Cat Shelter Notes & Meet the Popcorn Brothers
This little gray boy is my muse and assistant at the New Rochelle Humane Society. I’ve blogged about him a few times since he was rescued over a month ago from hoarder hell. No name seems to stick. First called Gary then he and his cage mate became Joe and Frank (The Hardy Boys). I just call him Sweetie and he’s the reason I began to volunteer there. When a local news station aired the unbelievably horrific story, he calmly posed for the cameras oblivious his neck and back were raw and bleeding.
I met him the following week and many of his wounds had healed. He was the first of the hoarder cats to dart out the crate for a taste of freedom. For an older cat of about seven his spirit is kittenish. The shelter was full with the intake of 62 cats and he was housed in a meeting room. His green eyes glittered with hope and uncontained joy except when he yowled in pain from scratching a healing wound. Tightly coiled with an intelligent otherworldly energy, he stuck out in this motley crew of survivors. Too wired to sit still, he accepted petting right away and accepted his lot in life had vastly improved. If you’re ever feeling sorry for yourself, go volunteer in a shelter, you’ll instantly feel better.
Every time I visit he gets preferential treatment. Always a play and exercise session out of the cage and lots of petting. He’s a killer hunter of Neko Flies but loves to kiss and headbutt. On Friday, I pulled a cushion onto the floor and wrote notes in my shelter notebook. His fellow Hardy Boy, a less adventurous ginger guy peeked out the open cage but would not join us. Gray Boy had had dental work the day before but was perky as ever. His distended abdomen concerned me if not him. Nothing gets him down. I guess when you’ve seen hell, anything else is a picnic.
Fascinated by my notebook he plopped himself on top of it and scent marked it with his claws and of course played with my pen. I patted the pillow and invited him to sit beside me. He’s not quite lap ready and figured the cushion is next best thing to real furniture like a sofa or bed. He was in a cage so long who knows when or if he’s ever seen a sofa. He curled up beside me and begun his rumble purr. It was the first time he settled down from his manic energy and just hung out. Now if only we could get his pal to join us.
My fellow shelter volunteer and Reiki cohort Leslie often show up at the same time but we didn’t plan this crazy cat lady moment. It was hot last Friday and I had nothing to wear. I’m a catvocate for World’s Best Cat Litter and they sent me this t-shirt awhile back. I never felt right about wearing it until last week. Great minds think alike. It’s not about being labelled a crazy cat lady but simply being crazy about cats. And anyway the cats don’t care what we wear as long as we’re helping.
This was taken in a small cage-free transition room with about six cats called the Sunshine Room. It’s bright but there’s no window to the outside. My dream is to get everyone out of their cage, into more foster homes and of course forever homes. Leslie has taken a ginger female named Gabby home to foster while I remain undecided. I’m leaning towards a pair but which one?
Meet the Popcorn Brothers, Cheddar and Butter. This week’s #AdorableAdoptables. Can you believe this gorgeous duo was rescued from a hoarder? At first glance, the brothers look alike but they’re very different. Cheddar is more orange, has large blue eyes and if more outgoing. Butter is more buttery in color, is slightly cross-eyes and extremely fearful, often hiding behind his brother. Their fur is thick, soft and luxurious. Both have distinctive beauty spots on their nose leather.
There are two other similar looking pairs of Flame Point Siamese. One pair is at a foster home and Lucinda and Aragorn are the other pair available for adoption. Remember them from the “name this cat” post? I’d really like to see both remaining pairs in foster homes soon. They will require time to warm up to humans but I believe their naturally sweet personalities will blossom quickly in the right home.
Earlier last week, I spent about an hour with Cheddar and Butter. They’re in a double bottom cage. What you see image at the top of the page is all they have. What you don’t see is the litter box which removed so I could lean inside and do the Reiki. I opened the doors and Butter hid behind his brother. They didn’t want to be touched but they needed to be on their own terms.
