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Cat Wisdom101 Celebrates 1st Anniversary & KatKabin Giveaway

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

We did it! It’s our 1st anniversary at Cat Wisdom 101 and we couldn’t have made it without you! It’s been an incredible year of cats 24/7. Writing about cats, healing cats, consulting with cats and their guardians, photographing cats and connecting with cat lovers all over the world like you! We feel very blessed and grateful. Odin has this to say…


Odin also would like to invite you to his 2nd birthday party tomorrow. Stop by anytime tomorrow. There will be catnip cake, prizes and surprises! Oh, and we have a giveaway!

Odin got an early birthday gift. We’re so used to cat-related packages arriving, Odin gets excited by the sight of cardboard. A large box arrived by UPS while Odin, our official product tester was um, sleeping on the job napping. We were thrilled to unpack a SkratchKabinâ„¢ combo bed with scratching area sent by the nice folks from Brinsea Products, makers of KatKabin TheSkratchKabinâ„¢ won the 2011 Editors’ Choice Award by Pet Product News International magazine, awarded annually to new products featuring excellence in function and design.

Gris Gris was intrigued by the sisal mouse hanging from the entrance…


and even fussy Merlin deemed the cozy interior comfy with it’s reversible cushion. We like that the cover can be removed and washed. The SkratchKabinâ„¢ is ideal for porches year round and fits any decor indoors. We wish we’d had one of these when Domino used to live on the porch in his former feral days. But where was Odin, our official tester ?


Refreshed from his nap, he went straight to work, sniffing out every inch of this new nest inside and out.




Without coaxing, he killed the sisal mouse and made himself right at home.skratch-Kabin-cat-bed-sisal-mouse

Odin is a master hunter outdoors but all cats whether indoor/outdoor or indoor only need to exercise their natural hunting instinct. Cats also love cozy places. where they can nap in privacy. The more the merrier! Our cats like using tree bark and roots as scratching posts so we don’t actually have any man-made scratching posts and wondered if Odin would be interested.


He took to it like a duck to water. Oops, wrong analogy. He’s loves eating duck.


I loved everything about the SkratchKabinâ„¢ The only problem? I don’t think Odin wants to share it. Would you like to win a SkratchKabinâ„¢ for your kitty? You can win one in your choice of colors. See the product choices at KatKabin

To enter the giveaway simply leave a comment at this post any time before 11:59 pm EST June 11. The winner will be announced Wednesday June 12.

When leaving a comment, tell us which color you would prefer. This giveaway is open only for subscribers of Cat Wisdom 101 or friends of Cat Wisdom101 Facebook We’d really like to reach 2000 friends soon!

For extra chances to win if you Facebook “like” this post, Tweet, Pin, Digg, SU, Google+ or Facebook share. Most important: Some people don’t like leaving comments. Please note: You can post any name you like even anonymous but you must leave a valid email which is not visible online. It’s the only way we can contact the winner. If you have a blog or website you may include the URL as long as it’s not spam. Good Luck!



  • Melissa Longshore

    I’m certain my Oscar would LOVE either the oatmeal or the cocoa!! It would give him somewhere to hide besides under my bed. Thanks!! đŸ™‚

  • Gail Ventzke

    Happy Birthday Odin, and Happy Anniversary Wisdom Cat 101. My name is “Corky the Cradle Cat”, in case you have not heard of me, I was born with my hind legs backwards and crisscrossed. I had surgery 8 week ago to correct it, but ran into complications and 3 weeks later had to have my left leg amputated. I now live with 3 other cats and 3 dogs, and I love them dearly, but sure would love a cuddly place to call my own for the times when I just want to sneak off for a nap, your Skratchkabin in Cocoa would be PURRfect for me. Thank you for considering me, and congratulations to whomever the lucky kitty is that you choose to be the recipient of this PAWsome little hideaway.

  • Cathy Keisha

    This looks a bit like a dreaded PTU but I’m game. The green and chocolate would best match our room but I also like the pink that doesn’t match anything! MOL! I think I like you already on FB but will check. I’ll also pin this on Pinterest. Do I win yet? Happy Birthday Odin.

