What’s Cooking With Vintage Funny Cats
What’s Cooking With Vintage Funny Cats? The usual silliness. This week’s cat caption contest winner understood the quandary of a cat mom and a funny bunny. Congratulations to Kathryn Esplin for her caption about bunneh kitteh love.
If you’d like to come up with a funny caption, it’s easy: just think like a cat. This week’s Cat Cartoon Contest is from the “What’s cooking” theme. With curious cats, your guess is as good as mine. Leave your caption in the comments and maybe you’ll be the lucky winner next week. If you win and would like us to share your blog or website URL or Facebook or social media page please include (up to two links) in the caption.
We colorized this antique kitty pic by Harry Whittier Frees. It dates back from circa 1900 and this kitty had no idea she’d be amusing cat lovers over a hundred years later. I wonder what we’ll be smiling over a hundred years from now. Any guesses? What’s not funny is the original LOL cats photographer committed suicide after battling cancer and poverty after a successful career. It’s sad his obituary lists his address and death by gas but no mention of his illustrious career. He was 100 years ahead of his time.
He’s been vilified in recent years of using taxidermied animals and perhaps some are but most aren’t. If you examine many of his images it looks like he used a backdrop with hole to push through a live cat’s head and sometimes used taxidermied arms and legs. Regardless of his methods, they were inventive and there were never any complaints of animal abuse. He would borrow and return his models from neighbor’s and pet shops. Apparently he never kept any pets of his own. A nervous type, he obsessed over the details of each photo shoot, limiting them to three months of the year. He never married and took care of his aging parents. After they died, he lived quietly in obscurity.
Curiousity got the better of me and I googled the address. Harry’s last home in 1953, was a tiny 1 bed, 1 bath cottage in Clearwater, Florida. I have no idea who if anyone lives there but I could help wonder if it was haunted. It would make a great little museum.
Okay, that should spark some creative juices for a caption for “what’s cooking”.

Sweet Purrfections
Mixing up some catnip soup!
Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey
I love your photo caption series – what a great idea!
Kitties Blue
“Wash your paws. Dinner’s almost ready!”
XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Your Nellie Bellie
When that guy said “a chicken for every pot”, I thought I’d won the lottery!
Seville at Nerissa's Life
Stir for two minutes before adding more nip…
Ellen Pilch
That is a cute caption for last week’s photo. Such a sad story about the photographer of this week’s photo.
Edie Chase
Why does someone always ring the doorbell when I’m making my fish stew.
The Island Cats
That’s a great caption!
That’s sad about the LOL photographer. 🙁
Our caption for this one is “Oops! I think I stirred in too much catnip!”
ConCats to Kathryn!
How sad that the talented photographer died under such sad conditions. 🙁
Caption: “Hmm, I think it needs a bit more catnip.”
Thank you for the concatulations!
Made my day.
Very sad story of such a talented photographer. Good thing history has some of his photographs for posterity, to enrich our lives.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kathryn, so glad you stopped by 🙂 The good thing is most of his old work was republished for a new generation to enjoy.
Whew, that’s a very good thing.
da tabbies o trout towne
conga ratz two ewe Kathryn….that iz an awesum capshun for that foto !! best fishes two everee one with thiz weekz ♥♥♥
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to Kathryn!
We are sad to know that Mr Frees suffered from such things. Creativity can be a demanding master.We cannot control everything in life and sometimes it just takes us to a completely different place than we hoped to be.
Happy Day to All!!!
Skeeter and Izzy & the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
The artist’s life is usually not an easy path. Purrs to the whole gang.
It does sound sad, the life the photographer lived and the end..
I’d go with caption “I deserve big treat for doing this photoshoot!”
easy rider
Isn’t that sad that such a story is behind this cute and funny pictures… I’m so sorry that so much artists had a sad life ….
I had no idea this human had such a sad life. 🙁