Shakespeare Cats and Zen Cats Book Giveaway +
If you’re a literary lover and cat book aficionado like us, you’re in for a double treat. Two lucky winners will win two gorgeous new cat books from Mango Media. But first, we’re purring to announce the winner of our Rescued book giveaway. Congratulations to our winner Katie Kat and Oreo. We’d asked for rescue stories in the comments and hers is remarkable. Please scroll down and read. It’s worth it.
Our weekly #Sundayselfie is of a very reluctant Odin. Scroll down to the blog hop.
1) Shakespeare’s Cats: The Complete Sonnets For The Literary Cat Lover contains all 154 of Shakespeare’s sonnets beautifully laid out and illustrated with cat photos on every page. Each sonnet is explained for the less scholarly reader and fun factoids about writing and Elizabethan life is a bonus. Did you know Shakespeare was a cat lover who not only mentioned cats over 40 times but originated words like caterwauling and catcall?
2) Zen Cats: Meditations for the Wise Minds of Cat Lovers contains the wisdom of Buddha in short excerpts from his religious text, the Dhammapada. In many Buddhist traditions cats are considered sacred. This book is filled with delightful images of cats on every page to help tune into your calming inner Zen.
Merlin, an old Zen cat thinks both books would make any cat lover smile. Like to win both copies? Simply leave a comment before 11:59 pm ET, March 29, 2015. For extra chances to win, social media share and tell us in a separate comment where you shared.
The story of Katie and Katie Too
All my cats found me! My oldest girl’s story is very interesting. Katie Too showed up at a friend’s house in another town on the very same day that Kitty, my mother’s (formerly my grandmother’s) cat passed away at 20 years old. Kitty went home one year to the day that my brother was tragically killed from a 200 feet fall. Mom asked Kitty to please stay another year, because she couldn’t bear losing Kitty and my brother at the same time.

how do i grow my facebook group
this is always a good read how do i grow my facebook group
Deb 'N Cats
Shakespeare and cats. What’s not to love?
Diane McKenney
Breath. In.
Purr. Out. -
Diane McKenney
Breathe in
Purr out -
Bethany Meissner
Oh! And I shared on Twitter to make sure my friend who is a huge Shakespeare scholar would see because, in addition to being a fan of the bard, she and her husband are also totally devoted to their cats.
Bethany Meissner
Oh, I love that rescue story! I really do believe that they walk into our lives when we need them.
Those books also look very cool. Adding them to my list if I don’t win!
Harvry Button and Marjorie
We LOVE the books and also loved the story of Katy Too. We are Sunday Selfie LATE but here!
Harvry Button and Marjorie
We LOVE the books and also loved the story of Katy Too. Our condolences on hyour brother even though it was some time ago.
Shared on FB, Google+ and Twitter. Thanks so much.
OMG How could I not know Shakespeare loved cats? Yet, I did not know this.
What an incredible book that must be. Absolutely incredible. Like everyone here, I would love that book. But no loss, if I don’t win. I will get the book myself. Just must have The Bard and his Cats.
Sharing on FB, Twitter and Google+
So many special cats in our world.
I took a semester of Shakespeare in college. While I was studying the Tempest I caught my first feral cat. His name was Tempest. He’s the one who started it all.
Elaine Hutzelman
I have a piece of art work I want to share with all. It is entitled “Cats Quoting Shakespeare,” Dating Advice: What men” want ” to hear…
male: “Come, let away-my love,give me thy lips.” Henry VI.
female: “What is your will?” Measure for measuremale: “You, you, ay, you!” Othello
female: “A god on earth thou art.” Richard IIfemale: I think the boy hath grace in him; he blushes.” 2 Gents
male: “Look you, I love you. Well, I’ll give you gold.” Timons-
Layla Morgan Wilde
Love this, Elaine. Thanks for sharing.
Cathy Keisha
That is a wonderful story! Concats to whoever wins the books.
Sweet Purrfectionss
Such a nice give away
Little Binky and Granny
What a beautiful story. We have simular experiences with the death of our animals and new ones were “send”. Pawkisses for a lovely Evening 🙂 <3
Love the Shakespeare’s Sonnet book. The sonnet I had to memorize in High School is still branded in my brain. I’d like to see it illustrated and explained.
Nice action shot, Odin!
xxoo -
Cynthia Southern
I shared on Google +
Cynthia Southern
I shared on Pinterest in the Pet Giveaways and Contests board.
Cynthia Southern
I shared on Facebook.
Cynthia Southern
Both of these look amazing. I love the cat on the cover of the Zen book. 🙂
Darlene Arden, C.A.B.C.
Cats are amazing. I wrote in The Complete Cat’s Meow that their purrs are healing to us as well as to them. Aimee’s purring always helps ease my migraines.