  • Leslie S

    We love the oatmeal indoor KatKabin SkratchKabin! So sorry we couldn’t stop by yesterday for Odin’s 2nd birthday party. We REALLY wanted some of that catnip cake! Not to mention the prizes and surprises! Mama went away for the weekend and left us here without a secretary to get us there for the big celebration… BAD MAMA!!! Oh well, Hope you all had a purrfect celebration… Love & snuzzles, Gretchen & Miranda!

  • Abby

    Here’s our second entry because you were so generous at your pawty.

  • Anna M. Brando

    Happy Birthday, Odin! My little grey and white fur baby (Captain Pookie Grey Pants) would love the grey and black KatKabin! Reminds me of a cruise ship cabin. Lol.Yes. I could def see this cabin being his fave spot.<3

  • Lisa Fleming

    Oh, Odin. You are one blessed boy! I hope your big day was filled with joy!
    All of the kitties at Brigid’s Crossing Cat Rescue Sanctuary, where I volunteer, have asked me to tell you that they would
    really love the Skratchkabin, a lot! You can pick the color for them. Meow…

  • Oui Oui

    Wow! Look at all the comments! We’d like a chance to win a kabin too. A neutral color like oatmeal, possibly cocoa or blueberry! Surprise us. What a nice give away for Odin’s birthday. Thank you, Layla.

  • Nancy

    Happy Birthday, Odin! I’m glad you got such a nice birthday present.

    My kitties would LOVE a blueberry ScratchKabin!

  • Heather Bigler

    Happy birthday Odin! You, and your siblings are very cute. Your new KatKabin is really cool. I know that our fur baby, Whiskers, would love this retreat.

    May your third year be as wonderful as the first two.

    Heather and Whiskers

  • Eve F

    Yay to another entry!! Odin, hope your birthday party is as much fun as it sounds! Have lots of catnip cake and caviar!! Mews from my kitties Sherman and Mystique! đŸ˜€


  • Kathy Thompson

    We get to enter again? wooohooo !!! would love the ScratchKabin in cocoa…. Purrs to all >^xx^< Skeeter and Izzy

  • Jules

    Happy Birthday Odin! Gramps and his new kitten friend (who will be arriving a week from today) would love to tear it up in the Blueberry one, but they aren’t picky đŸ™‚

  • meowmeowmans

    We just came over via your party link, Odin! We’re not sure what it means that we can “enter again,” but we’re leaving this comment just in case. đŸ™‚


    OKay, we’re headed back to your awesome party!!!

  • Oskar

    I would love to win this in Oatmeal for my kitty sisters. I just liked you on FB as Pet Blogs United.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  • Beverly Thie

    Tiger Marie, a beauty in white and orange, would love to have the ScratchKabin in blueberry. She’s likes nothing better than scratching and napping. Happy Birthday to Odin!

  • Lynn Pushman

    Oh my 4 kitties would absolutely love this! They love to snuggle in little hideaways they find! Love, love, love this!

  • Shelly H.

    My goodness, Odin, you’re such a generous host! My three kitties (Zeppy, Echo, and Smidgen) appreciate the extra entry into the SkratchKabin giveaway. They are very excited about the possibility of winning the Oatmeal colored Kabin! We hope your birthday is the best EVER!!

  • Ana Grupke

    Happy Birthday Odin and Happy Anniversary Cat Wisdom! Purrl and Mister Meow saw the KatKabin and they said they MUST have one…or two. Love the scratchy one; Purrl said she can’t wait to dig her paws into it! We went to the KatKabin website and were amazed at all the different selections. If we got one of the heated ones I don’t think I would ever see my cats again. lol Love the chocolate one…but they are all super cute…awww, love the itty ears! <3 Lovely pix of that handsome Odin!

