So Many Cats Books, So Little Time
We’re pleased as punch to announce our four winners of the hilarious book The World Is Your Litter Box by Quasi and a little help from his human, Steve Fisher. Congratulations to Mary Prevost, Kathy Keisha, Hazel Marie, Skeeter & Izzy. Please look for an email from Layla. I’ll need your shipping address. We’ll be back with another review/giveaway next week.
Meanwhile, we’re a little overwhelmed with our reading stack. This is our current pile of two non-cat books and eight cat books I’m judging for a contest. Thankfully I’ve already read and reviewed two of them last year. I’d love to tell you what they are but it’s a secret.
One last thing dear cat lover friends… Pettie Award for Best Cat Blog Voting link

Steve Fisher (& Quasi)
Thanks to everyone who entered Cat Wisdom 101’s contest to win a copy of The World Is Your Litter Box Deluxe Edition… and con-cat-u-lations to the winners! If you didn’t win, don’t feel too bad… you can still pick up an electronic version of the book from Amazon for only $3.03! Also available on itunes and all other on-line booksellers.
Oui Oui
Concats to the winners! We live reading cat books too! In fact, the mom is reading the one she won a couple months ago, or at least, she’s trying to.
Hazel Marie
Thank you so much! Can’t wait to read it. I read alot too.
Have a Happy Sunday
Andrea and the Celestial Kitties
Congratulations to the winners! Oh so many books, wow!
Cathy Keisha
OMC! The world IS my litter box. MOL! Thanks for choosing me and having such cool giveaways. I’ll wait for your email. ♫ I’m in the box / I’m in the box ♫
Concatulations to the winners! And we agree … there is just not enough time in the day to read all the great cat books out there.
We’ve been voting every day!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and we’re voting for you!
ConCats to the winners!!
Skeeter and Izzy
Oh WOWZER we won a copy of The World Is Your Litter Box!!!!! Thank you thank you!
If we never had to work we would have soooooooooooooo much more reading time MOL! Reading is such a wonderful thing! We can hardly wait for more book reviews and for the Cat Wisdom gang to get one inked out!
Thank you again for all the fabulous contests and all the great information on your blog. We are voting for you every day! It is also nice to get to know a bit about each person and their fur babies thru their comments.
Luvs to all Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Cat Gang >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Congrats and your support is much appreciated!
Layla Morgan Wilde
You’re welcome! I’m a little biased but I think we have amazing community of cat lovers here with some extraordinary cats.
Sue Brandes
Congrats to the winners. I have been voting daily. Good luck. I have a back log of books myself. :LOL.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
That’s quite a pile of pending books! There’s never enough time to read! The head peep has taken to reading on her phone in the grocery line just to get a few lines in.
We would absolutely love to read a book written by your kitties!
feeling beach
I feel the same way – such good books, so little time to read!
I totally agree, there so many good books out there and I have many books I’m interested in…but no time for all of them!
I so agree! There are so many good books out there but we never seem to find some quiet reading time.
easy rider
I agree – why we don’t have 87 hours per day :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Good idea and Happy Fete Nationale!
Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal
Having the same problem here with tooo many books to read and toooo little time 🙂
ConCATulations to the winners of The World Is Your Litter Box
I would love to read books written by cats. please write one. I mean, ask your boyz to write it.
Layla Morgan Wilde
They’re working on one but they’re not very disciplined. Case in point: that pic of Odin dozing on the job!