Summer Mondays With Merlin: Stop, Smell, Savor You Know What
Summer is whizzing by and I’m savoring every whiff. The first batch of roses have already died and I’m waiting for the next buds to bloom. Oh my whiskers, day lilies are out already, the clematis is climbing high, the raspberries will bear fruit soon and Layla feels like someone set summer on warp speed. Can someone set up a big STOP sign or a SLOW DOWN sign so we can enjoy more moments? I’ve been enjoying sleeping in with my mom who horrors, does not check email until the afternoon! She calls it mental health maintenance. She’s also recharging her spiritual batteries by visiting the city today to receive the blessing of Amma the hugging saint who is in town.
Do you feel summer is rushing by? Have you stopped and smelled you know what?
We’re off tomorrow and back on Wednesday with a sad, shelter report. Sniff, Layla has cried buckets and I’m doing my best to keep her in the here and now. There has been much loss in my cat blogging world. Cats lost. Cats ill. Cat dying. Cat lovers’ friends and family ill and dying. With so much loss lately she’s having a real hard time coping.
Be patient. Be kind.

Oui Oui
Merlin you have such good advice! And we hope your mom can be cheered by knowing how much she is loved. Loss is such an unfortunate part of life and loving, we’ll be purring and sending positive thoughts her way. While grieving is necessary, we hope she will be able to focus on all the good in her life soon. Hugs & kisses!
Harvey Button
You are so right to stop and smell the flowers, want the summer to last longer. It’s our favourite season, Mum struggles with being depressed in the New Zealand winter but we manage as others, as you say, are losing friends, struggling more and we have been so lucky.
Enjoy your summer, we can wait for it here, smell that catnip! Sniff that Rose!
Harvey Button
You are very wise Merlin and we should all take the time to stop and smell the roses. I am sorry she has so much sadness around her to make her feel so down. I know you will do your best to help to bring the smiles back.
Connie Marie
Merlin, I love you, you are so wise. Thank you for today’s message. Take care of your Mom.
PS. There’s nothing wrong with looking at emails in the afternoon. Some of us just can’t function well till then.
Sorry your mom is having so much sadness. There is so much loss in the pet realm it’s sometimes hard to cope with all the bad news. But there is good news. And your mom will smile again.
Hugs speak louder than words dear Merlin..I’m sure you boys will give her many..
Sweet Purrfections
We’re purring for happier days for your mom.
Skeeter and Izzy
Layla, Merlin,
We walk the journey of sadness together. It is a hard one at best. Our hearts are heavy and our souls are wounded but we go on. We have to because there are still so many that need us. We send our love and support to you as you have sent yours to us. We continue to Pray and Purr for all that need it, sometimes that is all we can do. Kitty kisses and hugs with all the paws we have.
Luvs to you and all of your family and to everyone out there that is suffering a loss, an illness or any other overwhelming event in their life. We Purr, we Pray.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Brian Frum
Howdy handsome Merlin! Take care of that Mom.
The Swiss Cats
We’re purring for your bean, Merlin ! We hope that hugs and snuggling with kitties will be good for her ! Purrs
Cherry City Kitties
Hey Merlin! Good to see ya buddy! Send our purrs to your mom, we know you guys are taking good care of her, but hey, sometimes we need all the purrs we can get!
Sally Swanson
Purrs to you, Merlin and Layla! Layla, you need to think of all the good that you do for your furry friends!
Angel AbbyGrace
Merlin you always give wise advise! Tell your Mom we’re thinking of her. (hugs)
Glogirly and Katie
(((purrs))) Merlin…
So sorry that all the sadness has your mom down.
Sending sunshine,
Katie & Glogirly
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz…yur mom canna werk day in N day out at de shelter N see what her seez…then come home ta find mor oh de same on de webz……it bee like R pal Chey rited about..compassion fatigue ♥♥♥♥♥
Merlin, you are a very good boy. Hope your mom is OK. All that illness and death…. I am so sorry
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Mom is hanging in there but it’s exhausting.
Caren Gittleman
Merlin, tell your Mom she just made my Mom feel better! There are times lately that Mom is REFUSING to check email til NIGHT and some days she skips it altogether. Mom is also trying to preserve what is left of her mental health and has been cutting back BIG TIME in a variety of areas of blogging. Mom says she has almost had enough…the operative word being “almost” Love, Cody
Austin Towers
It sounds like your mom needs a lot of kitty snuggles, Merlin. I reckon you are up to the job!! xxx
Ms. Phoebe's Mum
Awww I am so glad Merlin your wise and amazing soul is there to help your Mom through what indeed has been a difficult year. The passing, illness, gone missing of so many fur babies and their pet parents we know in the blogosphere and social media in 2014, has been what does seem to be in higher numbers than past years.
This alone has been difficult for me having lost a fur baby of my own, and then a dear friend, as well as many fur baby friends, yet when you are also someone with a chronic illness all of this can be overwhelming. I hope you and your brothers will continue to comfort your Mom in her grief for Gris Gris, passed friends, and apply those powerful, healing purrs to help her feel energenic and physically well again. It is not easy but I speak from experience when I say that for me, I know I would not have ever regained purpose and joy in my life if it weren’t for my fur babies.
Sue Brandes
Good morning Merlin and Layla. I am sorry for your sadness. Hugs.
The Island Cats
Merlin, we do feel like summer is whizzing by. We’re sorry to hear Miss Layla has been so sad lately. We send her comforting purrs.
Oh no, so sorry to hear about your mom. If she is crying and it involves sadness for those cats, I’m sure it will have me pouring buckets too. So sad and so unbearable. Hang in there and lots of hugs your way.
I’m sorry to hear your mom is sad 🙁 It’s really hard to deal with when kitties are sick or lost. I cry when reading such stories on internet. But it’s much harder when you face it in person. Sending purrs and hugs to her.
easy rider
I’m sad with your human Merlin, to say bye is always so hard … Please give her a hug from me.
Bev Green
So sorry Layla is feeling the pains of loss and sadness from around her..indeed she needs to recharge and reset her own balance Merlin….and stop and not only smell but breathe in the loveliness of the you know what….hugs and purrs and even woofs and baaas from us all Fozziemum xx
Oh Merlin…..I’m so sorry Miss Layla is sad – she’s right though…..there seems to be an unusual number of losses and sad happenings in the world…..I’m sure you do your best along with the other boys to keep her spirits up – it’s a big job we do for our Moms isn’t it?? I hope the hug from Amma helps………meanwhile, enjoy the sniffs of summer…..they are many and they are delicious and healing.
Hugs, Sammy
Purrs to your human, Merlin – it sounds like she could really use a hug from Amma!