  • hannibal2

    Happy Birthday Odin! Don’t knock your mom and dad out with the terrible two’s. Although Samuel has stopped eating the blue yoga mat, he, and his brother Joel and sister Ziva are tearing up the house, and the paper towels, the bath towels, the couches and chairs looking for stuff to do. They sure would love that KatKabin in Oatmeal to scratch the hell out of and play hide n seek. P.S. Joel thinks double stick tape is his new best toy.

  • Lori Morin

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ODIN!! If you want to share a ScratchKabin with my kitties, they’d be wonderfully happy with any color that you choose for them!!

  • Socks & Scylla

    We likes the blue. This would looks so lovely in our Family Room and we are sure we would use it lots.

    We blogs @ Alasandra, The Cats and A Dog

    Thanks for inviting us to your party.

    • Socks & Scylla

      You know the Blueberry is purrfect for us cause not only do we has blue walls and carpet we has blueberry bushes. MOL

  • Eve F

    Happy Birthday Odin!!!

    This sure is a nice cat bed. My cats would love it and the cocoa color would go great with the furniture.

    Have fun at your party and eat lots of cake!!


  • Ms. Phoebe

    Mewz party is CATerrific! I am still packing a pawsome buzz from mewz nip cake! Odin mew are King of the Day- use mewz power to mewz advantage, mewz humans were meant to serve. Theirs is a working species who thrives on attending to their cats every need/desire/demand. A non-cat servant human is an unhappy human!
    Enjoy mewz special day and I wish mew many more healthy ones to come. <3<3<3

    P.S.– Cocoa is still my first choice. Mewmew!

  • Misses Peach

    Dearest Odin…the cozy cottager’s wish you a most wonderful purrrthday!! How mice of you to give away such a fine little house for a dear kitty…we would love th eoatmeal one if we should be the lucky ones. We have a feral cat family who lives in our yard and they would feel like they were at the kitty cat hilton if they could move into it.
    Much love and lots of catmint to you…
    Miss Hunny Bunny

  • Ms. Phoebe

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEW ODIN! I loves the photos of mew and the ScratchKabin! Mew are a pawsome hunter, I like to hunt micies too, but my favorite are snakies! I would love a ScratchKabin in Cocoa. Have a CATabulous birthday with mewz furiends and family! The party sounds rockin’ and I’ll be there to enjoy the nip cake! *drools hungrily and does a happy dance* <3<3<3

  • Celena U.

    Happy Birthday, Odin! My 2 older kitties are envious of your SkratchKabin and would Looooove to have one of their own in Oatmeal to try out. Hope you have a great Birthday filled with catnip and toys!

  • JUDY

    Happiest 2nd Birthday wishes to Odin! Hope he has a purrfect year. My cats would love to win a Scratch Cabin in Cocoa!

    • AnnaZed

      PS: I am a friend in facebook under my real name: Margot Core, and an email subscriber too.

      Happy Birthday Odin!

      • AnnaZed

        Oh yes and Odin, Leonardo likes the Cocoa Color (it matches the sofa and drapes which he was previously sharpening his claws on).

  • Pancakes Knowles

    My cats would LOVE one of these! Blueberry would be our premium choice, although any color would do. This way they could move out of the boxes and into some sophisticated housing. đŸ™‚

  • Jamie

    Happy 2nd Birthday to Odin! My 2-year-old kitty Honeydew shares his love of mysterious packages. She is born to shop and is the first to inspect every bag we bring home.

    The kabin would get plenty of use between my three cats… if I win I can see myself having to buy 2 more just to keep the peace! đŸ™‚

  • Kathi

    My fosters would certainly love to have the oatmeal Kabin, always nice to have new things to keep them happy while they wait for their furever home.

  • Mil

    Congratulations and thanks for a great year!!
    My cat and I look forward to many, many more.

    Should we be lucky enough, oatmeal, blueberry or cocoa. Any of the prizes are too cool!

  • Nancy N

    This would be absolutely adored by especially my “old lady”. She wishes she were an only child, so this would help her out with her dream.

  • Deb

    The KatKabin is totally cool! We have a rug-covered cat condo on our patio for Dave and Molly but it’s not really made for the outdoors. This one is! Like the chocolate and blueberry colors.

