Man Cat Mondays,  Mondays With Merlin

The New Cat Wisdom

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

The New Cat Wisdom by Clyde & friends.


Hello dear ones. Thanks for stopping by for your dose of cat wisdom or as I like to call it, catnip for your soul. After last week’s memorial post about Merlin, energies shifted in a profound and positive way. So much has happened that Mancat Monday or Mondays with Merlin doesn’t feel right anymore. But after six years, what can we call it? We’ve grown in wisdom but change is scary.

Can you help us decide on what feels better? I was studying an old book (we do loads of research) and Layla thought I looked good in profile. You know how I hate being photographed but Layla took a quick snap and made this graphic. She’s right about my cute profile and the description is what I’m all about. We’re creatures of the night (I won’t say night owls since they are birds!) and I’m thinking a Carpe Noctum could be my new motto. It’s Latin for seize the night or the nocturnal version of Carpe Diem or seize the day. Cats tend the sleep most of the day so we do more snoozing than seizing. It’s a theme I’d like to explore as it relates to cats and humans.

new cat wisdom

While fiddling with the image, the red pops nicely but turquoise is our brand color so Layla changed it. She thought how could we include Merlin and the others since this isn’t just my blog. Goodness, I’m seeing double. Is this a better direction or too weird? The background could be lighter and cleaned up. Thoughts?


Layla and I work together usually in bed with me on a pillow close enough to keep on eye on the keyboard. We converse verbally and non verbally and take plenty of breaks since I demand round the clock of attention. I like being petted and brushed frequently. There is are two water bowls and a food bowl within hopping distance of either the bed or top the stairs on the third floor. I also partake meals on the second floor with fursibs, Domino, Odin and Nou Nou. What works best with my diabetes and kidney disease is being fed on demand. Demand is my middle name and it adds up 7 or 8 small meals a day 24/7. Fresh, no nasty kibble or dried leftovers thank you very much.

Tarot readings with clients are a regular part of our life and yes I do help. Sometimes Layla puts the phone on speaker and I add a comment or two, har har.


Naturally, we needed to consult the cards for this week and I’m happy, no, thrilled the share two positive cards that may apply to you too! We’re already feeling a new flow and our “take three steps forward and two steps back” book project which involves more than just the book. Paws crossed the momentum continues.

Tarot_swords_catOf course that nosy ants in his pants ODIN has to chime in. Oh, he thinks he’s such a clever monkey. I don’t understand the attraction of running around outside (see him playing catch me if you can today on instagram) but you’ll never catch me climbing trees. I detest heights and the highest thing I’ll jump on is a bed.

So you see why we’re only blogging one or twice a week. It takes TIME to create good quality original content. This post alone took several photo shoots, research, editing, writing, cogitating, curating, coddling me, tweaking, SEO. Then posts are shared across social media. We love engaging with readers and followers in comments, private messages, emails A LOT but mostly on Instagram these day. Sorry we’re slacking on Facebook. Our three accounts on Instagram have taken much time to grow our amazing community, Layla is seeking ADMINS for our black cat group @BlackCatsofIG We have two and seeking up to four more. If you know anyone who loves black cats, is familiar with Instagram and can devote a few minutes a day, email Layla info@catwisdom101.comThere are perks but no pay. Admins will be eligible for our generous affiliate program for our Black Cats Tell All nonprofit shop. That will open when the book is published. It’s all slow baby steps and I thank you for being here right meow.

Big black mancat purrs,

Your devoted Clyde and one-eyed Odin. Lazy Domino and Nou Nou are MIA but have made appearances on Instagram. Layla sends her love.

new cat wisdom


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