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Odin Turns Two! Cat Party & Giveaway

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)
cat's house is his castle-odin-quote-art-cat wisdom 101
There's no place like home

You are invited to enter Odin’s 2nd birthday party going on all weekend! Step through those doors where our home is yours but first, Domino our gatekeeper will ask for a password. We’ll give you a hint. It’s begins with “C” and ends in “P” and whatever you do, don’t smoke it.


There’s a long private driveway past the gates and Merlin suggests you pick up a birthday hat or make a pit stop if nature calls. We like things wild here.


Watch out for our welcoming committee. This is a magical place where anything is possible. There are no rules except one: Have fun!


There’s lots of toys and places to hang out. Odin won’t share his new SkratchKabin valued at $100.00 but you can win one by leaving a comment at our post yesterday. Don’t tell anyone but if you already entered you can enter again because you’re at a special guest at our party.


The winner of last week’s photo caption contest is Leslie Stockdale. Congrats! Look for an email from Layla to receive your choice of cat books.


Friends from all over the world sent purrsonalized birthday greetings like

Ann from

Cat-odin- birthday-balloon-zoolatry

and Pam and Sam from One Spoiled Cat


What’s a party without refreshments and games?


Guess who indulged in too much catnip cake? We’re not in Kansas anymore.sleeping-cat-porch-art-gris grissleeping-cats-doubledecker-cute-catnipSleeping-cat-funny-domino

The birthday boy had way too much fun! We think it’s official: Odin Wilde has entered the terrible ‘2s’. Brace yourself for the next year at Cat Wisdom 101. We have a feeling it’s going to be wild ride. We hope you join us.



  • Abby

    Happy Happy birthday Odin.
    What a magical place this is.
    We are all really enjoying every inch.

    Now time for some of that special magic that starts with C and ending in P!


  • Laura & Taffy


    Happy Birthday Odin! What a fantastic party. We’ve been having a lot of fun.

    Guess we can’t enter for the SkratchKabin, ’cause we only have dial-up and can’t do the things you require.

  • Laura & Taffy


    Happy Birthday Odin! What a fantastic party. We’ve been having a lot of fun.

    Guess we can’t enter for the SkratchKabin, ‘caue we only have dial-up and can’t do the things you require.

  • Oui Oui

    Happy Birthday Odin! What a magical party! Thanks for the great time. Many happy returns! We are going to hop to yesterday’s post. We had fierce storms that knocked out our power for hours yesterday, so didn’t get to visit.

  • Karen Jo

    Happy Birthday, Odin! Spyro and I are really excited to get to play outdoors. We never get to go out at home. You really know how to throw a party. This is great!

  • prancer pie

    We saw this over at Zoolatry and just had to stop by. Happy Birthday Odin! What a lovely place fur a pawty. Thank you so much fur having us. xoxo – from all of us kittehz at Prancer Pie.

  • Kathy Thompson

    CATNIP CATNIP CATNIP!!! (its magic!)
    Happy Birthday Odin!!! Thank you for inviting us to the pawty today! We hope all of you have the mostest greatest fantabulous day ever!!! We hope we win a KatKabin like yours too. We enjoy every minute that we get to share with you all and look foward to many more fun days, birthdays and adventures ahead!! We wuvs you wif all our hart…Skeeter and Izzy >^OO^^**^<

  • Katnip Lounge


    Happy Birthday Odin!!! Two is a great age…go for all the gusto life provides. Full speed ahead! We are especially looking forward to peeing outside, you sure know how to throw a pawty, MOL!

  • Marg

    Happy Birthday Odin. We can’t believe that you are two already. Now it is time for you to calm down just a little bit. But I guess that wouldn’t be any fun.
    We sure would like to be put down for that drawing for the SkratchKabin. We could use one of those for all of our outside kitties. Happy Happy Birthday Odin. Hope you have a blast at this great party.

  • Shelly H.

