Copycat Cat Book Review/Giveaway & David Yow Interview
In the world of cat books there are many copycats so it’s a thrill to find something as fresh and original as COPYCAT And A Litter Of Other Cats by David Yow. The hefty, hardcover art book from indie Brooklyn-based publisher Akashic Books defies being CATegorized. Clever, cute and quirky cat puns are illustrated in Yow’s unique, multi-media graphic style. Any of the images would work on t-shirts fit for hipster cat lovers from coast to coast. The book is more edgy than Hello Kitty cute i.e. the S & M Catsuit on page 149. The only real cat referenced is Grumpy Cat and it’s worth the price of admission.
One of my favorites is Caterpillar.
Yow, best known as the singer of the bands the Jesus Lizard, popular indie rock band of the 1990s and ’80s punk band Scratch Acid. Artist, writer, musician and actor he lives in Los Angeles with a gal pal and three cats. On on phone interview last week he said he most identifies with being an actor now and has left his bad boy musician days behind. It’s no secret that many musicians have egos the size of Jumbotrons and I braced myself before calling his home number. Within a seconds we launched into a comfortable, rambling conversation about his life now, his childhood and of course cats. Soft spoken, thoughtful, generous and kind, Yow, wowed me with his no BS candor.
Yow actually uses the word “golly” without pretense. This is the same guy who used to perform drunken lewd acts on stage. I’m all for reinvention. Older and wiser,Yow imbibes no more than a couple beers with friends and keeps his pants on. He has the kind of weathered face that has known every kind of sadness and throughout it all, cats have served as a grounding force. For over 30 years cats have inspired him to create his growing collection of idiosyncratic cat art. The 74 pieces in the book are funny, sad and sometimes outlandish, a little like their creator.
A life long cat lover, Yow’s first cat, at age 4, happened to be a black kitten in Tripoli, Libya. Dad was an Air Force pilot stationed there in the early ’60s. Not only did Yow’s dad let him keep the cat, he named him Me Yow. When the time came for a transfer to the the U.S. and later to England, this lucky black cat happily globe-trotted with his family.
Yow’s current feline soulmate is Little Buddy, an 8-year-old, long-haired gray mancat who has seen Yow through a divorce and assorted ups and downs. They remain devoted to each other and Yow is proud to call himself a cat dad. They peacefully (usually) share a blended cat family with a girlfriend and her two cats Penny and Nico.

Yow appeared at live show Celebrity cat Lil Bub in Chicago last week and filmed for a future episode of Lil Bub’s show on Animalist.com. Yow holding her in his lap and singing to BUB will be a must-see. I’ll post it once it’s up. Visit David Yow to see his latest art and videos.
We’re delighted to offer our readers a giveaway for 2 copies of COPYCAT: And A Litter of Other Cats.
To enter this giveaway simply leave a comment with your favorite cat pun (optional) before 11:59 pm ET, August 23, 2014. For extra chances to win, please social media share the post, telling us in a separate comment where you shared.
Copycat will be released on August 12th but there is a special signed, limited edition of 150 books available with a very cool t-shirt for $
65.00. For details or pre-order click here Plus I love supporting small indie publishers.
You could say Yow’s book is the cat’s MeYow. Snap it up fast cat peeps, there will be no sequel. You can also pre-order on Amazon.
FTC disclosure. We never accept payment for reviewing books but did receive a review copy which in no way influenced our views.

Marla Green
What a cute book. I’m feline good tonight.
Sandy z
Looks like a fun book. Very clever pictures
Susan Patrie
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Susan Patrie
I love reading! Especially about kitties! Sometimes I become Catatonic when I’m reading, and don’t even hear people talking to me! 😉 Hope I win!
Jeannie menor
This book is paw some!!!! I need it so I can meow it to my four cats. They will purr like crazy. Purrs and head bonks
Sally Swanson
This book looks like the “Cat’s Meow”! I would love to have it for my cat book collection!
Marc-Andre Runcie-Unger
That looks like such a fun book!
Thanks so much for posting about it. 😀
Karen Lussier Tarr
Looks like the purrfect book for us! We have a colony of 26 or so, neutered and spayed friends. Yes the left ear is tipped cause we have to. We are registered with the city cause it’s the right thing to do! We care for many fur children in the house as well. Living and loving meows is our way of life, having a new book to read to everyone would be very special!
^ ^
Kitties Blue
We thinks this is the cutest book and would really love to win a copy. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Skeeter and Izzy
LOVE.LOVE the portrait!!!!
This book has got to be awesome pawsome! We would cherish a copy fur sure!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
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Melissa & Truffles
This book looks absolutely adorable…we would love to win a copy!
That book looks awesome! No KITTEN around! 🙂
Sorry I don’t have a pun but I’d love to see that book. I love the illustrations. On top of that Little Buddy looks just like my beloved Zeit Geist from years ago. Handsome, handsome fella – the cat 🙂
Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
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Cynthia Southern
I shared on Pinterest on the Pet Giveaways and Contests board.
Cynthia Southern
Concatulations to the two folks who will win.
Pawsitively excited at the opportunity to win.
Elizablest Moonrose
Oops! I forgot!
Separate comment was needed to show where I shared.
As mentioned above, I shared on facebook here:
And on Twitter, here:
Elizablest Moonrose
Jesus Lizard Guy….Cats…and Art!
What could be more smart?
Put my name in the spin
’cause I want to win!
I know it’s not a pun.
Not sorry. Did it for fun!
Shared on Facebook and Twitter too.
Angel AbbyGrace
What a gorgeous cat, Little Buddy is! Looks like a very interesting book.
Angel AbbyGrace
We tweeted!
The Swiss Cats
That looks like a great book to read ! Purrs
That does look like a really good one!
The Island Cats
This looks like a good book that the mom would love to have.
I shared on twitter @missstellybean
I would be thrilled to win! I’d be practically catatonic 😉 thanks for the chance!
Love the artwork……….brilliant……looks like another great cat book!
My human LOVED Jesus Lizard when she was a rock journalist (actually she STILL loves Jesus Lizard)! Does that give me a pass for coming up with a pun, ’cause I can’t think of any right now and my human wants this book!
Katnip Lounge
Golly, I can’t think of a pun…the cat’s got my tongue!
Cary Hillman
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Cary Hillman
How about catastrophe?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Catastrophe is included in the book.