Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Holidays

Valentine Video Purrs of True Kitty Love

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Valentine Purrs of True Kitty Love.

If you missed our ahem, unusual Valentine’s Day cards this week, enjoy the love right meow.

Instead of our usual vintage flare, today our love is contemporary but still unique. The kitty Valentine cards are freshly designed by Layla with love and extra purrs of devotion to you dear reader.

But first the sweetest video of kitty love. I went hunting on Youtube and the usual cute cat videos with millions of views popped up as popular videos do while videos with few views get no love. I did a search for something new that hardly anyone has seen and found this. Cute cats Kwazi and Uli have been cuddling together since 2013! If you love it, share it and maybe give a thumps up and their YouTube page.

Yup, we loaf you too!

It’s not black or white when choosing to adopt a cat. All colors are are divine and purrfectly fine. Yes, this why we’re a little biased about black cats though đŸ˜‰


Life is messy and often less than pristine but true love shines through. I wanted to show that with by smudging a heart with a paw mark. It didn’t turn out perfect but I kind of like it. Do you?


I hope your Valentine’s Day is pretty in pink, black or rainbow-hued.
May you be showered with love of the furry or any other kind.
Love xo,




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