cat birthday princess
Cat Behavior 101,  Cats,  Layla Morgan Wilde,  Mondays With Merlin,  Shelter Cats

Mondays With Merlin + Foster Cat Nou Nou News

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Ha ha, can you believe it’s another Mondays With Merlin? I’m still here by the grace of Bast and 24/7 cat care. I won’t say it’s been a cakewalk. A poop-covered seesaw is more apropos. Up and down up and down in an endless circle of snot. Wiping, sneezing, steaming, nebulizing with endless droppers of meds is getting old but that’s what happens when a very old cat like me with high WBC count has to fight a bacterial infection.

The good news is I’m doing all the usual good stuff vets insist on: eating, drinking, peeing, pooing normally. Granted I’m on an appetite stimulant that for two days made walk like a drunken sailor without the fun. And thankfully those wretched plastic tubes for syringe feeding are history. Blech. I’m perkier, chattier and needier. I will pee on the bed if I’m left alone for more than a hour. That seems to get everyone’s attention pronto.

Layla is snuggling with me at all hours and apologizes for being offline (too much for her but not enough for me!) Scroll down to the footer see our latest photos on Instagram. You don’t need to join or be a member to look. She’s slowly visiting blogs again and returning comments.

Merlin and Layla

The plan is to live forever continue two kinds of antibiotics for another week, then see the vet and go from there. But I came very closed to exiting last week but I’m just not ready. I love summer so very much and my daily picnics al fresco are the highlight of my day. If I can blast the infection to smithereens, I stand a good chance of enjoying the rest of the summer.

Today, I’d like to extend my thanks for everyone purring and praying for me from Canada, U.K. France, Switzerland to far flung Japan, Australia, New Zealand and of course every state in the U.S.

On behalf of my brothers Domino and Odin, my parents, Layla and Joe, I’d also like to honor Nou Nou. Our silky gray one-eyed visionary and foster sister arrived six months ago after being a shelter cage for seven months and prior to that, a hoarder. This is the first real home she’s known and she’s adjusted well. Of course, this her forever home now and she knows it. Everyone respects her quirks and the total acceptance has reduced her anxiety, neurotic over-grooming and skittish bolting/hiding. She’s grown into a confident cat with beauty and brains.

All the boys love her but her heart belongs to Odin and to Angel Radish during the brief time he lived here. She is still getting over his death and looks mournfully out the bedroom window which overlooks his grave. During the worst of kitty ICU, she did not get her usual evening playtime and did a lot more hiding. She’s happily back to her usual haunts including her special bed on Layla’s desk. She doesn’t care if Layla is or isn’t at her desk but Nou Nou’s office nap hours are from 1-5 pm.

We don’t know her exact birthday but she was about a year old last June but we didn’t celebrate her birthday then. We’d like to celebrate her birthday and name her “queen of the day”. She’s very dainty, precise in her movements and mysteriously regal. If her spoke humanspeak it would be like HRH Queen Elizabeth. Very posh and proper.

Nou Nou queen of the day birthday cat

She made an instant and strong connection with Radish who happened to occupy the same shelter cage some months apart. How weird is that?

During the intense kitty ICU care of Radish, Nou Nou would keep and eye on him but at a respectful and healthy distance (the magic number to reduce contagion is four feet). I found the two of them in the front hall communing in the middle of the night on more than one occasion. Animals know when another is sick and compassion is not uncommon. She imbued a Florence Nightingale aura so sweet, Layla called her Nurse Nou Nou. Nurse NN must have been with Radish when he crossed over because she did something she hasn’t done before or since.

Early on the morning on June 18th, Nou Nou jumped into bed and pounced onto Joe doing desperate whappy paws to wake him up. He was so exhausted, he pushed her away. I knew what was going on, as did Domino but Odin was oblivious on the third floor. Layla had been up late that night trying catching a few winks on the third floor.

In a pleasant dream-like state, she noticed Nou Nou snuggling to get her attention under the covers. In six months she’s slept on the bed maybe three times and never under the covers. “That’s so nice, Nou Nou,” she said drifting back to much needed sleep. A couple hours later, Joe woke up and found Radish dead, in the area where he and Nou Nou used to commune. Thanks dear Nou Nou for being the messenger and all around best sister.