I got as comfortable as I could on the floor and put out my hands in a Reiki position near them and mentally communicated what I as doing (sending calming healing energy, and telling them they are safe and loved). Shockingly quickly, Cheddar moved away from his brother and closer to me. I’ll have some more of that please. He let me touch him and I continued the Reiki. Within a few minutes he showed his belly, purred up a storm and wanted scritches as the love-starved boy that he is and the cuddle bunny that he could be. Meanwhile, Butter soaked up the vibe and his fear melted like butter. He wasn’t as trusting but he let me pet him and things can only get better.
Deep down, every cat no matter how abused, standoffish or fearful wants love.
My dream is to get as many of these hoarding survivors into real homes soon where they can see the sky. Please help by sharing and cross-posting this post or the images. If you any questions email me [email protected], call the shelter at (914) 632-2925 or visit their website New Rochelle Humane Society
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Sue Brandes
What a beautiful post. I hope the kitties can get foster homes and then forever homes. Beautiful kitties.
That Sweetie Muse sure is wonderful. Cats are amazing, and his seize life attitude is such a terrific lesson for all of us. We are purring and praying for him, Cheddar and Butter and all the other kitties still there at the shelter.
Herman TattleCat
I shared about the Popcorn Brothers. I look forward to hearing how they got their Forever Homes!
Nerissa's Life
I’ve shared and am purrin’ these boys get their forever families (or family) really soon.
Angel AbbyGrace
We are sharing this post on Twitter where for us it will have the most exposure. We sure do hope that every one of these babies find a home of their very own.
Skeeter and Izzy
It is so heartbreaking to know the misery and tourture that some tiny souls are forced to endure. We keep praying and purring as hard as we can for all those that cannot defend themselves. There are so many everywhere. We hope all of the kids find their furever homes fast. Thank you Layla for what you do.
Luvs ,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Can you please let me know when Skeeter returns? Can you send a pic?
da tabbies o trout towne
best best fishes everee one in findin yur for evers home; butter N cheddar. we hope yur in yur for everz home smellin reel popcorn a poppin by next week
& Sir G….tell layla ta look at that name back werds ….knead we say mor
The Swiss Cats
We hope all these kitties will find a forever home very soon: You give them the best, and they know it ! Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Ha! My hubby is Joe so that name won’t do. There are medical issues to resolve.
So hope all those adorable kitties get a forever home soon!
Oh your experience with Popcorn brothers is wonderful! They must have felt lot of healing and loving energy from you. Gray boy sounds so sweet and how wonderful he is enjoying his new life. I hope they all find forever homes of their own xoxo
the PDX pride
Bless you for sending them Reiki! They know how much you are helping them, and crave it. Thank you for all you do! Praying that they all get forever homes soon.
Brian Frum
We hope the forever homes are lining up soon!
Connie Marie
You 2 look really happy in those pictures, so does your muse with the big green eyes. The popcorn brothers are adorable.
I’ve shared this also.
Bev Green
I know only too well what this is like..i have still got the stench of hoarding and the horror of it tattooed in my memory…so true they are all just wanting like every species to be loved and safe fed and comfy..it’s not too much to ask…little Sweetie is adorable those eyes so full still of fear..breaks my heart..and what always gets me is they have to be a number..and you just hope ‘their’ name will come to you ..perhaps his joy with the note pad and pen would lend his name to an author..i hope they all can see the sunshine…i remember Pickles when i pulled her from the hoarder from hell..she was blinded by the sun…in the car closing her tiny eyes against something so foreign…bless them all and i hope they find their rightful place of love. Fozziemum xx
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Bev, thanks so much for commenting. “Blinded by the sun” is heartbreaking.
Ellen Pilch
I think the perfect name for him would be “yours”
What a great post Layla…………..we “shared” on Facebook – the more the merrier. Love the Popcorn Brothers….they are gorgeous and the little gray baby is sweet – what beautiful green eyes.
Hugs, Pam
I want to know when Joe is coming home with you. 😉