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Cats Can Celebrate Canada Day & July 4th Safely

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)
domino cat july4th
Domino hopes your 4th of July is purrfectly relaxing.

Every year, Merlin and I celebrate Canada Day. It feels like a hundred years ago when Merlin, his sister Coco and I boarded an Air Canada Flight six weeks before 9/11 to New York to begin our new American life. Despite being married to an American, I remain distinctly Canadian and betray my roots when I say things like holidays instead of vacation. Merlin mellowed out after the move and settled into middle-age. He gained weight enjoying a little too much of the good life. It’s hard to believe the frail 5.4 lbs. boy once weighed 17 lbs! This was taken in 2011. We’re seizing the moment more than ever to be in the moment.


Thanks to everyone for your continued good wishes. His vet test results were better than I expected but no picnic. He’s anemic with a very high WBC count and his URI is not responding to antibiotics so far. The vet calls him fragile but we’re following a strict protocol for the next two weeks and cautiously optimistic for a few more good days ahead.

For our Canadian friends, Happy Canada Day, eh! Many are taking the entire week off as we towards the July 4th holiday weekend. Enjoy but please keep your pets safe. See our holiday safety tips and graphics.
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Merlin says Happy Canada Day!
July 4th safe pet graphic
Odin says happy 4th but provide a cozy, quiet place to hide if there are loud fireworks nearby.


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