4 Tips For Calm Cats on the 4th of July
A few last minute tips for a safe and happy 4th of July. Enjoy and we’ll be back on Saturday. Our Friday Feline Photo Quote newsletter go out as usual. If you’re not a subscriber, you can subscribe via email.
For lots of fun cat pics celebrating July 4th, check out this Pinterest page Proud to be an AmeriCAT
FIREWORKS, THUNDERSTORMS and things that Go Boom
What are exciting celebrations for humans can be a nightmare for cats. Loud noise from a live band, cranked up volume on a stereo, thunderstorms or fireworks are no cause for celebration for cats. Remember cats have a far superior sense of hearing. The hearing range or distance is five times greater for cats than humans. If we can hear something next door, a cat will hear it and something five doors down (or equivalent).
July 1st in Canada and July the 4th in the U.S. are the big fireworks days but remain popular throughout the season. The American Humane Association (AHA) reports that July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters for lost pets. During noisy times this summer:
- Provide cozy spots for kitty to hide.
- Turn down the volume of every electronic device.
- Extra skittish cats can be calmed by Thundershirts, or spray Feliway on the cat’s bed and favorite spots, door jambs and furniture at cat-nose height ideally a few day before.
- Flower essences like Rescue Remedy offer gentle relief. Try 4 drops in a bowl of water every day or a few days before a part or stressful event.
We’re happy to share a cool infographic from our friends at TAGG.

Bev Green
Urghhhh I remember the shelter I was a vol for being inundated with injured dogs in particular…jumping through windows to escape the loud sounds..it hurts their poor ears and terrifies them..cats too bolt outside etc..we have not gone out on a New Years for over 12 years we stay home with all the furbabies…this includes the sheep who also are terrified of Fireworks…I hope the shelters have ZERO animals coming in….but I doubt it ..Fozziemum
Happy 4th of July to you all, hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend and love that graphic of you three!
Happy 4th July, Layla. Good advice as always xx
easy rider
I wish they would use silencers for fireworks (that’s impossoble, I know). But fortunately we have to bear that only once per year (Bastille Day) and maybe tonight when they win that soccer thingy. Have a good 4th of july!
Skeeter and Izzy
Thank you for the great reminders! We purr and pray that all will stay safe and sound during the festivities. .No lost furbabies!!!!
Happy 4th of July to all!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
The Island Cats
Those are some great tips. We’ll have fire-boomers tonight, but they don’t seem to bother us that much.
Great info. We get a lot of fireworks on November 5th, but it always seem to go on for a week before and a week after. Luckily there are none close to us as Flynn gets scared by loud noises. Eric used to love to sit in the window and watch them in the distance.
The Swiss Cats
Great tips ! We keep them under the paw for our 4th of July which takes place on 1st of August in Switzerland ! Purrs
Sue Brandes
Beautiful photo with your kitties. Our neighbor always do the really loud ones. My kitties hate it.
Those are great tips. The Fourth can be so traumatic for animals. Fortunately, Moosey, Gracie and Zoe aren’t TOO scared by thunder and fireworks. The doorbell is a different story…
Angel AbbyGrace
We hope our neighbors don’t put on a silly (illegal) display of fireworks this year. *sigh*
Brian Frum
We will be under the bed!
The infographic seems to be MIA – I tried opening it up in another tab and got a login page. In any case, this is all great advice!
da tabbies o trout towne
a grate ree minder guys…. N wild life can get scared two….we saw a coyote runnin thru de nayborr hood a few yeerz ago, him was THAT afraid oh all de noise,,,it wuz sad reely~~~~
happee week oh end N heerz ta bonito flakes, bass N bloo gill ♥
We’ve been fortunate here. Every New Year and 4th, people toss firecrackers into the road very close to us. But none of us have ever given them more than a disgusted raspberry for interrupting our sleep.
Cathy Keisha
I couldn’t get the infographic to load on my iMac but love the top graphic and your tips. Loud noises outside don’t scare me cos they’ve been jackhamming near the Lincoln Tunnel every night since I moved in here. OTOH, loud noises in the common hall scare me UTB.