Layla Morgan Wilde:Hudson Valley Hero Of The Month
Layla Morgan Wilde: Hudson Valley Hero Of The Month
It’s a thrill to announce the “Hudson Valley Hero of the Month” for my work as a cat rescue and adoption advocate by the The Hudson Valley Magazine, a print and digital magazine published in Westchester County, NY. It’s always an honor to be acknowledged for good deeds, but I’m uncomfortable going public with much of my work with cats. So much so, I received the honor a month for the month of July and have not shared it until now. Part of it was waiting for a fact checking error to be corrected but mostly I’ve been too busy getting our book ready while coordinating cat rescues, consulting for cat rescue nonprofits, fielding endless questions lately on Instagram DM and taking care of my own cats.
It’s been a real wake-up call to balance my private and public life. I’m by nature, a nurturing mother hen, a straight talking empath who can smell BS a continent away. I hate hype and the relentless social media sell, sell, sell. I’d rather call myself an anti-hero.
I wish I could be more organized and plan Facebook live or Instagram events and promote the hell out of myself like many of the animal advocates we know. It takes so much energy to push and promote, push and promote when I’d rather just help cats, quietly. BUT, the only rationale for promoting is: if I do more promoting, I can help more cats so…
BOOK NEWS. Now with my book launch looming, I’m dreading doing the marketing and necessary self-promotion. Yes, I’ve dragged my heels until the last possible minute but interviews have started, pitches are going out, a gazillion details and a merry-go-round of emails and phone calls fill my days. And my other book designer is tweaking the cover as we speak. All I can say for sure is we ballooned from 120 pages to 196 amazing pages and from 70 cats to 107.
It’s not enough in our noisy digital landscape to be heard or noticed. I can’t just shout, “Hey lovely cat lovers, buy my book!” Once might work if you’re a Kim Kardashion. When Kim swore off Instagram after being robbed at gunpoint, she had about 50 million followers. She of course had to return to IG and now has a staggering 101 million or Beyonce with her 104 million followers and her exquisitely art directed Instagram feed.
On a more earthly level, the rest have to shout whatever our message is, more than once. If you’ve read this far, you’re my hero. If you’re a blogger, in the media and would like a pre-release PDF of Black Cats Tell All: True Tales and Inspiring Images for a review, media mention or to post an Amazon review on August 9, email [email protected] to be added to our list. And/or buy my book on Aug. 9 and every purchase will improve the lives of black cats.
Thanks in advance,

Cynthia Southern
Congratulations Layla. I can’t wait to read Black Cats Tell All.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hopefully, you won’t need to wait much longer 🙂
Congratulations, Layla! That’s fantastic. I’ll be emailing you for the PDF.
Chris & Alice
Congratulations on this award! So happy to hear you received this well deserved recognition for all you do. You make a difference & we appreciate you so much.
Pawsome, what an honor! Great article, hopefully raises awareness for details, black cats, and, well, advocacy for ALL cats. Hope it helps sell lots of books, too!
Congratulations! We need a million more just like you. I have three black kittens. Two are three-month siblings from the same litter and the other is a five-month old niece of theirs. I have plenty of outdoor space, so I will be keeping them all and having them spayed and neutered. All eleven of my cats were feral when they adopted me.
Thank-you for all that you are doing and inspiring others of us.
Congratulations, Layla! Thi is wonderful and so well deserved!
Concats on this wonderfurl honor and now peeps might want a blcak kitty! Wouldn’t htat be amazing?!!
We are glad you do things in your quiet way, that is the kind of work that has the most tangible consequences over the long run. Quiet determination and hard work…that is what you are doing, Kudos to YOU!
Ellen Pilch
Congratulations on being recognized for all the good you do. I will definitely be buying more than one copy of the book and I will spread the word about it. XO
Chris Davis
WOW—fabulous and well-deserved!! Congratulations Layla!!
Panky and Troyer
Marv and Barb
Layla dear,
You deserve all the accolades. As a matter of fact, good press like this WILL help with the promotion! After I read you post on Nellie’s Blog, I meditated and pulled a card on you and your newest venture and got the Empress!
In short…she indicates the Universal energy is about to intervene in your life. It may be just enough to give you a glimpse of a miracle or it may be even more. You may or may not know whom or what brings such good fortune but the care and nurturing that will result come as no accident. What appears to be coincidental good luck may actually be the result of a series of good choices you have made. It is your turn to have things work out in your favour, to be blessed and to feel nurtured. Know that you are worthy of receiving this loving embrace.
Love you dear friend
PS, the first thing I got was a Felway diffuser. I am putting it in my bedroom and will make sure this is his sanctuary during the month of visitors. My son’s cat Ninja will be the first visitor and he is exceptionally laid back and loves other cats.
Congratulations on your well-deserved hero recognition, Layla! For all you do, you are definitely a hero in our book.
That’s amazing recognition, Layla! Con-cat-ulations!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks a bunch, you’ve been through this a few times and know the drill but the first time is daunting. It will find its way and it’s evergreen for the years ahead.
Quite an honor! Congrats!!! (I know you will, but) keep doing the good work! ???
Congrats Layla! It is nice seeing your name in print. I know it has to be super tough to promote when it isnt part of you being you. Call on your friends, your followers, when you need help holler, when you can give help, well you already do that.
If you need a nightowll hoot hoot, I will tweet for you!
Sorry not been around much.. a lot has been going on.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, you’ll be hearing some hooting soon! I hope everything is okay xoxo
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Concatulations, Layla! You work so hard, and it’s great you’re being recognized.
Andrea Dorn
Congratulations Layla, and good job getting that book done.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
When it comes to cat advocacy every voice counts and I commend you for all you have done, and will continue to do to help these glorious animals. All the best with your book launch – it’s a great cause and I know it will be a wonderful success and open eyes to many just how special black cats are.
Congratulations! I am so glad you are FINALLY getting the recognition you deserve, for all the work you’ve been doing for 20 years!
Mao, our black and white tux, is now in Atlanta, with daughter. He does have CKD, and does Meow a lot, (His name is Mao) …and he is 15, so we hope he will survive another few years or a couple of years.
Ched, his bro, the cheesey boy, is lonely, but coping.
Keep up the fantabulous work, Layla!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’m so sorry the boys have separated. Is this temporary. I get bits an peaces of recognition and not a big deal. But a squeaky wheel gets more grease. xox
The Island Cats
Congratulations on this great honor! And good luck with the book launch. If we can help in any way, let us know!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, and you’ll be hearing from me real soon 🙂
How awesome that you got Hero coverage in Hudson Valley Magazine! Congratulations! And paws crossed for a wildly successful book launch – I know it will do amazingly.
Congratulations, Layla, for the well deserved recognition.
I’m also glad that the spotlight was on cat rescue – you will inspire readers to get involved!
Cathy Keisha
Concatulations! They picked a true hero.
Eastside Cats
You are impressive, Layla! I look forward to your book, and can only say that you do your own promoting the way YOU want to do it; do not compare yourself to others. What is your goal? At least, that’s how I talk to myself when I’m getting stressed out at my long list of stuff to do. Congrats!
da tabbies o trout towne
this is total lee awesome !! 🙂 VERY happy for you and conga rats as da tabbies say ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥ mega kewl ~~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
The Swiss Cats
Concatulations, Layla ! You deserve to be featured for all you’re doing for kitties ! We’re so happy, and so proud of you ! Purrs
congratulations… it is true… you can change the world … and we all will help you to make it to a better place for animals…
Congratulations, Layla! And may your book sell wildly. 🙂