Silver Whiskers Program: Free Vet Care For Shelter Cats
If only all cats could be adopted as quickly as last week’s shelter spotlight Smokey. Yup, he got snapped up and whisked to his forever home after a very brief shelter stay.
Sadly, it’s often not the case for many other cats, especially senior cats. One of the reasons is the perceived need for more frequent veterinary care. To encourage the adoption of older cats, The New Rochelle Humane Society is offering the Silver Whiskers Program which includes free veterinary visits for anyone adopting B.W. the elegant Tuxie. Yes, B.W. (for black and white) is still waiting. We featured him in November but there were no takers. He’s been at the shelter far too long but now that free, ongoing medical vet care is in his future, perhaps his luck is changing. He’s a wise and easy-going soul who has a favorite covered bed in the cage-free room. He likes to snooze a lot but is much perkier than in recent months while grieving the death of his owner. He can’t have been easy but he did it. He’s moved on, ready for his happy, final chapter in a loving home.
You can help. Please share this post or his graphic far and wide. Or sponsor his Petfinder Profile.

What a great program. We are sad that B.W. lost his human like that, but purr that he finds a new forever home very soon. We will tweet about him now.
Cathy Keisha
I shared B.W. I feel bad that he lost his owner like that.
Oh, poor little fellow. I can’t imagine losing my home as a senior. May he find someone to love him fast!!! – Crepes.
Kitty Cat Chronicles
What a wonderful program! We will share about B.W. for sure. Hope someone comes for him soon!
Nerissa's Life
This Silver Whiskers program sounds WONDERFUL for BW. I’m purrin’ and purrin’ AND PURRIN’ it gets him the PURRfect forever home, really soon.
Skeeter and Izzy
Oh how we Purr that BW gets his home. We just hope that it isn’t solely because of the free care., that would be sad.
Purrs and prayers for all.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
We hope the next time you post you’ll tell us B.W. has a forever home. We are purring really hard for him.
Caren Gittleman
shared!!! Ooops…it said my comment was too short and to “say something useful” (story of my life lol)….
What a great program and so glad Smokey found a forever home. It sure is hard on senior cats. If we ever adopt again, we will do our best to take in a senior cat. Hope all is well and sorry for our long absences!
That is a great program the shelter is offering B.W.
I hope he finds forever home very soon!
Sue Brandes
Shared. I hope he gets a forever home real soon.
Happy for Smokey and hoping for B.W. – how sad to have to start over at his age. Free vet care is a BIG PLUS!
Hugs, Sammy
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…we bee sendin de best oh fishes yur way, whitefish, that ya findz yur for evers & yur in it by St Patrick’s day ♣♣♣♣♣
Melissa & Truffles
What a sweetheart. I hope someone snaps B.W. up fast. Sharing!
And I love the idea of a Silver Whiskers Program.
easy rider
yay for Smokey! that’s just great! and I will share this post and I hope so much Barney Wondercat will find a home as fast as Smokey :o)
I hope someone reaches out and adopts B.W.!