Purrfect Mother’s Day For Pet Moms, Cat Rescue Moms, Kitten Foster Moms +
Purrfect Mother’s Day For Cat Rescue Moms, Kitten Foster Moms and black cat moms by Layla Morgan Wilde.
You don’t need to gestate for nine months or give birth to be a mom. Anyone who who nurtures, cares for or raises another living being deserves to be called a mom. Whether you’re a step-mom, cat rescue mom, kitten foster mom or any kind of pet mom, happy Mother’s Day. You are the cat’s meow or cat’s pajamas in our book! Our gift for you is a selection of cards. If Pick one to share wherever you enjoy sharing. Want more? I create new cat mom cards every year. Some of my other favorite shareable Mother’s Day cards
A special shout out and purrs to volunteer cat rescue moms. There are so many cats in need. Thank you to all foster moms, whether kitten or adult foster providers. Kitten season is in full swing, shelters are full and they need all the help they can get.
This is my first Mother’s Day without my mom. She died six months ago and the holiday has shifted it’s meaning for me. If your mother is no longer alive and don’t have kids, how do you celebrate Mother’s Day? My fur kids are more important than ever but I don’t have any new rituals or traditions this year, at least not yet. Enjoy these with our love and purrs of gratitude,

Cat moms are just as important as kid moms 🙂
Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs
Way too late, but Happy Belated Mother’s Day!
You are one of the bestest kitty moms we know!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks and hugs to you xox
Skeeter and Izzy
Happy belated Mother’s Day Layla. I lost my Mom 20 years ago and it still seems like yesterday.
My Cat Mom day is sad this year also. I have lost 2 of my Gang to illness since January and my third baby dear sweet Shadow(my sweet formerly feral soulmate) to someone in a car that took his life on Friday 5/4. My heart aches these days.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels. >^..^^..^<~
oh how sweet… I love the basket of joy ;O))))
Happy Mother’s Day to you, Layla.
Ched thinks you’re the best. And that’s all that matters
Loss is nearly unbearable. I think sometimes the only thing we can do is to progress through loss in tiny steps forward and back, through a smile and a cry… and eventually, it might get better.
Ellen Pilch
Sending you love and hugs, I am sure this is a sad day for you without your mom. You are a wonderful mom to your furbabies. XO
Happy Mothers Day to you also!!! I think Furkids count.
I told mine a week ago no mice, or anything else that once had been alive. I did get a puke gift on the floor though, apparently one thought it was a nice gift and had left it at night jus so I could step on it.
Hugs to you, it is very unusual the first year especially after a Mom has gone. Remember her today as many of us remember ours.
The Swiss Cats
Lovely cards, especially the third one ! Happy Mother’s Day ! Purrs
My human has never felt the mom energy, so she just wishes everyone happy Sunday.
Memories of Eric and Flynn
Happy Mother’s Day! the cards are lovely.
Aww, we love this post, Layla. Happy Mother’s Day to you, and to all moms of all kinds everywhere. Hugs and purrs to you as you remember your beloved mom. <3