    Happy anniversary to Cat Wisdom 101!

  • Caroline

    Happy Anniversary! I would love for my kitties to win this prize. I know they would make great use of it! Please pick us đŸ™‚

  • Jennifer D

    I’ve learned so much from this website already. I think my two fur babies would love the blueberry color. Such a neat product!

  • Kathy Thompson

    Yowwwwzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssss!! So many things to celebrate! Happy Birthday Odin!! The terrible twos…hehehe.
    Concats to Layla and the “family” on the one year mark and another absolutely fab give away! What cat in their right mind wouldn’t luv to win a KatKabin in Cocoa! Hip Hip Hooray for Cat Wisdom 101! It is really fun to read all the comments too! Purrdles Skeeter and Izzy >^#%^< our heads are spinning from all the excitement!!

  • Sharon Anderson

    OMG … my Prince would love to KILL … I mean … PLAY WITH this mouse. This is just awesome. Love it!

  • meowmeowmans

    Happy blogoversary! Here’s wishing you many, mnay more!

    We’d love to win one of those KatKabins for the cats at PAWS. Cocoa would probably be the best color. đŸ™‚

    Thanks for such a neat contest!

    And of course we wil come back tomorrow for Odin’s birthday celebration! Yay!

  • Abby

    We didn’t think we were going to find an end to the comments.
    We loved this cozy cabin, if we were so lucky to *win* we would love the cocoa. This is really unique.


  • Cindy

    Besides all the ferals I take care of, I have 8 cats living in my studio apt. I have boxes that they live in (at least the two that are over 20) and I would love to provide one of the babies with the oatmeal House! They are the cats Meow!

  • Maria D

    <3 This is just too cute! My kitties would definitely like to get their paws on this. I especially like the blueberry color.

  • amy bealer

    Happy Birthday Odin!!! My cat Jack would LOVE either the blueberry or cocoa….he’s keeping his paws crossed until the giveaway winner is announced…

  • Ferista

    Happy Anniversary… well done! If they win my kits would love the SkratchKabin cat bed/scratcher in Cocoa Bean. Thanks. Odin looks like he’s having a fun time. đŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    My kitties would like the SkratchKabin cat bed cat scratcher in Cocoa Bean. Thanks for this offer and thanks for the very cute photos of Odin.

  • Karen

    I have an outside feral cat I care for that would love a chance to have this wonderful bed…..

    Thank you for the great contest.

  • Terry Kuehner

    Happy Anniversary! This scratcher has everything the boys would like: a toy, a rounded top for scratching and hanging on, & a tunnerl. Nothing is better than a tunnel! Elijah, Maui, Freddie, Artie & Hank would love it..especially if it were the color of oatmeal. đŸ™‚

  • Terry Kuehner

    Congratulations! This scratcher has everything a cat would like! It has a toy, the rounded outside to scratch and hang onto, and a TUNNEL! What could be better than a tunnel? Elijah, Artie, Freddie, Maui & Hank would love it…especially if were the color of oatmeal.

  • Claude West

    Enjoyed your product review/blog and a fantastic use of pictures to amplify the content.

    Are your photo’s allowed for use on Pinterest??

    I will be back, thanks.

  • Caren Gittleman

    HUGE CONCATULATIONS ON YOUR ONE YEAR BLOG-O-VERSARY!!!!!! We love your blog and the knowledge/beauty/depth and love of cats that you share with us every day!

    We would love to be entered in the give-away and Cody said he would be thrilled to win this great cabin in BLUE please!

    Oh…don’t hate us but we are selfish, if we share this…our chances of winning ARE LESS!!!

    Aren’t we just awful!!!!!!!!!!!?????? That is the only reason why we aren’t sharing!!!

  • Vicky DeAngelis

    After AlleyCat eyed Gris Gris & Odin giving their new KatKabinit a 4 paws approval, she has made up her mind that she needs one too! I could really entertian our readers with my antics on and in the KatKabinit, she tells me. She has been meowing up a storm to me to make her point very clear.
    My blog started out about mostly needlepoint, but with her “purr~sonality” the readers really think that it is all about her! The cocoa color one would be a great compliment to that black fur.

