World Vet Day and Superpowers Caturday
UPDATE: Last night we updated to the new 4.2 version of WordPress which caused our major technical issues including comments not showing up. After spending much of the day with tech support, most of the issues were resolved but we’ll be taking a break until Monday. It’s times like these when I wish I could trade places with a happily napping cat! Thanks so much and hopefully all comments will show up soon.
The last Saturday in April is World Vet Day, the day when the life-saving contribution to animals and their community by veterinarian are honored. We’re hugely grateful for our vets. Thank-you Rich Goldstein, Stacey Joy Hershman and Letrisa Miller.
One vet in the news has the veterinary profession up in arms. Veterinarian Kristin Lindsey, accused of killing a cat with a cross box last week It might be time her for to re-visit the oath she took when she became a vet.
Our week in review.
Mondays With Merlin revealed news of his latest vet visit.
Our Shelter Cat Spotlight featured the largest cat I’ve ever seen.
Our favorite funny but true cat video this week is about Feline Superpowers. Come on, we all know they have them.
What are your cats’ superpowers?

Good luck with getting everything working properly. And though Nellie HATES the vet (with her, hate is not a strong enough term) the other cats and dog love the vet. We have been lucky to have had great ones.
Nellie and Mom
PS Extra special kisses for Merlin
and don;t forget to enter the Finish the Sentence Game, purrhaps yous could gets a cartoon of Merlin.
Caren Gittleman
Amen…thanks for posting that
Layla Morgan Wilde
hosting godaddy support test
Glogirly & Katie
testing 1 2 3
The Island Cats
We hope that person…we can’t call her a vet because no vet would do what she did…goes to jail.
We hope that Texas revokes the license of that Vet and that she is NEVER allowed to practice Veterinary medicine again.
Layla Morgan Wilde
We updated our site to the new WordPress 4.2 and it’s not alllowing us in to edit.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yippee, thanks to tech support, we are up and running again!
Skeeter and Izzy
We give thanks for all of those that help, that heal ,that care no matter how small or insignificant they think the contribution may be or how great and encompassing it may be. Love,gentleness,compassion,kindness,caring open hearts and minds. Thank you to all. We celebrate and thank our Vets for having all of those things and more.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Sue Brandes
We are lucky to have very caring vets were we go. I do miss the one we had for 12 years that moved away though. Have a great Caturday.
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
My cats have far too many superpowers to list, but I am reminded of my beloved Jazz who would come and visit me on occasion in the afterlife. Blessings to all the veterinarians that stay true to their oath – it is not an easy job – so much hardship to see, but thankfully they also do so much for making the lives of our pets better.
easy rider
I say thank you to all vets who are there to protect us and to help us even on weekend or at night… and I hope K. Lindsey bows her head with shame today and maybe she remembers what it really means to be a vet…
Ellen Pilch
That story broke my heart about the cat getting killed with an arrow- what a sicko.
We have good vets, just nobody special who we can really put our trust in. We envy those kitties who do have a special vet in their lives.