cat loss quote

Mancat Monday:Memories of a Green Summer

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Well, I don’t know about you but I could use a breath of spring, a flash of green and some warm weather. Endless snow and cold is getting old. While searching for some green memories, I found this random shot of Gris Gris, Odin and Domino (Merlin was out of frame). It’s so perfectly ordinary and commonplace until I realized this trio of cats will never be photographed again. I didn’t expect to write about Gris Gris today or about death but sometimes life has other plans. One lesson from grieving is the opportunity to learn what really matters, what true value means. For me the learning unfolds in a place of more being and less doing. My work schedule is upside down and it’s costing me dearly but it’s all good.

Merlin, who has always ruled the roost has his commanding voice back. He barks like a drill sergeant (Siamese style) to stop whatever I’m doing late morning to spend several hours in bed under the covers with me. I work covertly on a laptop as much as I can between doing Reiki and meditating with him. Don’t wait for someone to bark at you to value what’s important this week. Savor the moments and remember: memories are evergreen.

Quote memory summer cats

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