Caturday Snowstorm Videos
It’s been an upside down kind of week. Most of you know how exhausting it is taking care of a sick cat, but Merlin is pushing twenty. I’m relieved to announce he is recuperating nicely from his UTI vet emergency last Saturday. After death sniffing at our door again we’ve dodged another bullet. Merlin has easily used up his nine lives and is in overtime. I spent all day working in bed this week with my patient snuggled under the covers. The best Valentine’s Day gift was seeing him make his way down the stairs by himself for the first time all week and play with a catnip mouse.
Thank-you for your purrs, prayers and well wishes. They really helped us get over the hump.
What are you doing this weekend? Are you practicing your Love Cloud Cat Kisses?
Guess what? It’s snowing again. We’re having our third snowstorm this week and only Odin loves living in a snow globe as evidenced in these short videos. Well, at least at first…
Twelve inches? It’s a cakewalk.
Odin loves diving and digging into the snow but then the snow began to accumulate….Yes, this video is upside down, kind of like my life. One of these days I’ll get into videos but not really motivated when other peeps get gazillions of views and we get like three, LOL.
And the next day he took a swan dive off the porch but got in too deep…
Stay warm dear friends! One of these days I’ll get into videos but I’m not really motivated when other peeps get gazillions of views and we get like zip and no shares. It’s a mystery what goes viral and there can only be a handful of celebrity cats. Poor Odin had his chance on TV but missed grabbing the golden ring. Maybe in his next life…

Kathy Mangan
Hi Layla, just shared it. Loved the pictures of Odin playing in the snow because he reminds us of our Gunther who went over the Rainbow Bridge, But what I really loved was the soundtrack of the rain storm and the GREEN GRASS!! We still have 18 inches of snow up here in Wisconsin, and I have never liked to complain about the weather, but…. Have a great weekend! Purrs from the Mangan household of , George-A Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, Sara, Maddie, and Peppermint Patty.
Laura Zaccardi
Healing purrs for Merlin….
Love the videos of Odin swan diving in the snow. His beautiful tuxedo markings are especially gorgeous with winter’s artwork as the backdrop.
The Squeedunk Cats can’t go outside because the Warehouse apartment is on the 9th floor, but they love to watch the snow fall and land on the warehouse across the street. So we live vicariously through Odin, the Swan Dive Champion!
Georgie DeAngelis
this! It’s the first time I’ve ever seen it! I will happily share anything I see on here.
hang in there Merlin, and Odin you better be careful, the snow is getting deeper and deeper!
Georgie DeAngelis
come it was supposed to read “I love this” at the beginning!
Constance Marie
To each his own. Odin looks so pretty against the snow. Funny videos
Am trying the Slow Blinks, think I got one and I knew then Sasha really loves me.
Yay for Merlin! We’re glad he is felling better. 🙂
Odin — how can you go outside in this stuff? BRRRRRRR!
Kimberly H. Smith
Love the pic of the cat “reading” one of your previous posts. Here in the south, we can’t handle the snow. Everything shuts down, thank goodness. #SITSBlogging
mes is so furry happy to hear that Merlin is hanging in and Odin is a maniac!!
Katnip Lounge
The swan dive KILLED! Odin is sure an intrepid soul. Or crazypants!
Purrs that Merlin is recovering…
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Crazypants! And thanks :-0
Cathy Keisha
ODIN! Pal! Are you crazy?? Snow is for poor homeless cats to endure and try to keep warm. It’s not for the pleasure of indoor cats.
Odin are you mad???
I am glad Merlin is doing well again.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Mad as a hatter 😉
Sue Brandes
Aww he sure likes that snow. So cute.
Don’t blame any cat for running home after venturing into htat cold stuff. We give up. Paws are too cold to spell.
So glad to hear that Merlin is doing well. Love the videos of Odin in the snow!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kathie, thanks so much!
Skeeter and Izzy
More Happy,Healing Purrs to our dear friend Merlin. We are so glad to hear that he is feeling better.
My feral Tiger is a snow cat like Odin. He plows into it like it is nothing! My feral girl Sunny will play and run but only where there is a path shoveled out!
The rest of the gang tolerates it but prefer being in their boxes or in the house.
Kepp safe and warm.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks guys! It all comes down to purrsonality. I hope the ferals are keeping warm.
Purrs and hugs to you dear Merlin from all of us.
Debbie Blackburn
Thanks. These videos made me smile!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Debbie, thanks 🙂
I think we might be working on the same writing project! Good luck to you!!
Pushing 20!! Oh yeah, so happy he dodged this one!!!
Healing purrs to Merlin and happy purrs to Odin and Dom Dom!
My boyz are sleeping on me, while I rest up after the horrible fatigue after shoveling the other day. Hubs is on medical leave and can’t’ the guy downstairs was at work; but the woman next door and downstairs helped dig my car out.
I think Hubs has another month before he is cleared to drive, after the triple bypass. No shoveling until next winter. Not fond of the five hour a day driving, though, but hopefully, that will only be for about 3 to 5 more weeks.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for continued purrs. I bet you’re tired and you have more snow on the way! Drive carefully.
Katie and Cocco
Just stopping by to send more healing hugs. So glad things are looking up!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks guys. We’re taking it one step at a time.
Odin is quite the “snow man” isn’t he?! Sammy used to love playing in the snow back in his youth – these days – much like his hero Merlin – he prefers to be warm and INSIDE with his Mom. So happy to hear that Merlin is feeling better; good enough to venture downstairs and play a bit! That’s wonderful news……Hugs to all!
Pam and Sam
Layla Morgan Wilde
I can understand why older, arthritic Sammy doesn’t like the cold stuff.
I’m glad to hear that Merlin is in better spirits! You guys are getting WAY too much snow.
The Swiss Cats
We don’t have snow, just an awful crazy wind that destroys trees and old roofs… But when there is snow, we like to play in it as we know that we can go in a cosy and warm home after the game ! Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Nice seeing you at the ball.