Mancat Monday and Cat Mom Birthday
Odin: We’re celebrating! It’s our mom, Layla’s birthday. Well, actually it’s tomorrow but we have the day off. Apparently she’s turning 39 again! Since I’m Layla’s favorite mama’s boy, I go first. Like my card? She loves Paris and I want to say Je t’aime mama beaucoup!
Gris Gris: Who let that young whippersnapper sneak in first? The nerve! Is it my imagination or is our mom beginning to look more like a cat?
Domino: Well she already thinks like cat…
Merlin: Good point, Domino, I’m blind but I think I felt some whiskers on her face.
Odin: You guys! Did you get her a present? I got her a fat little mousie.
Gris Gris: I forgot. Anyway, she doesn’t need anything.
Domino: I made this photo for her phone.
Odin: How come I’m not in it?
Merlin: You were too busy mousing. And anyway she has everything she needs.
Odin: What’s that?
Merlin, Gris Gris and Domino: Our love!
Odin: You’re forgetting one more thing. A vote for the Petties! Only 2 more days left!
Merlin: And share far and wide. Pettie Award Voting Link

Matt, Australian photographer
hey happy birthday!!
Ms. Phoebe
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AUNTIE LAYLA! I hope mewz day was pawesome and full of loves, good eats, and lots of stretchy cat naps. Purrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Kitties Blue
Can’t believe we missed your extra special day. Please forgive us and accept our BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES. Your cards are absolutely the sweetest and the cutest. Hope your day was filled with lots of good things. Extra purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much Kitties BLue!
Happy Birthday, my friend, and good luck! It’s nice to see the boys spotting Merlin on the chair back. He’s well taken care of.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Bernadette, thanks so much and good luck to you!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday. I just got back from voting for you.
Paws and fingers crossed that you win!
Cynthia Southern
Happy belated birthday Layla. You’re a Leo as well. My birthday is 07/26. I think it is appropriate since we both love and adore felines of all kinds.
Cathy Keisha
Happy Birthday! Celebrate like a cat! MOL!
Jobi and Fisher
Happy purrfect Brithday, Layla cat – and many many more.
We hope Layla had a fantastic birthday.
We wish her a very happy one.
Thank you for coming by and sending me those magical purrs.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Abby, no complaints from our end. It’s been a purrfect day, thanks.
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie
*deep breath*
*deep breath*
Allie: *clamping paw over Faraday’s mouth
(we figured your ears would thank us – he yowls REALLY loud.)
Layla Morgan Wilde
MOL, that was the loudest singing fur sure! Thanks guys!
A big happy birthday form us too! If mom Layla is 39 then she is years older than The Staff, because she has been 29 for like a squillion years! 😉 xx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Austin and mom staff, thanks… a squillion years, eh :-)?
The Island Cats
Happy Birthday to mom Layla! We hope she has a spectacular day!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Island Cats, thanks we are having a blue skies day so far!
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Charlie and mom :-0
Texas, a cat in New York
Bon anniversaire, Ms. Layla ! Et plein de ronrons de nous trois !
Les humains disent Joyeux Anniversaire également !
Layla Morgan Wilde
Merci bien mes amies et bon chance enroute !
Happy birthday to Mom Layla! You boys sure know how to celebrate in style. And yes, we are voting for you every day. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Meowmeowmans, thanks guys and thanks for your stellar support voting every day!
Mary Matthews
Happy Birthday!!! Hope your birthday wishes come true!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Mary, thanks, from your lips to the cat god’s ears!
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy Birthday to You
You live in a Zoo
You look like a Tiger
and you MEOW like one too!!!!
We luvs you Miss Layla and want you to have the bestest of days!!!!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
PS it seems like all of us girls are 39 this year! MOL!!!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much Skeeter, Izzy, the feral gang & mom. Love the poem!
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
Happy Birthday Layla! The boys sure do know how to put on the charm! Lovely cards!
Purrs and love from the Zee and Zoey gang
Layla Morgan Wilde
Deb, thanks, the boys know cards are better than mousies 🙂
Cherry City Kitties
We love you Miss Layla!
Harry, Dexter, Willow and Tipp
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yay, you’re the first to sing! Thanks Cherry City Kitties!
Katnip Lounge
Happy Birthday Layla! I agree, thirty is SUCH a good age.
Enjoy your day off and have FUN!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Katnip Lounge, 30! I wish 😉 Purrs to your gang.
Kelly Ann T.
