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Man Cat Monday:Express Yourself

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

cat-quote-be here now-mondays with merlinIt’s Monday. I’m Merlin and my message is: sing it, mew it loud, meow it proud. Express yourself because if you don’t, who will?

Some of you may begin the week with a to-do list. Nothing wrong with that as long as you keep your priorities straight. At the top of my list is: BE HERE NOW. You can plan all you like but the present moment is a beautiful thing.

Now my brother Odin is having a hard time doing that because he’s competing on Wednesday for Next Top Cat at AmazeCats. Oh groan, we have to vote again. At least it’s only one day. Today our friend Sparkle Cat is competing so please go on and vote for her at AmazeCats How will you express your beautiful self today?

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