Cats,  Man Cat Mondays,  Mondays With Merlin

The Dirt on Gardening Kitty Style

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

zen-cat-garden-cat wisdom-monday with merlin

If it’s Monday, you know it’s Mondays With Merlin. This is your host Merlin and I have a beef. It’s my 17th spring and I think I’m entitled to walk in the garden every day. The humans indulge me most days, but just because I don’t see well, they try to block the entrance to the porch so I can’t wander. It’s for my safety they say. Last year they had the nerve to put up a baby gate. Ha, I showed them and slipped through a narrow crack. This year they got real creative and put up a canvas screen that slides open.


Damn it, it works. Just as well, Layla is up to her elbows in dirt, gardening. spring-quote-cat-gardening-cat wisdom 101Odin is her gardening assistant but it looks way too hard work for me. I’d rather watch. Do you garden? Do you like the smell of dirt?

quote-smell-cat-garden-dirt-spring-cat wisdom 101-
I love dirt!



  • Kathy Thompson

    Dirt is the bestest thing ever!!!!!Its good for rolling and digging and pooing and playing! The smell of dirt and fresh mown grass and spring rain and sunshine ………..ahhhhhhhhhhh the pure joy!!!!Luvs Skeeter and Izzy >^,,^< ~~~~~ our little dirt cloud!

  • Cheysuli

    Dirt is really good. Humans should eat more of it because that’s where good bacteria come from. OR maybe they should just roll around in it and bathe themselves like a cat. Man… now even I want to go out. I wish it would get nice outside so I can wander around the backyard!

    • boomermuse

      Chey,it’s still cold there? It won’t be long now.
      @Katnip Lounge, we roll until we change color and then roll in the grass and lick and polish. Layla threaten to bathe us and then like magic we’re clean. None of us have ever had a bath.
      @Brian,it’s messy but good. Maybe a pot of alfalfa grass for you?
      @Marilia, excellent!

  • Pam Kimmell

    Ohhhh! Merlin, I love dirt and dirt loves me. Unfortunately we have RED dirt here in Virginia with all that clay stuff and my paws get red (which Mom doesn’t like much on our light carpeting) so I have to endure a paw-wash when I come in from outside. I help Mom in the garden a little bit when she lets me!


  • Kathryn

    Yes, we all love gardening here. Only one of us actually gardens. And that is moi. The two boys I don’t even let try. But I know they love it.

    Gorgeous photos. The smell of dirt is awesome.

    • boomermuse

      Isn’t it just awesome at this time of the year?
      @Pam, red dirt and Sammy kind of match,LOL about I love dirt and dirt loves me!
      @Bernadette, I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding a gardening assistant.

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