Mondays With Merlin: Wise Old Friends
Happy Monday cat lovers. Every Monday is happy one for this old boy. Imagine, another week of the greatest gift, life with old friends. This old Egyptian cat isn’t a real cat but he’s been guarding the front door for the past thirteen years. He’s not warm and fuzzy but he’s a good listener or at least he doesn’t talk back. My real warm-blooded friends with two legs and four are by my side day and night. So if you’re lamenting getting older but have a good friend or two, count yourself very lucky.
My mom and good friend, Layla has been grappling with taking her own advice. She’s so used to dispensing her wisdom, she forgets she needs to take her own medicine. Ha, I keep trying to tell her but you know how it is. Isn’t it ever so easy to have an opinion, to chime in on the latest celebrity scandal. Is Grumpy Cat really retarded? Why can’t Lyndsey Lohan stay out of rehab? Or closer to home, we know our friend should break up with a deadbeat boyfriend, quit her dead end job and not have anymore Botox. Oh no, we know better. Remedies slip off our tongues with all the answers. How could our friends be so blind to the truth? But it’s easy to be blinded and so, with a glimmer of realization called truth, Layla will be slowing down until the new year. I of course am secretly delighted because it means more snuggle time under the covers. Now if only I could convince her not to take a digital device into bed. Do you have any advice?

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Austin Towers
We are all highly delighted that you are here to continue snuggling with Layla, Merlin! xx
You really are so very wise, Merlin. We’re glad Layla is taking your advice. Enjoy that extra snuggle time, dear friends!
Merlin, you’re very smart. It is so hard to follow good advice sometimes, even if you know better. It sounds like all your mom needs is your cuddles! Maybe you can convince her to get a good old fashioned paperback book and cuddle in bed with you. It involves no work and will also keep your mom engaged so she isn’t thinking about what she *should* be doing. As for those friends that could use a little help, maybe a nice handwritten card reminding them how much they are loved and supported would be appreciated. Maybe arrange for a time to get together, tea, lunch, whatever, to talk about some of the things your mom has on her mind. You make her rest and enjoy all the cuddles that involves!
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz..enjoy yur holly dayz
N ya can take de cover off de toy let N put de dee vize in de tank…ree place de lid N give it a good washin…her won’t miss it fora few N by de time her doez….zzzzzzzzzz…it will be nappin in electric land !!
Connie Marie
You are so wise! Lucky to have your living family as well.
I’ve learned it’s very hard to relax or pet my cat in bed with a ” mobile device”. Humans need to put them DOWN! They are Very Addicting! I’ve learned the hard way.
Sue Brandes
Merlin is so wise. I need lots reminders around my house. I forget things all the time.
Skeeter and Izzy
What wonderful advice Merlin!! Time is most precious and goes by way too fast! We all need to unplug and disengage from the gadget/device world and just be with the living,breathing beings that we so love.
Dorothy wrote such a beautiful comment and it is so very true.
Meowy 8 Days 4 hours and 40 minutes to Catmus!!!!!!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
More snuggle time will be good for both of you. As for the digital device, lay on it. Surely she wouldn’t disturb you.
Cathy Keisha
TW practically takes that damn i-pawd to bed. It hisses me off. I hear you about old friends. TW just had lunch with one. They’ve known each other longer than some 40 year olds have been alive. She even gave me a Christmas present!
I was wondering if maybe your Mom might want to read MY cards or do a psychic reading and we can blog about it. I trust her more than that one who keeps pestering me. Not till next year though.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Email Layla and thanks for your faith.
Angel Abby
Merlin you are a very wise sage, and we hope Layla listens to you. But perhaps in this age of connectedness you might forgive Layla her occasional device. It is always easier to give advise than to take it. We got a lovely surprise today. We will have photos up this week! Thank you!
I’m not picky so long as there’s a lap to be sat upon…
Oh, can’t help it on the device on this end. I read constantly in bed! I always have, but now I’ve switched to digital, although it’s the same idea. We love your quote about old friends. It’s so very true. Thank you for the idea to ponder. – Crepes and Alana.
Penelope at the Cat From Hell
Merlin, me agrees wholeheartedly!!! No electronics in Bed!!!! And Mommys hardly ever listens to advice.
Nellie another old cat
Advice: Use the electronic device to enjoy Brene Brown on empathy. She advises: NO ADVICE!!! http://brenebrown.com/2013/12/10/rsabear/
Layla Morgan Wilde
I just read her latest book! Did you see her featured with Oprah in O magazine?
The Island Cats
We hope Miss Layla takes some of your advice, Merlin. You are very wise.
Hi wise Merlin my friend……I have no advice for you – I look to YOU for advice usually! But I do think having Miss Layla spend more time with you by keeping her OFF the computer is a grand idea. Every minute and every hour is a gift. I hope all of you have a really magical, peaceful, happy holiday……and here’s to MANY more my old friend……
Holiday Hugs, Sammy
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank-you Sammy for your good wishes and purrs back my friend.
Sorry, Merlin, I have no advice to give you because my human does not know the meaning of relax. Even worse, she LOVES Botox!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Say it ain’t so Miss Sparkle!
Sometimes we have to walk a path that forces us to be alone. If I was to give any advice it would be this. Listen to that voice inside and follow your path no matter what those around you say. Those who truly love you will be there whether or not you take their advice and those who walk away were always temporary comrades. Remember, the hardest voice to hear is sometimes that inner voice. It can get lost in the volume of life…..and sometimes we drown it by seeking out external noise. It can be hard but sometimes we must find the quite to discover which way we need to go. Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Your wise words are much appreciated.
Katnip Lounge
Unless the device is an ereader (which means snuggles), BANISH it!