulations! look for an email from Layla and Cat Wisdom101.
Our Pettie Award for Best Cat Blog is not in the bag yet. Voting is on daily until July 31. If you’ve been voting, thank-you and if you haven’t, come on and vote. If not for us, then all the finalists who will win $1000.00 to donate to a shelter. You can also nominate a shelter volunteer for the Unsung Hero Award who will win $10,000 to donate to a shelter. It’s easy to do good, click The Petties Award Link

Find Your Passion and Purpose is my favorite.
Nancy N
I LOVE everything!! My choice would be How Cats Hypnotize.
“That Old Black Magic” is beautiful! I love black cats….shared on fb
Great artwork – and love the designs. I love Find Your Passion and Purpose.
Oui Oui
How did we miss this one? We must have been absent that day, but we would love to win one of the pieces of art, there are so many we like!
Layla Morgan Wilde
To be entered to win, you must select one.
We love “That Old Black Cat Magic.” It just really speaks to us.
Cathy Keisha
Concats on your new shop! I was gonna favorite Cats are Out of This World but TW forgot her password. We’ll try to hunt it down.
I love the soul cats picture best. It is really touching.
G+1 posted/shared ( K. Adsit)
https://www.facebook.com/raine.dawson.5/posts/222711444543471 FB share Raine Dawson
https://twitter.com/buzzyngabe/status/359250370192605184 Tweeted @buzzyngabe
I really like the ‘Reimagined antique cat poster circa 1887 of an artist cat’, that would be my pick-but everything is amazing!
Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
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Nancy Blue Moon
I would love “Cat Quote Moon And Stars”..I think Odin is a beautiful kitty..Thanks for the chance to win..
Cats are out of this world
Cynthia Southern
Layla, Congratulations on the Etsy store. I also am voting daily for Cat Wisdom 101 for a Pettie award.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Cynthia, thanks so much!!!
lorraine williamson
Hi Layla love all the art work but since I can only pick one the victorian lady cat picture goes with my collection. Thanks looking forward to more pictures.
Con-cat-ulations on your shop! I finally had the chance to browse and it’s all cool stuff–I’ll enjoy browsing your new things. I wish there was a way we could cross-link our Etsy shops, kind of like a blog roll. I look forward to seeing more of your creations and finds! (Don’t enter me for a drawing–let others have more of a chance!)
Layla Morgan Wilde
B, thanks. What we can do is follow and favorite.
I like them all. But I have to choose, don’t I? Chinese cat, then.
ConCats on the excellent shop! Have shared on Pinterest and will do on twitter 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much for sharing. Love to you and Austin.
Robyn Gianotti
All your artwork for sale is so lovely, but I’m hoping I’m lucky enough to win the “Lucky Chinese Cat Painting”!! Love oriental art!
Robyn Gianotti
Shared your shop’s grand opening on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/robyn.gianotti Congrats and good luck Layla!! 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much Robyn!
Ms. Phoebe
My Mom and I love the Vintage Cat Lady Etching, it is so lovely and cute. Mewz new shop is pawsome, mew are a true artist Auntie Layla.
Ms. Phoebe
Shared on twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/MsPhoebecat/status/358391405888012291
Ms. Phoebe
Posted to Google + and Facebook: http://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10200226994500796&id=1330495826&_rdr
Sue Brandes
Shared on Twitter.
Sue Brandes
Shared on Facebook.
Sue Brandes
Really nice shop. Love the photos. The only think I can think of is greeting cards. Thanks for the giveaway.Really love “Paws Crossed for Luck.” Thanks for the giveaway.
Skeeter and Izzy
Layla, the shop is beautiful! We love all of the prints and would be honored to win any one of them! We look foward to seeing the shop grow and succeed!
Concats to the winners of the other contest!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Katnip Lounge
Off to browse around!
Good luck with the Esty Shop and I hope carts get filled!
I shared this contest on Facebook for an extra entry in the contest. Thanks!
Hazel Marie
I also pinned, tried to share on FB but I don’t know what my phone did with it!!
Hazel Marie
Beautiful! Love the vintage ones, the lucky cat one, the one you altered of Odin from along time ago, I mentioned that one. Merlin in his basket, need I go on? Love to win I would.
I pinned it to my pinterest and will share on Facebook! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂
Inspirational Feline Vision Quote is my absolute favorite!!!!!!
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Beautiful works of art! All the best to you in this wonderful endeavor! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey gang
Love Magical Moonlight Cat picture.
da tabbies o trout towne
whoa…total lee way soooper furtastic awesum domino N crew…conga rats on yur new shop…we loves it :)…we dinna see any cases oh fish ore cat grazz tho…may bee we missed it 🙂 !!!! de veree best oh fishes two yur mom N bee yond awesum that de pro seeds go ta helps other kittehs !!! heerez ta a grate week oh end two all 🙂 ~~~~~
Congratulations on the new shop, it’s wonderful.
I love Basket of Purrfect Happiness.
easy rider
I like your items – specially 50 shades of GRAY – what a brilliant idea :o)
The Island Cats
Wow, congrats on your new Etsy store! Everything looks pawsome! W’ere gonna go visit it and check everything out!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
We don’t want to enter, because the head peep is trying to do some not-spring cleaning. But we love the art, and wanted to congratulate you on the opening of the Etsy store. Such great art!
Sam and Pam
Love the shop Layla…..beautiful photography and everything is just wonderful! I had a big giggle at the evil sock monster toy – VERY cute. Picking a poster to win is tough but I do love the cat in the tree looking at the moon a lot – but then I like EVERYTHING a lot! 😀
Glogirly and Katie
Congratulations! What a beautiful shop!!!
We’d love to win the vintage kitties! “There Are No Ordinary Cats Club.”
We have a collection of funny cat art and this would be purrfect!
Katie & Glogirly
Rachel Shubin - Sandpiper Cat BLog
Love it! I would love to win the Magical Moonlight Cat print. It would look cute in our beach house.
I first saw Mrs. Broadmoore’s Amazing Painting Cat on the back cover of my favorite cat spoof book, “Why Cats Paint.” I was obsessed with it and tried desperately and futilely to find some way to buy a print of it. To see it here makes me SO excited. If I don’t win this I absolutely will buy it.
Great art. I love the Lucky Chinese Cat.
prancer pie
We loved your new shop! Our Mommy has been voting like crazypants for y’all. Happy Friday!