  • Kathleen

    All these kitties look like they really enjoy it! I know my Mercy, Mostly and Boobobers would love it also! What a great product for cats! My three would enjoy any color.

  • Erin

    Fiona would love a cocoa colored one. Right now she loves resting inside cardboard boxes that I cut a hole in the side but those get chewed up pretty easily. This looks like a great product.

  • CasEjonz

    Happy 2nd Birthday to Odin. We are always interested in getting our fur kids a new toy! We have a Bombay mix and a Nebelung and I am sure they will love to have fun with a KatKabin. Our furniture is a chocolate color, so one in cocoa would work out nicely. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.

  • Michelle K

    Happy Birthday to Odin! I’m guessing my three furry residents would enjoy the SkratchKabin just as much as Odin appears to. I can picture them hiding inside and peering at the FL lizards as they scurry by. Love the concept and appreciate the giveaway!

  • Debbie

    My cats are currently having a dispute over who gets possession of the new cat tent, so it would be great to have another new place they could hide! I’m thinking oatmeal would be the best color for them.

  • Ryker's Boyz 'n' Allie

    Mowzers, has it been a year already? Odin has become quite the Expert in Testing! Very cool Kat Kabin, we’d love to be included in the running for the giveaway! Tweeted and Facebooked it, too!

  • Michelle

    This is awesome! Being a rescuer, I know our cats and foster kitties would have a blast playing in or just napping in a Cocoa SkratchKabin! Happy anniversary!! đŸ™‚

  • Adrienne

    Happy Anniversary, Cat Wisdom, and happy Birthday, handsome Odin! Thanks for being a great source of kitty-love.

    My boys would go crazy for a SkratchKabin, and they don’t have any color preference đŸ™‚

  • Katie

    My little Siamese, Max would LOVE this in Oatmeal and it would look great in our home! Not sure my Maine Coon would fit in.

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    Layla – I can’t believe a whole year has gone by! I first met you for Odin’s 1st birthday party and it’s been a joy getting to know you and your family through your wonderful blog ever since. Your stories are always so engaging and well written, and your photographs are always so creative and compelling!

    Here’s to another wonderful year! Congratulations on the milestone and please enter us for a chance to win that great Kabin in oatmeal!!

    Xoxo – Deb, Dan, Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Harley, and Jazz

  • Cindy Rein

    I would love to donate this katkabin in any color to my local cat rescue. It is a 90% cage free facility who also helps with low cost medical services for local kitty parents as well as feral cat care. My kitties (all rescue) are super spoiled all ready ♥

  • Janet Valentine

    What a wonderful site! Congratulations on your anniversary, and Happy Birthday, Odin!

    My furry black polydactyl former feral Blackjack Davy LOVES to scratch. He would like the blue Kabin, although we’re not really too fussy and would cheerfully accept whatever was available! As a life-long cat lover and rescuer, I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • Kristen

    This SkratchKabin is AWESOME! My kitty would LOVE one of these! Honestly, I think all of the colors look great, but the Oatmeal is my, errr… the cat’s, favorite đŸ™‚

  • Tinch

    My Jonquil says that his presence inside a blueberry-colored Katkabin would make it even more attractive than it is! “Boo-hiss,” say D-2 and Emily, “our presence would be superior because black is more beautiful!” Happy Anniversary Layla and an early Happy Birthday to Odin.

  • robin

    Happy anniversary!! I just found this site and love it!! My cats would love a ‘cocoa” Skratch Kabin. Best wishes for continued growth and success : )

  • Zoolatry

    Wowie, Zowie … terrific post, cute kitty pics (as always) and wowie, zowie again … what a giveaway! The Zoolatry Girls, Maggy and Zoey say, “that’s the cat’s pajamas” and even though they don’t appear in public in their pajamas, they would certainly do so if lucky enough to win!