    Happy Birthday, sweet Odin! We appreciate the invitation to such an epic celebration. My guys had no trouble guessing the password and, unfortunately, have already overindulged on it and are passed out but they’ll be back into party mode again shortly! We just love weekend-long parties <3.

  • Sue Brandes

    My cats heard catnip cake and were all perked up!! Happy Birthday dear Odin. Meowww Purrrrr. Lovin your SkratchKabin.

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    Happy Birthday Odin!! You have entertained us with your antics all year long and we love your wild side!!! Enjoy your special weekend – you deserve to be celebrated and we love your birthday castle!!!

    Meows from Deb,Dan, Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Harley, and Jazz

  • Ingrid King

    Happy Birthday, Odin, from Allegra, Ruby and me! What a magical party!

    They say once cats turn two, they become adults and start to mellow out a little. Why do I not see this happening any time soon with Odin? 😉

  • Socks & Scylla


    Thanks for inviting us to your party. We aren’t going to stay long cause we has to help Mommy look for Arty Mouse. We hopes you have a wonderful day. Happiest of Birthdays Odin.

  • nadbugs

    Help! We’re at the gates and can’t get in! The password is CREEP, right? Why would you ever want to smoke that? We canNOT get security to cooperate and we want so badly to come to Odin’s celebration. Is the password COOP? Isn’t that good? What lives in coops, after all? FOOD! C’mon. C’mon. We may have to enter under cover of night.

  • CATachresis

    Many happy returns Odin. Thanks for inviting us to your party. Austin has brought you a present, but it got confiscated at customs and now he’s being interrogated by a fit young customs officer!!!!

    He also says he’s never tried to smoke carp in his life!!!!?

    HaPpY bIrThDaY xoxox 🙂

  • Hannah and Lucy

    Thank you for inviting us to your pawty Odin and we hope you have a birthday to remember and enjoy every minute. Enjoy every minute of being two because you’ll never be two again!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  • Ms. Phoebe

    MEWHAHA! I thinks the secret password is my favorite ‘herbal remedy’: CATNIP!! What a magnificent castle mew have Odin and family! Mew Wilde kitties are so lucky to live amongst all these beautiful woods, I am giddy thinking of all the hunting I could do here. *zones out and sniffs in the wonderful outdoors*
    Ohhhh, the snakies that must be a plenty here…I bet a kitty could play ‘snakie toss’ and ‘hide and get snakie’ for hours. Do mew want to play Odin? Gris Gris? Domino? Merlin? *Wilde kitties and Pheebs engage in a rowdy game of snakie toss between breaks of shots of Nip Whisky from Merlin’s flask*
    What’s that I hear?! *all ears perk up* It’s mewz Mommy calling us in for mewz Catnip Birthday cake Odin! We’d better hurry! *Merlin quickly hides flask in his mancatpak, snakie left in the dirt, all kitties take off running to Wilde Castle, tummies growling for cake. As they turn the corner, snakie stops playing dead and slithers off to home, swearing at cats under his breath*
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ODIN! Thank mew for inviting me, mew Wilde kitties are such gracious hosts, I hope mew will keep in touch. <3<3<3 PURRRRRRRRRRR!!

  • Zoolatry

    Odin ~ you know how to pawty! Happy No. 2 … and we’re glad Caren & Cody gave us the pawsword cause all we could think of was fishy carp (with carp spelled differently) … sigh. Brainless hu-mom. Now excuse us while we go get a pawty hat and then spend a moment in the pawder room to refresh our make-up …

  • Caren Gittleman

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birrrrthday deeeear Odin, happy birthday to youuuuuuuu!!!

    What a magical and special, enchanted party!!!! This is fabulous! We know the magic word too….CATNIP!!!!!

    We wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS ODIN!!!
    We are sending you purrs and kisses through the net!
    Much love from Caren and Cody
    We would love to be entered again in the contest too!!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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