  • meowmeowmans

    Merlin, we are so encouraged to learn of your improving health. We will keep on sending purrs and prayers for you, and love and positive vibes, too. And Nou Nou, it makes us so happy that you have settled in so well. Happy birthday to you, though we think you are the queen EVERY day. đŸ™‚

    Hugs and headbonks to you all, and to Layla and Joe, too.

  • Flynn

    I am glad that you have improved Merlin and send you my best purrs for you to enjoy the summer.
    Happy Birthday NouNou. You are a special little lady for spending your time with Radish and being with him when he passed to his next life.
    Purrs and hugs to all of you.

  • Skeeter And Izzy

    HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS NOU NOU!!!!! We are so glad to hear the confirmation about the furever home!!!!!
    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • Skeeter And Izzy

    Dearest Merlin, we are so very glad to hear of any improvement in your health. We continue to purr and pray for the whole family. We most ssuredly understand why the posting has taken a back seat, as it should!
    We know that Nou Nou is a special lady and we also know that the whole unit in your household has been brought together for a reason. Each of you possesses a piece of the puzzle and at some point in time it will appear to you.
    We send our love and purrs and prayers and little kitty kisses to each of you and wish for you all harmony and peace. It will come when it is time.

    Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<

  • Brian Frum

    That was such a terrific post Merlin and we are always sending purrs your way. Happy Birthday to dear Nou Nou from all of us. We’re very happy to hear she is rockin’ her forever home.

  • Heather

    Happy Birthday to Nou Nou! We are so glad you have a home now. Also very happy that Merlin is still with us.

  • Sammy

    Hi Merlin! I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better my friend AND you just keep thinking “another season/another lease on my life” and who knows what you’re capable of! Radish was a most special addition to your home during his brief time – Nou Nou felt it, and I think all of you did in your own ways. He was a gift. All of us are really. I’d like to wish Nou Nou a HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY. As the only feline female in the house, I hope you boys all treat her like the little Nurse Queen that she proved she was for Radish…….she’s a nice addition to your house and home.

    I wish you strength Merlin……..
    Love, Sammy

  • Annabelle

    Merlin you are amazing and we are so glad things are smoothing out and you’re getting rid of that ugly virus.
    Happy Birthday sweet Nou Nou what a lovely little angel you are.

  • Angel Ms. Phoebe's Mum & Fur sibs

    Sweet girl so much like my Clove, your time with Radish making his last days on Earth even more wonderful as he had a loving home to be in- you make my eyes leak.

    Clove, Kaspars, & Mom

  • Tamago

    Happy birthday to Nou Nou. Her bond with Radish was so special. The stories of her being nurse and messenger are very touching. She is such a sweet girl.

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    merlin…dood…ewe shall out live uz all ~~~~~ ♥♥♥ blessingz frum Frank buddy

    nou nou….. a veree happee birthday two ewe…best fishes, mice creem dishes & happee day wishes ♫♫♪♪♫♪♪♫

    we hope ya spend yur day doin sum way awesum fun kewl stuff….eat cake… pizza pies…. & hot dogs …& heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

  • maggie

    Happy Birthday dear Nou Nou. With all that’s going on at Layla and Joe’s house, they still have room in their hearts and beds and desks for another homeless sweetheart.
    What remarkable and very kind people you adopted, Nou Nou.
    Kisses to Merlin.

  • Kathryn

    Truly, cats are gods. Amazing story about Nou Nou’s message to Joe. She is such a lovely cat. Radish had the time of his life with you. Merlin will rally and will be back in the purrs of excellent health.

  • The Island Cats

    Merlin, we’re SO glad you are sticking around…we continue to purr for you. And paws up on Nou Nou’s forever home. Somehow we just knew (Nou Nou?) that would happen. Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

  • Bernadette

    Radish’s time with you may have been brief but he made the most of every last second, and it’s wonderful he had the chance in your home. Animals always know, and it’s a mark of Nou Nou’s trust and love of the humans that she came to tell you at the time. We think Merlin has a lot more stories to tell. Hope your week goes well!

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