
Top 10 U.S. Cities For Cats

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)


top 10 cities for cats

The top 10 ideal cities for cats based on a survey of shelters, pet supply stores, vets, cat events per capita plus the frequency of sunny days and other criteria may surprise you. Is your city on the list? Sunny weather might nice but I’ll take a cold, rainy day with a cat on a warm lap any day. I don’t know about you but our neck of the woods is pretty darn purrfect. What makes your city or town ideal for cats?

The 10 Best Cities For Cats


  • Bev Green

    Very interesting indeed..our town is so far (three years here now) pretty good..we have NEVER seen a stray cat,or any hit by cars .as opposed to the horrid town we lived in before when all i did was pick up stray cats and dogs roaming the streets…of course we don’t make the list because we live in Australia đŸ™‚ hugs Fozziemum

  • Nerissa's Life

    Hmmm…. Not seein’ Meadowvale on the list. Of course, Meadowvale is in Canada and not the US. Also, it’s not a city. Not even close. Not a town or a village, either. Don’t know what it is. Just a dot on the map, I suppose. A very, very small dot. Meadowvale is so small… it doesn’t even have its own postal code!

    MO– — — USES!


  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Love the graphic. The information is interesting but we all have to work even harder to make OUR town,city,burg,state a BEST PLACE FOR CATS!!!! We can change the world one cat at a time!!!

    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<

  • Connie Marie

    Loved the article!! Maybe because my favorite spots were at the top! They’re all attached, with where I used to live, Apache Jct., being on the very eastern edge.

  • Deztinee High

    Gweat posty. Of couwse wees didn’t make da list and nevew fawt wees wulda. MOL Wees wuld luv tu liv sumwhewe wiff all da cat furiendly stowes and vets, but mommy sez movin’ purrawly ain’t gunna hapun. MOL

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty kisses ♥♥♥


  • Playful Kitty

    Very interesting to know! No cities in Michigan (where I’m from) made the list, but I’m really not surprised. Places with better weather tend to rank better on a lot of things.

  • Angel AbbyGrace

    Our city made #9 … I do know that First Coast No More Homeless Pets has made Jacksonville a NO KILL city. A misnomer considering that means more than 90% of cats/dogs find homes. Meaning 10% don’t. Jacksonville is actually at 93% of success rates and it truly is because of the work done by FCNMHP who control the feral populations by doing no cost & low cost spay/neuter. NO cost for ferals that are trapped by individuals and transported to First Coast. Mom and Dad work with First Coast as volunteers.

  • maggie

    Interesting. The only place with a hard winter in the top 10 was Saint Louis…
    I’m surprised the East Coast wasn’t represented.
    Thanks for sharing an interesting article.

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    doodz…..ther iz a bunch oh hot weathers citeez on de list for sure; we gotta say even tho we makes ten kindz oh fuss bout winter…at leest de jack azz burds fly sum place N we dont hafta see em for a few !! đŸ™‚

    heerz two a flounder fries & fun week oh end !!

  • easy rider

    I thought it’s Ny, but I was wrong (like always). That was interesting, bet a lot of people were surprised as they saw the results. Have a great friday and a fabulous weekend

  • Fur Everywhere

    I’m a little surprised Denver didn’t make the list. We get 300 days of sunshine a year, and I believe the sun is just as good for kitties as it is for people đŸ™‚ I will admit, though, Denver does seem to cater to dogs more. I hope they become more cat friendly as time goes on.

  • Kathryn

    fascinating. the weather makes a big difference I wonder if Boston could even get on the top 100. Saw that ATL is 21

  • Sparkle

    Well, I am kind of bummed that Los Angeles is not on the list, but for some reason my human does not want to move to Riverside! She says it is not as good for humans as it is for kitties.

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