    • Pamela Livingston

      Just left a meowvalush comment on the main page…. HaPpY bIRtHdAy Odin!!! My 2 outside ferals (brothers) would love to call one home! Purrrssss…. Tootsie & Junebear wishes Odin a purrrfect day!

  • jean

    Awww these are cute. I took my girl in as a stray kitty. Not sure if she would like this as I dont really have the money to get things like this, but the blue one matches my carpet, so I will say blue. lol…..Good page cat wisdom!!! Just found you. Glad I did.

  • Theresa

    Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary! What a wonderful prize, our kitties would love this in oatmeal! Thanks!

  • Lori Morin

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! My four kitties would love a ScratchKabin in any color, Especially Miss KittyMimi who recently had an “adventure” outside and is now being converted to an inside kitty!

  • Laura C

    Otis and Bella would love to frolic among a SkratchKabin in cocoa.
    Thank you for the chance to win one. Happy Birthday!

  • Jennifer

    I would like to have the blueberry colored one. Happy birthday to Ordin!!! I hope I win this because my baby kitty cats would love to have this.

  • Liz

    My cats would love this. All of our cats are rescues as well as our dachshound. They all get along and have their own sleeping spots. We need something for the 2 with front claws to scratch. No matter what we bring in they wont use it any ideas?

  • Chelsea & Chestercat

    Chestercat was taking a break from napping in the laundry basket and saw me looking at the product page. He purped at the screen and then tried to swat at the mouse on the cocoa one and gave me a dirty look because he couldn’t reach it. Since we rescued him from our local SPCA after he stayed there for 3 years, he seems to miss being able to play with all the wonderful donations they get đŸ˜‰

  • Shannon Zapf

    My cat, Thomas, would love to have this! He likes to snuggle himself into things, and this would be purrfect for him in blue. Thank you for the contest!

  • Carrie R.

    Love this cozy little cat bed! I’d like to win an oatmeal one for my three cat babies. ^_^ Here’s to hoping all those four leaf clovers I picked as a kid are working! >^’O’^< rrrow!

  • Bernadette

    Wow, what a great birthday gift for your blog and for Odin! The new toys look awesome–wonder how many of the Fantastic Four could fit in there at once?

    Congratulations on a year of incredible images and wonderful stories–I’d say in your first year you certainly lived up to the tagline you have in your header!

  • cathi

    My clowder would love the cocoa coloured one! Thanks. And if you want to read my blog about feline behavior, please check it out. I’ve experienced many behavior issues and consulted several experts and use my blog to share what I’ve learned and keep people (fairly) up to date on the adventures of our beloved kitties.

  • Mopurr

    Happy Birthday Odin and congrats on your anniversary, just found your page and how interesting look forward to reading lots more. The scratchin cat cabins are so cute, but I think my favorite is blue.

  • Tessa Brinkman-Gilmartin

    Happy Anniversary!! <3 My Zeus would love one of these Kat Kabins in Oatmeal!! I love that they are roomy and great for my cat to climb on and sleep cozily inside!! liked and shared!!! love your website!!!

  • Sandie Colby

    As a kitty mom to seven, we are always looking for new and interesting ways to keep their interest somewhere other than our furniture! They ggrwould love this! Congrats on the anniversary and good luck!

  • Melanie

    This looks like something my shy fosters would love. They love to scatch and love to cuddle up in forts together when they get nervous. Mercy adores mice with tails so she’d be head over heals for that mouse! My cats would love one too and probably be very jealous to see the fosters get one, we might need 2!

  • Debbie

    Happy Anniversary ♥

    My cats Max and Izzy would love to win this,it would be a purr-fect fit to their home. Cocoa would fit in with the other items they have đŸ™‚

  • Carey G.

    Oh, how cool! Happy birthday, Odin! My kitties, Belina, Bonzai, and Moo would like the blueberry colored bed. They’re picky little divas and I love them!

  • Lynn

    With the 12 cats we have this would come in real handy! Good place for them to hid from our labradore too! Congrats on your anniversary keep up the great work!

  • Vanessa S.