Happy Birthday, and I hope you have great day with the kitties.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kelly Ann, thanks, I sure plan too :-0
Happy Birthday to your Mom from all of us!!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Brian and your whole crew :-0
Random Felines
HAPPY Birthday!! Mom says 39 was a good year…. MOL
Layla Morgan Wilde
Random Felines, we agree and thanks!
Alana Grelyak
Happy Birthday, Layla!! I hope you have an amazing one. Turning 39 again is always special! 🙂 – Crepes & Alana.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Alana and Crepes, thanks and 39 purrrrrrs!
Happy Birthday to your lovely, wonderful Mommy!…Happy week ahead, sweet friends…xoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat
Layla Morgan Wilde
Jacqueline, thanks and purrs to you and the rest of the gang!
Happy birthday to mom Layla!! Yes, I think she is growing some whiskers on her face. LOL! You fur babies are the best presents for her. I hope she has wonderful birthday!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Tamago, thanks and purrs to the boys!
da tabbies oh trout towne
a veree happee earl lee 39th date oh birth two ewe mom oh de boyz; N heerez ta 39 bazillion mor…dont forget ta eat plentee oh cake N mice creem N we hope mizztur mom oh de boyz getz ewe a 2014 CATillax car…in red !!
enjoy yur day N haz FUN !!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Tabbies, oh I’ve never had mice cream and a red Catillax sounds purrfect!
Happy Birthday to your Mum!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Chey and the rest of your family :-0
Adorable pic of you as a kitty. I love it!! Happy birthday, Layla!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Cindy, thanks and glad you like me as a kitty :-0
Happy Birthday to your mom! I am still voting for you of course.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Flynn and mom, thanks kindly and purrs for voting daily!
Sue Brandes
Happy Birthday from our house to yours. May you have a pawsome day! I vote daily for you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sue, thanks and purrs to you and for voting daily!
Happy Birthday from all of us-we hope you have an incredible day!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Raine, thanks so much!
The Island Cats
Happy Birthday to your mom! What great gifts you all gave her!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Island Cats. They know what I love, well maybe not the mousies!
The Paw Relations
Happy Birthday to your mom x
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much!
Laila and Minchie
Happy Birthday Layla from another Laila!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Laila and Minchie!
easy rider
Happy Birthday – to turn 39 (again) screams for a great Party! Oh I just noticed that your mom has the same age like my mom – she always turns 39 too :o) Have a great day!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Easy, thanks my dear doggy friend. Happy to hear I’m the same age as your mom!
Hannah and Lucy
Happy Birthday to your Mom and hope she has a great day with lots of kitty kisses.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hannah and Lucy, thanks and for the kitty kisses!
Fuzzy Tales
Happy almost birthday to Layla! We hope she has a marvellous celebration tomorrow…all week!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, Fuzzy Tales we plan to celebrate all week :-0
Caren Gittleman
Happy Happy Birthday!! (A day early)…..Hope you have a pawsome day! About the “Tiger fusion”….the jury is out on that one…..it’s a little creepy! 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caren, thanks. You really think Tiger fusion is creepy?
Hazel Marie
I can’t seem to spell my name right!!
Hazrl Marie
Happy Birthday Layla, you look great in gold and stripes! How are you going to type or work without thumbs? Well your boys do things well. Pretty card and great phone cover. Odin can teach you to mouse now! What fun that will be! You can cuddle with Merlin so he can feel your whiskers! You’ll be able to taste test the treats as well. What fun 39 will be for you!!
Your simply amazing, you can even put your make up on good with those big paws!! Have a Very Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde
LOL Hazel Marie and thanks. Hmmm, I forgot about those thumbs… 😉
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Happy birthday to your mom! We know you’ll help her celebrate in style.
Layla Morgan Wilde
We’ll do our best in kitty style 🙂
Sam and Pam
Happy birthday tomorrow from me and my Mom Miss Layla…..we love you and speaking on behalf of all kitties everywhere (including your boys) wel totally welcome you to the feline side of things with open paws – you do make a boootiful tiger kitty!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Human Hugs, Pam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Sammy and Pam for your your good wishes and compliments about our feline “look”.
Tillie and Georgia
Happy Birthday to your mom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We know she will have a super day with all you kitties!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Tillie and Georgia. Kitties make all the difference.
Happy birthday to your human! I hope she has a lovely day!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sparkle, that’s so, dare I say sweet of you :-0
You don’t look a day over 38! Happy Birthday.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Andrea, we’ll take 38 any day, thanks :-0