The Remedy For Feline & Human Stress
The holiday season is upon us and if you’re feeling ho, ho, NO, let me share my secret stress stopper. For over twenty years, I’ve relied on Rescue Remedy, the #1 natural stress reliever recommended by veterinarians since the 1930s It’s made up of five flower and plant essences developed by Dr. Edward Bach in England. There are 38 homeopathic Bach Remedies proven that can help manage the emotional demands of everyday life but the easiest way is to use Rescue Rescue. I sip water with a few drops added. The cats have it in their drinking water. Originally the remedy used alcohol as a preservative but there is an alcohol-free version as well.
Last summer, I embarked on a botanical journey in the spirit of Dr. Bach. He left his successful medical practice to move to the countryside and explore the healing properties of plants and spent the rest of his life developing his healing essences. Over twenty year ago, I studied the Bach remedies but switched to aromatherapy which I taught for many years. For the past twelve years I’ve cultivated an entirely organic and wild garden but never felt the desire to create flower essences, until this year.
As many of you know, my cats and I spend time in the garden daily. All summer, I gradually began to choose specimens to pick according to moon phases and planetary hours. Guided by intuition, I sensed which plants wanted to be picked. The intention was their willing sacrifice to help heal another species, cats and humans! Every single flower was asked before being gently plucked. If there was any resistance, I moved on. The plant material was placed in clean, glass bowls of water and soaked in the sun for specific periods. I’d photograph the plant specimen or flower before picking and after the sun “bathing”. Before filtering and bottling I’d sit on the ground and do Reiki to infuse an extra dose of healing energy. It’s a labor of love with much experimentation and learning to speak their “language”. For now I have 28 varieties of essences to teach me. They aren’t for sale, but when they it feels right, I’ll share more about the experience and experiments.
To learn more about flowers essences there are free downloads of Dr.Bach’s fascinating books.
The winner of our fab Hidden Harness giveaway from Central Park Pups for an an all-in-one coat, step-in harness collar plus cushion grip leash is Jennifer Mauger. Congratulations! Please look for an email from Layla and Cat Wisdom 101 requesting your shipping address.

Skeeter and Izzy
Concats to Jennifer!!
Communing with nature is ALWAYS a source of peace! We don’t have a garden but we always look for the beauty in everything around us and we are never disappointed.
Luvs and stress free wishes to all,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut >^..^<
Devoted to Willow
That kitty looks very relaxed aromatheaphy sounds very interesting through it would be overwhelming where to start this is good overview.
Cherry City Kitties
hmmm… seems like we were just having a little conversation…
I’m doing one on the next sunny day… our bittersweet berries have been calling me and I collected water from an all day rain a couple days ago… not flowers I know, but the message is strong. I wish you could come share my May woods with me, we could sit on the Mother Rock and commune with the wildflowers for days!
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’d like nothing better to commune in nature with you! I though my bottling time was over for the season but there might be a straggler or two.
That’s so cool, Layla! We use Rescue Remedy here, and it really does work. Your botanical journey sounds fascinating, and we look forward to hearing more as you experiment and develop…
What a beautiful picture. I love the twisty grape vine tendrils in the foreground. Thanks for the reminder of the flower essences. I have some in a drawer and forgot about them.
Sending good wishes to you and your furfamily!
Sue St Clair
Excellent article and very timely! 🙂
I have friends who swear by Rescue Remedy. It is definitely worth a try. x
Francesca Villa
I have been using Bach flower remedies for years now! I use to suffer from panic attacks, and Bach flowers helped me so much!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for sharing how it works for you :-0
Alana Grelyak & Crepes
Layla, just reading about your method for making your own experiment is calming! I can imagine myself in your beautiful garden. Thanks for sharing that!
The bach flower tonics were suggested to us by a cat behaviorist. I admit I’ve also used them for myself from time to time. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, my garden is a healing sanctuary. The process of making the essences which is entirely done outdoors is very Zen-like and very different from a commercially produced product. And yes, you can use them too.
Angel Abby
It is a wonderful concoction!
TW has Rescue Remdy for me but I won’t take it. She tried it for herself once and went right to sleep Rescue Remedy isn’t easy is find but she found it in Whole Body. part of Whole Foods. Right now she has the pre-winter depressions. Maybe it would help her stop crying and yelling at me.
Layla Morgan Wilde
RR can be placed in the water bowl without their knowledge. Do you have SAD? I swear by my lightbox. The Bach Mustard might be helpful too.
da tabbies o trout towne
de food serviss gal coz use a few gallonz oh stress reee leaf frum werk rite now….
hope everee one haza grate week oh end !~~~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh oh, that sounds serious. Best nip that stress in the bud!
The Island Cats
We’ve tried Rescue Remedy and now we use some of the Spirit Essences from Jackson Galaxy. We don’t know if they help…but we figure they won’t hurt!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Why use a brand you’re not sure is working? I trust Bach, a company that’s been around for 80 years and my own artisanal efforts.
easy rider
Bach Remedies are super great! you can use them for nearly all things, even for infections or small injuries or if you have a cold.
Your flower picking routine sounds very peaceful and soothing and respectful. I feel like I can feel the love and energy and healing right from my living room when I envision you carrying out your rituals. Lovely! 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
Cindy, thank-you. It’s very much a ritual of love and honoring.
Matt the Brisbane Photographer
Man that cat looks comfortable! I would love to be laying on the grass on a nice Summer’s day.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Lucky you heading towards summer down under!
Constance Marie
Sounds wonderful to have that access to flowers. Thank you for the downloads as well.
Hope all is well with you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Connie, I think you’ll find some of those downloads interesting. Thanks, I’m hanging in there!
I’m afraid my human’s idea of dealing with stress is with a split of champagne! All the more reason why I should always have access to Rescue Remedy!
P.S. I don’t know if you checked back on my blog, but I am using elements of this year’s calendar pages for other products on Zazzle, so even though it is a lot of work, it isn’t just for the calendar.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Champagne is welcome around here during the holidays too :-0
What a lovely treat – essences. Aromatherapy certainly is wonderful.
I do hypnosis several times a day – at least once – and often two or three times a day.
It incites the parasympathetic nervous system, and stress floats away.
Truly, a wonderful treat, aromatherapy.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yeah, it’s aromatherapy bath time! That’s interesting about hypnosis!