    Congrats & happy anniversary – thanks for all the “wisdom”. What a great present – my kitties would love one in oatmeal.

  • Marti K.

    I know my Phoebe would absolutely LOVE a Blueberry colored KatKabin of her very own! She’s very, very shy and loves to hide inside of small places. And did I mention how much she loves to scratch?

  • Katie Isabella

    Congratulations on your anniversary! PLEASE have many more. We love being here, me and mommy.

    If we were so lucky, we would love the oatmeal color. It goes with me and everything. xoxox

  • Tamago

    Happy anniversary!! And what a great giveaway.
    We’d like to enter and we like oatmeal color. It’s so funny you already killed the mousie đŸ™‚

  • Karen

    Congrats on the 1-year anniversary! I’d love the blueberry colored Scratchkabin for my cat, Kibbers. She likes to hide in things and she also likes to scratch the heck out of my loveseat! :/

  • hannibal2

    My 3 10-month old sibling rescue kitties, Joel, Samuel and Ziva, had been using my rolled up yoga mat for play time hide and seek, but I found tiny pieces of blue rubber all around the house. Samuel, I discovered, was chewing on the mat and spitting up some of the pieces and eating the rest. (He threw up the rest later.) So now I keep the mat in the closet hidden away from the kitties. The kids really miss it. They sure could use a KatKabin in Oatmeal to take its place.

  • Jerri Carol Compton

    Happy Anniversary, Layla! And Happy (early) Birthday, Odin! My four kitties (Annie, Bailey, Georgy and Mikey) would love it if we could win TheSkratchKabin! They, like Odin, always thrill to the arrival of a cardboard box— they know that it’s always for them. I think the Cocoa color is the most attractive of the three choices, but we would be happy with any color. I always look forward to your daily posts. Keep up the good work!

  • Gabrielle

    My little one would go bonkers for one of these in blue. He loves scratchers and would also love a cozy napping spot.

  • Cameron

    Great blog! đŸ™‚ I’m sure at least one of my four kitties would love playing in one of these. I think the oatmeal one would be best đŸ™‚

  • Shelly H.

    Happy Anniversary and thank you for the awesome giveaway! I’m certain my three kitties would love to have one of the ScratchKabins in the oatmeal color. >^.^<

  • sue brandes

    Happy Anniversary! My kitties would love this! If I won I would pick cocoa. Thanks for the cool giveaway.

  • Pam Kimmell

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MISS LAYLA AND BOYS!! That SkratchKabin thing is way way cool and I’d just LOVE to have one myself. I like the cocoa color too although ANY of them would be swell. Mostly I want to say how much me and my Mom love CatWisdom and all of you….much love and many “Sammy Hugs” all around!

    Sammy (and his Mom)

  • Anonymous

    Happy Anniversary! My kitties would love this! If I won I would pick “cocoa. Thank you for the cool giveaway.



  • Ingrid King

    Happy Anniversary from Allegra, Ruby and me!

    And what a fabulous giveaway. The people who designed these KatKabins sure know cats: making the outer surface into a scratcher is brilliant.

  • Carolyn

    The boys would love to win a skratchkabin, they promised they would take turns, nicely…. (who do they think they are kidding?)
    Harry feels that Oatmeal would best suit the decor of “his” living room. Thanks!

  • Fuzzy Tales

    Congrats on your first blogoversary, well done!

    And what a fantastic scratcher! We won’t enter the draw, but will wish the best of luck to those who do.

    We’ll be back for Odin’s birthday!

  • Sparkle

    Catnip cake?! I will SO be there!

    BTW, the birthday of the cat before me was about a day or two after Odin’s – and she too was a master hunter! I wonder what other similarities they have?

  • Alex Lane

    My cat Oliver, a one-eyed neuro-different orange tabby, would looove to lounge in a cocoa colored Scratch cabin if only to get some time away from his pesky sister Penny who requires his (or my) constant attention.

  • Celena U.

    I would love to win a black one of these for my babies. I’m sure they would go bananas for it!!
    Thanks for the chance!

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