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Mondays With Merlin, Lady Cats and a Winner

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

There still some lead in this old pencil. It’s me, Merlin and there’s nothing like good news to begin the week. As you know, I’m older than dirt but when a fellow meezer invited me to her birthday party, how could I refuse? Nellie posted this memento and dare I say, she knows how to make an old cat feel young again. Thank-you for the ahem, teepee time.

Meezer cartoon siamese

Merlin cat -quote old age

There is a young lady cat in residence named Nou Nou who isn’t the least bit interested in me. But she is interested in breakfast in bed with me. Okay she loves to steal my breakfast. Sharing is caring and all that. Anyway, why would she care about an old geezer meezer when she when she is smitten with Odin?

ats-quote -sharing is caringSilly thing is so smitten she doesn’t mind when he plays power games or leaving his manly scent all over her favorite Bergan Turbo toy preventing her from using it. It’s a territorial thing and she waits until he gets up. What she does mind is the freedom he enjoys by going outdoors.

Cats turbo scratcher


Nou Nou indoor foster cat

The trouble is Odin goes out to the garden every day while Miss N pines for him by the window or shreds the turbo cardboard into smithereens. There’s no question he’s loving her adoration. At least Nou Nou has the pleasure of super-scented window whiffies. Domino likes Nou Nou too but would rather have a dirt bath than romance.

Odin. domino Cats and wisteria

Everything bloomed and turned jungle verdant in our garden making me one happy camper. Oh the wisteria, azalea, lily of the valley all smell sweet but nothing beats loamy earth and grass under my toes. Don’t tell anyone but there has been more pee in the bed mishaps partly because my cat dad had to attend his son’s graduation from GWU. Layla thankfully stayed home on 24/7 cat care duty BUT I do not, repeat do not like big changes in routine. I’ve heard Layla has plans to travel soon. Grrrr, more about that next Monday.

Before I forget (it happens when you get old!) I’d like to announce the winner of our big GoPro camera and ProPlan giveaway is Ellen Beck. Congratulations! Look for an email from us requesting your shipping address. Have a safe, healthy and week everyone!




  • ellen

    Thaks so much! I am emailing you know wiith a cat on my lap who insists he can type .
    Cats are funny creatures and their romances are deep and mysterious . I cant allow my inside cats out but I do have one who chirrs at his Mom as she walks by the window. His Mom was TNR and Angus was socialized and now inside . They say cats dont recgonoze their Mommas after seperation I tend to disagree… I think Angus chirrs and tells his Mom all is well.

  • Penelope

    Dearest Merlin! Mes so furry happy that yous could come to my birthday pawty and sepnd some time with this old girl cat. Mes looked and looked for a picture of yous and mes sharing some snuggles in the tee pee, but the only shot Kozmo gotted was too blurry! (not that yous and mes would cares, yous is blind and mes is half blind).
    Mes loves that Nou Nou is in loves with Odin! Kozmo and Jo Jo is likes that, but Jo Jo is allowed outside. Kozmo keeps watch over her and makes her come in when when he can.
    Loves yous lots Merlin and mes sending yous extra special kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  • maggie

    Congratulations to Ellen and Monday smooches to Merlin. I’m glad NouNou is settling in so happily- except she’s a shut in. I know it’s the more healthy and responsible option, and Mickey Mouser isn’t allowed out either… but oh the good old days when we thought nothing about opening the door and letting cats come garden with us. Tommie and I were so happy.

  • Skeeter And Izzy

    Concats on the graduation! Concats to the winner!
    Huge Concats to you Mister Merlin for stealing Miss Nellie’s heart and dare I say more?
    We are so glad that Nou Nou is liking on our dear Odin, afterall when they gaze at each other face to face they see the whole picture of each other with only one eye.
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • Tamago

    You are such a gentlemancat, Merlin, to let Nou Nou share your breakfast!
    The garden is looking so beautiful. I’m sure she enjoys lovely flower-scented whiffies a lot 🙂
    Happy Monday and have a wonderful new week!

  • Kathryn

    Adorable, all the kitties. Happy to see romance. Love Domino and Merlin always, too and congrats to cat daddy’s son’s graduation!

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    dood….a happee week a head two ewe az well….yur graffix with nellie ROCKS !!! heerz hopin everee one getz in a good roll in sum soil, eatz grate,
    chillaxs in de sun….N haz nip a plentee ♥♥♥

  • Bev Green

    Oh the earth is so wonderful beneath your bare feets 🙂 i miss it is mainly rock..but i sneak down the front to the paddock and sit under the pine trees ..there i find that sings to your soul..makes you fell alive 🙂 such beautiful pictures sweeties enjoy those whiffies ! and a lovely graphic from Nellie 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx

  • Ellen Pilch

    Congrats to the winner- that is an awesome prize! Don’t worry Merlin, pee happens. My 17 yr old Lucy pees on the bed when I don’t give her enough attention and last week she peed on me while I was in bed. That is cute that Nou Nou has a cruch on Odin 🙂

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