It’s National Read A Book Day & Cats
Would you rather be reading?
It’s National Read A Book Day but a shocking 23% of Americans read no books last year. Zero. Tim Hargreaves of Eyewashweb.com designed this tongue-in-cheek infographic for Quirkbooks on how to read a book in honor of Read a Book Day.
You don’t have to read an entire book today but the challenge is to begin one and read for at least 20 minutes.
Needless to say, we read a lot of cat books around here but I also read about 100 other books a year. Yeah, I’m passionate about books and I do read fast. No matter how crazy my schedule I always read at bedtime. It’s a great way to decompress from the electronic or digital world to a relaxed pace our brains can handle.
In the morning, it’s a hard copy of the New York Times, during the day it’s content online, but the day doesn’t feel complete without a chapter or ten of a book. A real book I can scribble in the margins, dog-ear and leave my mark on. This does not apply to library or other borrowed books and expensive coffee table books. Some things are sacred!
If you haven’t entered out giveaway for one of the bestselling must read Cat Sense, hurry. Today is the last day. To enter simply leave a comment at the giveaway post
We’ll announce the winner tomorrow AND our new giveaway for a current New York Times bestseller. Hint: it’s by a cat.
Tell us what book are you reading now or have read recently that you loved ( With or without cats).

I can’t imagine a day without reading! It’s my passion and have several books on the go! Like you I read at bedtime. It’s a huge unwinder!!
Melissa & Truffles
I guess it’s obvious how much we love books! Just finished Fat Cat at Large by Janet Cantrell and loved it!
Cathy Keisha
TW is probably one of those read no books last year. She reads the newspaper cover to cover though. She’s given up entering to win books unless she can give them as presents.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I can’t imagine a day without books… or cats… thankfully I have both in my life!
The Swiss Cats
Mum reads many things on the net ! The last book she (re-) read was “Il nome della rosa” from Umberto Ecco, in the Italian original version. She wishes she gets a Kindle for her birthday to read more books ! Purrs
Pixel Blue Eyes & Jenny
Hi Layla!
Thank you for telling us about National Read a Book Day. We love reading in our family. Mommy & I are avid book lovers. I even occasionally do a book review on my blog. I must share this with you, since you love books & cats, and REALLY love books with cats in them. You are SO going to love the Mister Marmee series. Mister Marmee is a Victorian Gentlecat who chronicles his incredible adventures solving crimes through the streets of London and the British countryside with his best friend Sir Happy Heart, who just happens to be the best canine detective the world has ever known. I did a review of the first book in the series, “The Case of Jack the Nipper: A Chronicle of Mister Marmee” last year on my blog http://www.pixelblueeyes.com/2013/08/the-joy-of-reading-pixel-reviews-case.html. It’s written by H.L. Stephens. You’ve GOT to read these cat books. The second book is “The Case of the Wayward Fae”. You can get the paperbacks at Amazon or Barnes & Noble online and other places too.
Let me know if you decide to give them a try. I promise you will be thrilled and won’t be able to put them down!
Your friend, Pixel (and Mommy Jenny)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for letting me know about Mr. Marmee.
Pixel Blue Eyes & Jenny
You’re welcome Layla. 🙂
Katnip Lounge
I NEED to read…I think it’s how I self-soothe. I adore words. Having said that, the “No Lava Lamp” in the poster was a GAS!!!
The Island Cats
The mom used to read all the time. But now, she says she doesn’t have as much time as she used to.
Brian Frum
MOL! We thought it was read a cat a book too so we made Dad get up early! Love those graphics!
Connie Marie
I LOVE REAL BOOKS!!! Especially series, so I can follow the characters. I’ve had 5 of my favourite authours die in the last few years, big bummer, but some are now being carried on by relatives or friends and they’re good. My biggest disappointment was that the last “Cat Who” book was never finished or published. I do read non fiction about cats, herbs,vitamins, natural health, perfumes, aromatherapy,color therapy. I’m reading a series of 9(so far) now written by her son under her name, Blaize Clement. Dixie Hemminway Mysterys. Dixie is a pet sitter, includes lots of animals and facts, they’re mysterys, and are excellent true to life stories. Mysterys are my favourite, no love storys for me!
I read “Mr Penumbra’s 24- Hour Bookstore” by Robin Sloan recently. It was very fun but no cats…
Recently finished The Flames of Rome (a “documentary novel” as opposed to a “historical novel”). The notes about in the back were a fascinating addition to the story line.
Sue Brandes
I am just starting to read Whispers At Ghost Point by Deanna Jewel. I love a variety of different kinds of books. Of course cat ones are the best.
Skeeter and Izzy
We love books, we just don’t get to read as much these days. We loved I Knead My Mommy! We are like you Layla ,we love to hold a book in our hands and give it love.
Happy Day!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut and Romeo >^00^<
(Wearing our reading glasses don't you know)
When I first saw the linkie title I thought it said “read your cat a book day” maybe I’ll see if Mum will read to me. She has been reading a long series about this girl who goes to other dimensions and lives in one called Paragoy and she falls in love with the king and has many struggles with various gods and demons. I guess its interesting enough, she keeps reading them, she’s on the 6th book out of 8.
easy rider
we read every day and today we will read too :o) we currently read the Felidae novels by Akif Pirincci, it’s a nice book about Francis the cat-detective :o)
I’ve not heard about the series and up our alley.
Mr. Puddy
My mom still try to pick one book to read….3 months later…Still can’t make up her mind !
My Mom and Dad read ALL THE TIME……they have a library full of books and are constantly getting MORE……I fee like I live in a library sometimes BUT when they read and sit in their recliners, their laps are available to me so I can’t complain!
Hugs, Sammy
My human is currently reading the Warriors special edition about Bramblestar – she will probably finish it for National Read a Book Day!