Keeping Fleas and Ticks Away From Cats, Naturally
Guest post by Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Specialist for Pets, Jodi Ziskin.
Fleas deliver a one-two punch. Not only do they cause itching (an allergic reaction to protein in a flea’s saliva), when an infected flea is eaten, it can result in tapeworms. Fleas also reproduce quickly and can cause an infestation in your home. They enjoy biting humans just as much as they do cats and dogs. We often hear that a cat (or dog) on a great diet (species appropriate, fit for human consumption) will naturally repel fleas. This isn’t necessarily true, especially in a region with heavy infestations. What is true is that a cat or dog on a poor diet is more likely to attract fleas.Sure, there are toxic chemicals that repel pests, like topical solutions, but why expose your beloved kitty to these when there are many herbs, herbal oil combinations and natural fossils that can do the same thing? Lemon eucalyptus oil, neem, lavender, lemongrass, diatomaceous earth and more! Of course, full strength essential oils are toxic to cats, but used as part of a solution, they are wonderful.
Indoor only cats have a great advantage when it comes to flea prevention; they generally do not need any. Of course, if you have a dog, pests can be an issue (the products I am including either are for both cats and dogs or have cat or dog specific formulas).If your cat does go outside, hopefully it is only under your supervision in a controlled space, like your yard.This brings me to the first line of defense – ridding your yard of fleas. A great way to do this without harsh chemicals and toxins is through Flea Busters. This nationwide company makes products with a unique borate powder (33% less toxic than boric acid flea powder products). They can be hired to come treat your yard (one year guarantee) or you can purchase the products and do it yourself. They also offer a wonderful line of products to treat the inside of your house (eliminates fleas as well as ants and roaches). Flea Busters also has shampoos and direct application products for pets. You can purchase the products directly from the company’s website or on other sites, like Here are some external products to consider:
- Flea & Tick by Pet Naturals of Vermont (Also protects against mosquitoes and flies). Comes in wipes and a spray.The spray is best used on a cloth harness, not applied directly to a cat’s coat. I actually use the wipes for my cat who is harness-trained and likes to go for walks. We’ve never come home with a flea or tick!
- Neem products for cats by Neem Tree Farms –
- Ark Animals Flea Flicker/Tick Kicker – Flea Flicker/Tick Kicker When applying to cats, only spray between the shoulder blades so they can’t lick it off!
- Daisy Paw De-Bugged Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Use this solution in a Collar Companion (fill the disk and then attach to your pet’s collar)
- Bug Block by Doctor Schultze. Because many essential oils can be toxic if directly applied to a cat’s skin, it is best to add a few drops to a collar or cloth harness. For cats, dogs, humans, the home, yard and garden.
- Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) Made from the fossilized shells from a plant known as diatoms, this powdery product kills fleas, ticks and even lice on contact. It can be used to prevent insects in the yard and is the go-to insecticide for organic gardeners. Diatomaceous Earth is often added to silos that house grains produced for humans. So yes, it is 100% safe. And effective. The best brand out there is Perma-Guard. It is sold at natural pet food and supply stores as well as gardening stores nationwide.Simply comb a small amount through your cat’s fur. You can do this around once a week (more, if needed). In the home, you can sprinkle on carpets, wait an hour, and then vacuum. For hardwood floors, sweep the powder all over and get it between the cracks. Then vacuum it up.When applying over a large area, diatomaceous earth can be a lung irritant, so wear a mask. When applying to your kitty, just do a little at a time to avoid this issue.
Internal Solutions. The one herb that has fantastic results in not only repelling fleas and ticks, but also eliminating parasites from the body is Quassia bark.I recommend using it in powdered form and mixing it right into your cat’s food. Start with just a sprinkle to get him/her gradually used to the taste (you can mix this with butter or tuna juice to make it more appealing. The amount needed on an ongoing basis can vary from 1/8th to 1/2 teaspoon per day. Each cat, each situation is different and should be treated as such. Work with a holistic vet, preferably one who is a master herbalist, to determine what is best for your kitty.Other Solutions. There are a number of new tags on the market, designed to create an electromagnetic barrier around your pet, protecting them from fleas and other pests. Shoo!TAG – – is one of these. They do offer a money back guarantee, so it is worth a try.Again, no two cats and no two situations are exactly alike. You may have to experiment a bit before finding the right solution for your family.
Editor’s note: Please use essential oils diluted or use floral waters or hydrosols. Another non-invasive flea/tick preventative solutions include natural amber collars like AmberTick.

Be careful with the DE as if it gets into the animals lungs even chickens it can cause the lungs to cake up and
cause severe problems to breath. So be careful to cover their noses and mouths and wear a mask while spreading and applying DE. Reason I know is we put DE in the chicken house and nests to kill all the mites and it was a bit much as one of our hens inhales to much and suffocated.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Excellent point. The dust is very fine and wearing a mask is a good idea while house cleaning with it. For dispensing it directly on the cats I use a squeeze bottle with a narrow opening for precise application and then brush it into the fur.
T. Snyder
So….Quassia Bark powder works on dogs as well. 1/8tsp to 1/2 tsp with food per day? Are there any side effects. I want to provide protection from fleas and ticks naturally because my dog has seizures from FrontLine. Thanks, Terri
Me is so furry happy wes don’t has fleas here!
Skeeter and Izzy
Very interesting and definitly bears futher investigation…Luvs skeeter and Izzy >^..^<
Great stuff! We are inside only, but natural is always good!
Oh this is a great information! I’m very interested in Flea & Tick by Pet Naturals of Vermont as it also works against mosquitoes & flies. It sure helps as it’s getting hot and we’ll have mosquitoes around a lot.
I have just today taken Austin to have an injection against fleas, as he has reacted against the gunk! It is unusual to hear about ridding fleas from your yard, as I can’t imagine that (here in the UK at least), the fleas would take any notice of boundaries! 🙂
da tabbies o trout towne
odin…we haz a container oh D earth in de pantree rite now…just…in…case….
Texas, a cat in New York
That’s very interesting. Thanks for this list =^.^=
I know I’m late, but I like your new design furry much!
I also wanted to thank you for your birthday wishes =^.^=