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A Whirl of Awards

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

With Hurricane Irene hovering, we’ve decided to take a blog break tomorrow. We’ve battened down the hatches north of NYC and taken all precautions. But, hang on to your hats, nothing can deter our excitement. The Oscars of the pet blogging world held their awards today called the Petties at the Blogpaws conference in Virginia. Odin has this to say…


Yes, not only did The Conscious Cat win the award for Best Pet Blog, but cats made a clean sweep of the awards. And most of the winners are our pals (see our blogroll) like Catsparella who won best Social Media blog, Modern Cat who won Best Blog Design, Covered In Cat Hair won Best Cat blog, Sparkle Cat won Best Blog Article and Catladyland won Funniest Blog. We can’t stop purring!

More good news!

Training cats pays off. Odin has been going off his leash to play with Domino. It’s pure ecstasy watching them prance and gambol on the lawn. There is a leap of joy all the cats make (except Merlin who is too old and blind) to show off to each other, to show their gratitude for some freedom, for the sweet smell of grass and warm summer air. They run and literally jump for joy. Odin and Domino play tag and wrestle like kittens. Sometimes they sit and commune to talk about cat things we mere humans aren’t privy to. Both were oblivious to the first sign of autumn. Can you spot it?

cats-first-sign-of autumn-art


Domino and Odin adore each other. For many years, I thought Domino was destined to be a lone feral, but he just needed to find the right friend.


Domino’s human cat daddy is making great strides socializing him to come indoors this winter. He’s responding to daily petting, brushing and yes, for the first time in seven years, a soft rumble purr. The animosity between Domino and Gris has evaporated and while not as touchy-feely as Odin, Gris Gris likes hanging out with Domino. They often give me a look, as if to say, lady, leave us catmen alone.


Merlin, is the only sour note in this symphony of kitty bliss. He’s happy with his daily walk and naps on the porch, but continues his territorial vendetta against foster gal Ling Ling. The Tiger Lady lashes out, full claws blazing. I tried several experiments in sleeping arrangements with varying results. I’ve tried sleeping part of the night on the third floor with Ling Ling with the door locked and part of the night with Merlin. It satisfies the snuggle requirements of both cats but leaves me torn in two.

This week, I slept for the first time all night with Ling Ling who writhed in cuddle bliss. I have to admit, she’s lovely to sleep with, but snuggle heaven came a high cost. Merlin’s cold fury cut to the bone. There is nothing worse than the otherworldly wail of an unhappy Siamese.


Merlin (above) still mopey on the porch. All was forgiven when I slept with him all night, but the experiments in cat wrangling will continue until everyone is happy. Purrs of gratitude for the world’s most patient husband. My dating advice to single women? Marry a cat man.




  • Milo and Alfie

    It was interesting to read about the bedtime routines ~ we have a similar problem here. Milo sleeps on the bed but won’t allow Alfie on it. So poor little Alfie sleeps all alone in the lounge. It breaks my heart ~ but Milo thinks the bed is his!

    The mom. x

  • Kitcaboodles

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello! I’ve added you to Google Reader and am getting acquainted with Domino and all the cats, what a wonderful thing you are doing. I’m in the UK, but have been keeping up to date on what’s happening with Irene in the US. Hope you all stay safe x

  • Admiral Hestorb

    Oh my goodness…reading this gave me a smile and a twinge of sadness for the babiers as well. We try so hard to please show the they love they deserve and they love us too. But cat wrangling has got to be right up there with tension between the combatents. :-)))

    I reared three cat men.

  • CATachresis

    You need more resolutions than a UN summit to get all the cats to rub along! But well done. It looks like all your hard work is paying off đŸ™‚

    Also well done to all the winners and nominees at the Petties. I bet there was plenty of liquid refreshment!!

  • nicole kidman

    My Mama did just that, dated and married a cat man. Seriously, even the felines prefer Dad to do the bathing, manicure and pedicure. Hope the hurricane will avoid your part of the woods. purrrr *giggles*

  • Marg

    Oh that so warms my heart to hear about Odin and Dom. That is so great that they are such good friends. Sounds like Ling Ling just needs to have a cat free home all to herself and some cats are like that. I have several here that would like to please be the only cat.
    Magnolia is a little lonely this morning. She was crying which made me very sad. But it is probably because she feels a tiny bit better after her vet ordeal and now is lonely and wants out. Hopefully she will learn that inside isn’t so bad. It all just takes time. Take care and we sure hope the hurricane doesn’t come to visit you too badly.

  • Catherine

    It won’t be long before kitties rule the world. I just hope they remember all the ‘cat lovers’ who were good to them through the years. đŸ˜‰
    xo Catherine

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