Mondays With Merlin: Cats 4 Peace in Paris
Happy Monday and it’s usually happier with me, Merlin to start your week off on the right paw. Some weeks are tougher to rally the troops with good cheer like the past week. What stress and sadness, what with me flirting with the grim reaper, Layla with dental and other issues and then the tragic news in Paris. It’s enough to make an old cat cry but what’s heartwarming is how quickly everyone united in positivity. I’m not crazy about all this social media business but happy when it works like a friend alert on Facebook, letting us know our friends in Paris were safe. Millions of cat lovers joined forces on Instagram sending prayers and good wishes worldwide. We are not alone but connected by an invisible thread and there are way more of us thinking good thoughts than those few misguided souls plotting to kill innocents.
Paris is one of the most beautiful and iconic cities in the world. I’ve never been there but Layla has a few times and loves it. The city of light is dark now and she must shine again. My bro, Domino decided to show his solidarity with this graphic for you to share or you can make your own. Use the hashtag #Cats4Peace and let’s show cats care.
Thanks for your continued love and caring about me. Layla claims I’m the cat who cried wolf. You know the story about raising false alarms. I’m dying. No, I’m not dying. I’m dying. Heavens, I had to tell Layla to stop saying anything publicly. I’ve been close to death a few times but I want to squeeze out every last drop of precious life while I can. And I CAN. I shocked everyone by getting up the stairs by myself and no urine accidents in bed! It would be much more convenient to give me the needle of blue juice than provide 24/7 care and call it compassion, but it’s not what I want and finally Layla gets it. It took a song to convince her.
Every so often she has these dreams with songs and the lyrics contain insights about the future. Last week she woke up (with me in her arms) and a familiar melody from the film Midnight Cowboy. in her head. The film won the Oscar for Best Film in 1969 but Layla had never seen it. Thank Bast for YouTube where she found the film’s theme song “Everyone’s Talkin'”sung by Harry Nilssen and the lyrics made her cry. It’s about life, death and the unrealized dreams of the two characters. Layla thought the dream message was about me or for me. Hmmm, well it is very poignant and I’d say hopeful about my future as a blogger from another time and space. What do you make of it?
P.S. Did you notice my brand new Mondays With Merlin header?Actually it’s my first one and it’s about time. I’ve been dispensing my wit and wisdom for almost five years! How ironic to get something new for someone so old. Excuse me, so ageless.
Have a peaceful, loving kindness kind of week!

We are glad you’re still here, imparting your wisdom with us, dear Merlin. That song really does provide insight about life and all its facets, doesn’t it?
We love Mondays with Merlin, and the header is fab. What a great dream Layla had with a great messae.
Bev Green
Merlin you are truly a magical mancat..and yes peeps are slow to catch on..we are after all not feline! we send purrs your way and also to Layla..human health can take a back seat sometimes when caring for our furriends..much loves Fozziemum xx
Sometimes Cats Herd You
We always look forward to hearing your words of wisdom, Merlin. You’re a tough kitty, and Layla’s amazing ongoing care for you is inspiring.
You are an inspiration to me and my mum Merlin. I nearly died three times in a little over a year. If you can overcome the odds, so can I.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Flynn, you’re a huge inspiration to us!
Deziz World
Weez sendin’ our luv and purrayers to all who need them. Hope yous all have a wunnewful day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Ellen Pilch
Beautiful header , graphic and song. I never thought about the lyrics to that song, but now you have me in tears. You and your Mom are both so wise. XO
Layla Morgan Wilde
I hope the tears were ones of insight too. The lyrics surprised me too.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….even 945 yeerz frum noew ewe will bee age lezz….we loves yur header….veree neet & classee & dig na fied !!!!
& domino….dood…thatz a total lee rockin awesum badge ya made for everee one in
Paris; and France ♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
I like your math Tabbies and thanks.
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Family
Your new blog header is well deserved after five years of sharing your wisdom and outlook on the world dear nephew. I had seen the movie Midnight Cowboy years ago and forgot this was the theme song. Not surprisingly your Layla knowing you so well couldn’t have thought of a more fitting song to capture your essence. It brought tears to my eyes too, for even though I know we all move on to a peaceful, wonderful place it does not take away the fact we will be apart from those we love for a period of time, and however short or long that time is it just doesn’t seem fair it has to be any at all. My love is selfish and wants to be with loved ones always, not just in spirit.
Although that’s not the way it works, it’s okay to wish it could be so isn’t it?
Peace and love to all kitties and their families in Paris and a huge bouquet of love and hugs we send to you and yours sweet soul,
Clove, Kaspars, and Mom
Layla Morgan Wilde
Bouquet of love gratefully accepted. It is a lovely song and purrfect in many ways isn’t it?
Sweet, wise Merlin. Thank you for reminding me that we are all dying, every day, no one knowing when they’ll reach the end of this chapter. It’s important to remember that We chose if we want to sit and dread the end or live and love in the present. You inspire me to embrace the beauty and joy around me. I hope that, when the time comes to move on to the next adventure, I can embrace it with the same calm optimism you show us every Monday.
Layla Morgan Wilde
You know the secret then: embrace the now, it’s ALL an adventure!
Brian Frum
We love your header too O-Wise-One!!!
The Island Cats
Merlin, that’s a really cool header! We’re purring for Paris…and everybuddy affected by the senseless acts of terrorism.
Austin Towers
Your new header is terrific, Merlin! I love that you are in an old fashioned typewriter, which The Staff remembers very well!! Well done on making your views and desires clear to Layla! Humans can be a bit slow! Xxxx
Merlin, I worry about you every day and think about you every day. I love your new header. And I really think you’ll be around for some time yet. I really hope so. So do Ched and Mao, though they’ve never actually met you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Please don’t worry, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to me in my life. Purrs to my buds Cheds and Mao.
Melissa & Mudpie
Merlin, you are truly something special, and I pray that you continue to marvel us for many, many days and weeks ahead.
The Swiss Cats
Your header is great, Merlin, and we love Domino’s graphic for our French furriends. Purrs
easy rider
Merlin that are good news… and I like that you tickle the keys of an old writing machine to share your feline wisdom with me … that has class :o)
I hope all will hear our purrs and barks for peace and the violence and the hate stops…
Skeeter and Izzy
Dear Dear Merlin, we are so happy to hear that you are feeling much better. May the forces around us continue to bless you and all that are in need around the world.
We purr and pray for peace and love and comfort for the world too.
Alas we have lost yet another of our dear sweet babies. Our sweet little cockatiel Joey crossed the bridge suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday. He was with us at least 20 years and we actually think it is more like 22. He was a joy and could always brighten the day. He made us laugh and rejoice in the simple things. We will miss him so very mucn.
Luvs to all,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo and the Angels >^..^> ~>^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh, no about dear Joey and send our deep condolences. Look for an email from us.
Thanks once again, for being here and being so wise, Merlin.
Hannah and Lucy
We love your new blog header Merlin and think it’s very smart.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx