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2014 Global Pet Expo Best Cat Product Awards + News & Mews, Cat Art Blog Hop

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Global Pet Expo, the largest pet product expo with over 3000 exhibitors impressed pet lovers from all over the world this week in Orlando Florida. We pride ourselves on sharing the latest and best cat news products with you dear reader. The pet product industry continues to grow with a forecast of pet lovers spending an estimated 60 billion in 2014, in the U.S. alone. Clearly we love our pets but with so much choice what new products stand out? I’ve posted videos for your opinion. Tell us what appeals to you and whether you’d like to see us do a giveaway for them.

The 2014 Global Pet Expo Award Winners (Cat Products)

Best In Show
Glide ‘n Seek
KONG Company

Kong is a reputable company and we enjoy many of their products. From my initial view, it looks like fun but my sense is the balls can be too easily removed and I’d like to see larger ones or perhaps we could substitute our own toys? Children enjoy bright primary colors like red but cats don’t see colors the way we do. Red is likely seen as shades of gray or purple. Cats also don’t see bright or saturated colors the way we do but more soft or muted. When choosing colors I’d like to see manufacturers consider what cats see or find a compromise.

Second Place
A-MAZE-ing Cat Furniture

Ware Manufacturing

This company has a large range of interesting products from toys to scratchers and kitty condos.I thought their Scratch-N-TV is adorable.


Third Place
Kitty Connection

Innovation Pet Inc. is a new company that is well named. Their products are fun and innovative. The award-winning Kitty Connection is a selection of interactive toys that slot into fee-standing furniture.

Innovation Pet® Kitty Connectionâ„¢ Modular Play System show inter-active innovation at an attractive price point from $20 – $30 and available at in May. What I like is the interactive- action without batteries and endless possibilities to change or attach the toys. If a cat plays with one toy is causing another toy to move. This initiates the hunting reflex providing real stimulation without playing with a human.

New products we already have our paws on include: SwiPetsâ„¢ Pet Hair Cleaning Glove. it’s simple but effective glove that removes pet hair from any surface. I’ll be doing a proper review but I can tell you it really works well so far.

Light Green Glove<br /><br /><br /><br />One Size Fits All<br /><br /><br /><br />Machine Wash - Air Dry<br /><br /><br /><br />Material Content: 70% Nylon and 30% Spandex<br /><br /><br /><br />Coating: Nitrile

One new product Odin has already tried and looks very smart in is the SturdiPetâ„¢ Walking Vest by Sturdi Products, $17.95 at The lightweight micro-fiber fabric doesn’t pill or snag, the snug fit is escape-proof and the leash safely attaches without pulling on the neck.



You may know I’m speaking at BlogPaws, the biggest social media conference for pet bloggers, but I’m also proud to announce I’ll be one of the judges of the Nose-to-Nose Awards. These are the Oscars of the pet blogging world and I’m thrilled to be included in an such an impressive group of Judges. To See who they are, who the finalists are and more about the Gala Awards Visit Blogpaws Nose-to-Nose aWards

One of things I’m most looking forward to is meeting old and new blogger friends in purrson, and if you are thinking of going, don’t wait, it will sell out. To find out ALL the scoop, visit BlogPaws

It’s another Caturday Art Blog Hop and some of us are getting ready for St. Catrick’s day, namely,

Domino cat, kiss me I'm Irish

Domino. Would you like a kiss?






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