Caturday Ups and Downs
Caturday NEWS & MEWS
What a week of ups and downs! Merlin and I have been enjoying lying on a beach towel in the garden savoring the limited time with have left together. Every day is precious and if you haven’t spent much time with your cat lately, don’t wait. Life is short. Homer the famous blind has died. Click here to see our memorial post if you missed it.
Our friend and cat blogger Deb from Zee & Zoe had a cat go to the Rainbow Bridge Her dear Jazz featured here in this beautiful pictorial died on Wednesday. Fly dear Mr. Jazz.
Our vet Dr. G. who often contributes to our Vet 101, arrived on Tuesday with his fab 26 foot mobile clinic. One-by-one the cats are scooped up and carried the few feet to the driveway. It doesn’t get any easier. The only one who has to be corralled from under the bed and into a carrier is Gris Gris. After the examinations, the clinic door opens and we allow them to release pent up stress by running out the door and they high tail it to the house.
- The good news: Featherweight Gris Gris has gained over a pound and doing well. Odin is in excellent shape.
- The not so good news: Domino has the kind dental issues common to FIV+ cats. There is a cavity that will need extraction sooner than later and periodontal care. Merlin has chronic periodontal issues requiring a once monthly course of antibiotics. The bad news is he’s lost over a pound in four months and is now a hair over seven pounds. This is a cat that weighed 17 pounds three years ago. He’s slowly wasting away from the ravages of kidney disease.
- The good news is he’s feisty and in good humor. The amazing news is he does not need subcutaneous fluids yet.
The Cat Video Festival ended on Thursday and the winner of the Golden Kitty is Grumpy Cat aka Tardar sauce. The runner up was Catalogue, from our friend Alana from Cat in the Fridge blog. We think it deserved to win but it’s hard to compete with a cat who has over a million Facebook fans.
Have a meowvelous holiday weekend! Are you doing anything special? We’re planning to do a whole lot of nothing.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
What a beautiful sight of Merlin and you together!
Me and my mom-person LOVED that video 🙂
Sam and Pam
Well that photo of you and Merlin is magic…..he’s such an amazing guy – one day at a time…..glad to hear the other boys are alright as well except for poor Dom’s teefies! We send love to all of you………..always.
Pam and Sam
Wes sends lots of purrs to all of yous! Wes is also going to missing our furrends. They always leaves paw-prints on our hearts!
OH! that last picture. Brilliant.
Sweet Purrfections
What a beautiful sight of Merlin and you together!
Kitties Blue
That video from Cat in the Fridge definitely should have won. That was so funny. We loved that it featured a cat guy instead of a cat girl. Thank you so much for sharing. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
We just love that Merlin and would really appreciate it if you would give him a gentle hug from all of us.
Katnip Lounge
It takes the bad to give savor to the sweet…at least, that’s what I tell myself when I notice my old gals’ ricketiness.
Melin, you just keep on truckin’.
Nerissa's Life
Whoa! Your doctor comes to YOU? MO– — — USES! What a set-up. Peepers… you hear ’bout this? Excuse me while I go fetch the peep.
Katie and Glogirly
You and Merlin are so sweet together.
Chris Davis
Sending love and purrs to you and Merlin. Enjoy these precious days with your sweet boy!
Angel Abby
You will never regret spending more time and taking more pictures and making memories. Never. Stay in the moment and enjoy each second. Sometimes those seconds have deep meaning. Big hugs to Merlin who we think is such a wise muse.
Purrs of healing to Domino.
Sue Brandes
Healing thoughts for your kitties Layla. So many furry friends crossed the bridge this week including one of mine. You always think you have enough time but; it just creeps up on you. Our plans are a whole lot of nothing too. I still need some healing time. Have a lovely weekend.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sue, I heard about your 21-year-old cat dying this week and send my deep condolences. Take all the time you need to grieve and heal (((big hug)))
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
It’s never too early to sieze the moment and spend some quality time with your cat. Many purrs to Merlin and Domino.
Skeeter and Izzy
We send our love and purrs to our dear friends Merlin and Domino and hope that they feel much better . We worry so about everyone.
We are so sorry to hear about Jazz, it seems so many are crossing the bridge lately. We mourn the loss of all whether we knew them personally or not. We know there is an ache in someones heart and we send love and purrs. It doesn’t matter that we know it is coming nor that we deal with it in different ways it still hurts like nothing else.
Love and purrs to all
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Skeeter, Izzy and mom. Sometimes knowing in advance is worse with anticipatory grieving and then the real thing.
I am glad Merlin is doing well. That is a lovely picture of you together.
Caren Gittleman
sending purrs to precious Merlin…..that is a gorgeous photo. Oh poor Domino, my Angel Bobo used to suffer from the same dental issues.
I remember Alana’s video from the Friskies contest last year and I LOVED IT!! Wish she had won. Believe it or not, I am soooooooooo OVER Grumpy Cat.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
It does my heart good to see you and Merlin together like that… enjoy the precious time indeed. Thank you for your kind words regarding my Jazz – I know he can sense your love and when it is Merlin’s time, Jazz will be there to meet his beloved friend with open paws.
easy rider
It’s so sad, when friends have to go over this bridge. I wish we all would live forever. I agree with you, the best part of a trip to the vet is the way home :o) Have a wonderful weekend
Austin Towers
Sweet Merlin! That last picture is very touching!
Matt - Brisbane Photographer
All those cats seem so happy to be outside!
Ahh, Merlin, I often think of the good boy, and worry…
Cats are people. It is a simple fact. They wear a different outfit and sometimes speak different words (well, usually they speak different words), but they are people. Cat people have known this since they were little girls, as i know you knew this when you were yay high, just as I did.
Love the photo of you with Merlin. Hubs took it?
I honestly think Merlin is a force of nature! It’s amazing how well he keeps doing, and the grace with which he does it.