Why didn’t I think about writing about about Shakespeare and Cats?! I started reading The Complete Works of William Shakespeare when I was twelve. No, I was not a nerd. LOL I’ve always been a voracious reader.
Layla Morgan Wilde
you, could have done this in a heartbeat!
The Island Cats
What great stories! And good books.
Odin…we like your selfie…whether you liked taking it or not!
Concats to Katie Kat & Oreo! Both those books sound lovely.
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thanks dear Flynn!
Shared on TWitter
What an amazing Rescue story!
Wow — concats on the win Katie Kat!!-
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thanks dear Annabelle. Just reading the postie… Kitty was an amazing cat, even more so when a new kitty arrived to take her place. btw, Katie Too’s full name is Katie Kitty Too.
Sue Brandes
Shared on Twitter.
Sue Brandes
Shared on Facebook.
Sue Brandes
What an amazing story. Both of these books sound good.
Those look like terrific reads. We’d be happy to win either (thanks for the chance).
That story about Katie is amazing. Truly amazing!
Nice NON-selfie, Odin! 🙂
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thanks so much Meow Meow Man!!!
What great stories! Mes loves hearing about those. Wes had some interesting pet stories in out life too!
About the garlic – You can also use your oven, set to 150 degrees for 2-3 hours, or 200degrees for 1-2 hours making sure to flip them occasionally. They may brown, so keeps an eye on them!-
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks for the recipe!
Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to Katie Kat & Oreo! We loved their story. Cats ARE amazing!
We love the selfies as always!
Zen Cats and Shakespeare’s Cats would both be wonderful books to have! These both sound like wonderful reads to us.
Happy Sunday!!!!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^< -
That sure was a great story and we sure did enjoy it.
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thank you, Brian I’m just now reading it myself… mol.
Oh Odin you must do selfies. You are so cute and we all want to see photos of you.
Alesha OL
Shared on Pinterest
Alesha OL
I would love to have these for my daughter she would adore them, then she could share 🙂
Kitties Blue
Cats have an amazing ability to heal, and Katie Too proved that. Odin, Calista Jo feels your pain. She did not want to do selfies either. Most of her photos looked just like the one of you on the right! Thanks so much for joining us today; even though, you didn’t want to do so. Please enter us in your drawing. XOCK. Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Katie Kat and Oreo
Kitty was an amazing girl indeed… she insisted that Mom do something about her back and thankfully she went back to the doctor. The MRSA treatment lasted for nearly 8 months – that’s how long it took the infection to heal…
BTW, Katie Too’s full name is Katie Kitty Too… And she is now 12 years old and has earned the right to be cranky sometimes!!!
Karen French
I am both a catoholic & a bookoholic & would love the books. Katie Kat’s story was amazing!
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thanks Karen! Katie Too is now 12 years old and has earned the award for Cranky older girls… She is still my lap baby though. <3
The Swiss Cats
What a great NON-selfie ! We read Katie’s story, it’s just amazing : we’re glad she won ! Mum said that Zen Cats looks like a “must-have” for her (it’s clipped in Evernote ! ) Purrs
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thanks so much for reading our story and we are just amazed to have won!
Both of these books look really interesting. I like the fact that they don’t require an advanced degree to enjoy.
Ellen Pilch
That is a great giveaway, they look like fun books.
Katie’s story is amazing indeed! ConCats on winning! The caterised Shakespeare sonnets sounds like a fun read! Being someone who never “got” Shakespeare, this might enlighten me a bit!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
It gives a different angle which was quite enlightening.
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thanks so much for choosing Katie Too’s (and Kitty’s) story. Kitty was an amazing cat, even more so when a new kitty arrived to take her place. btw, Katie Too’s full name is Katie Kitty Too.
I remember Katie Kat’s story – it was great.
Katie Kat and Oreo
Thank your Summer for remembering Katie Too… Just now finding the postie about how we wons the book! I will post about winning the book when it arrives… purrz, Katie Kat
Kitty was a petite Russian Blue who contracted FIV. Our vet had kept her going using steroid shots and we helped her digestive system with daily tummy rubs. At one time, she had to have all her teeth pulled. Kitty had a fun thing she did with her food to keep life interesting, she wanted a buffet of four different bowls (3 canned, 1 dry) of food to chose from daily.
The anniversary of my brother’s death, Kitty went into congestive heart failure and passed away just as we got her to the vet. Then a few hours later, my friend called to tell me that a young tuxedo kitten had mysteriously walked into her house when her oldest daughter opened the door about the same time that Kitty died. That cat was Katie Too. Katie walked into their house tail straight up as if on a mission…. About two weeks later, I went down to their town to pick her up. She have been my kitty ever since… 12 years later. I should mention that Kitty used to take walks like a doggy. She also saved my Mom’s life after her back surgery was infected… Kitty would not leave Mom’s side and would lay across her back, until Mom went back to the doctor. Turned out an MRSA.