Cats Can Celebrate Canada Day & July 4th Safely

Every year, Merlin and I celebrate Canada Day. It feels like a hundred years ago when Merlin, his sister Coco and I boarded an Air Canada Flight six weeks before 9/11 to New York to begin our new American life. Despite being married to an American, I remain distinctly Canadian and betray my roots when I say things like holidays instead of vacation. Merlin mellowed out after the move and settled into middle-age. He gained weight enjoying a little too much of the good life. It’s hard to believe the frail 5.4 lbs. boy once weighed 17 lbs! This was taken in 2011. We’re seizing the moment more than ever to be in the moment.
Thanks to everyone for your continued good wishes. His vet test results were better than I expected but no picnic. He’s anemic with a very high WBC count and his URI is not responding to antibiotics so far. The vet calls him fragile but we’re following a strict protocol for the next two weeks and cautiously optimistic for a few more good days ahead.
For our Canadian friends, Happy Canada Day, eh! Many are taking the entire week off as we towards the July 4th holiday weekend. Enjoy but please keep your pets safe. See our holiday safety tips and graphics.

Jude Fera, Buddy, and Lucky
Happy 4th of July! for all the red, white, and blue American cats, and Happy Canada Day eh! for all our Canadians feline friends. Don’t eat too many burgers, and stay away from the beer! And if the fireworks bother you Buddy and Lucky recommend diving under the sheets and pillows on you human’s beds until the noisy festivities are over.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Excellent advice and happy 4th!
Sending purrs and warm thoughts to Merlin.
I hope everyone enjoys holiday weekend xoxo
Lola and Lexy
Happy Canada Day, Ms. Layla! Kisses to Merlin.
Sweet Purrfections
We don’t think we realized you were originally from Canada. We’re purring very hard for Merlin and sending good thoughts to you, Layla.
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy Canada Day! Happy 4th of July!
God bless and we continue to purr and pray for all.
Hugs and loves and little kitty kisses.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Happy Canada Day Layla and we send you love and hugs. Purrs and prayers to dear Merlin from all of us. We all love yiu Merlin.
Charles Huss
Canadian Independence Day is somewhat confusing to me. If you gained independence in 1867, than what is significant about 1982?
Cathy Keisha
I’m here to send lots more healing purrz to Merlin. Happy Canada Day and 4th.
Thanks for keeping us posted about Merlin, Layla. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts, purrs and prayers.
Happy Canada Day, and Happy Independence Day, dear friends.
Continued good vibes for Merlin and you Layla.
The Swiss Cats
Happy Canada Day ! We keep purring for you and Merlin. Purrs
Happy Canada Day and 4th of July…….also happy to hear that Merlin is hanging on, bless him. That photo of him in “heftier” days is truly DEAR. Here’s to more love – for Merlin, you and everyone.
Hugs, Sammy
da tabbies o trout towne
pee ezz…we all sew wanted ta say carp iz troo lee veree good…just dee pendz on how ya seer him on de grill ~~~ ♥♥♥
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…him still iz & all ways will bee by yur side…we iz talkin bout R pal ST Francis who sends blessings & mor….happee canada day two all ♥♥♥
Ellen Pilch
Can the vet give Merlin blood for the anemia? I am praying. Try to have a nice 4th and Canada Day.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, what’s critical now is the antibiotics to kick in.
Enjoy Canada Day and July 4th. I always call it July 4th instead of Independence Day. Happy that Merlin is doing OK but could be better. I had forgotten that he and coco were born in Canada. that makes them extra special in my eyes.
Caren Gittleman
Praying all is well on your end…Happy Canada Day and Happy Early 4th!
The Island Cats
Happy Canada Day! Since we live so close to Canada…you can see Canada from our island…we feel like honorary Canadians. 😉
Continued purrs for Merlin that he recovers from this latest ailment.
Happy Canada Day and sending continued purrs and good thoughts for Merlin xx
Happy Canada Day! And purrs to you and Merlin.
Happy Canada Day and 4th of July also to you!
Goodness Merlin was a big boy! 17 pounds is a great big meezer- mine have all been slim . Merlin looked terrific though.
I am glad to hear he is hanging in there and hoping the news continues to improve. Sending best wishes and purrs for a turn around .