Mondays With Merlin: Behind The Purple Door
Merlin, here on another Monday and happy to be alive. Mind you, I was not thrilled to go to the vet. AND I have some shocking news (see the last photo). The best thing about our mobile vet is he comes to our house but when I got suddenly sick two weeks ago, I had to go to another vet. The meds helped and your good wishes, but I had to go back to have my blood and urine checked again. Layla whisked me into the cozy kitty sack for some fresh air on the porch. She thought she could fool me into thinking la, la, la, here we go from here into the Sleepypod for travel…
Well, hello, I wasn’t born yesterday. I know a pet carrier when I see it (yeah I now I’m blind) even a fancy pants one like a Sleepypod. I hate being trapped in anything smaller than the state of Texas but at least the top zipped open for my head to stick out. Did I mention, I hate going to the vet? I made my peeps know by repeating myself every five seconds. Loudly. Yeah, nothing wrong with these old, meezer lungs.
Twelve endless minutes later, we arrived at the place with the purple door. How bad could a place with a fun, purple door with a neko cat door knocker?
A purple waiting room awaited me but wait, I had to wait under a DOG painting? Thank COD there weren’t any real ones. Before you could say examination, the vet was poking and podding me but she was so optimistic I decided to show my most stoic side. They said I was a very good patient and I didn’t wail until I was back in the car.
And you can believe I was loud and not only because I’m going to see a dental specialist but because my peeps met some new cats! One of them caught Layla’s eye. Okay, nothing happened yet in the adoption department but I suspect there is some fostering in our future. Stay tuned…
But who will adopt me?

Merlin we don’t blame you for your “singing”…we don’t like traveling or Vet visits either. Glad you are feeling better and continued purrs and good thoughts to you. That kitty looks so much like “A Tonk’s Tail Allie” !
Judy & C.A.T.S
We hope you are feeling better. We don’t blame you for complaining loudly on the way to the vet’s office. It is not a fun place at all. Our pawrents always tell us the good things about going to the vet but we don’t like it one bit. Love, Cali ,Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)
Austin Towers
I am glad to hear you were singing (was it Wagner?) all the way. We cats have much to tell the world! I think there might be a grey tuxie stranger in your future, buddy!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, The Valkyries, how did you know?
Oui Oui
The future sounds exciting! And Merlin, we are so glad you used your meezer voice to express yourself. It’s good to exercise it in the car as well. We love the vet’s office! Our’s is yellow, but we like purple better.
EEEK Merlin, the vet is so scary. That carrier means bad news. Glad you’re doing well and we can’t wait for some news in your future 🙂
Good to hear you’re doing fine, Merlin! Is that Tuxie a girl? When we saw the picture, we thought, ALLIE (from a Tonk’s Tail) then we saw Tuxie had no pink nail caps. 😉
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Merlin is hanging in there. The tuxie does look like Allie but he’s is male.
Cynthia Southern
Merlin, my Queenie had to go to the vet a week ago too and she hated it. I look forward to what fostering means in your home? I am very anxious to find out. 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Hope Queenie is okay. We’re not ready to adopt yet so fostering is a good option but even that won’t be until it feels right.
Cynthia Southern
Queenie was showing symptoms of kitty hyperthyroidism and saw the vet for that. She is now taking medication and goes back for a follow up visit the vet later this month. Please keep her in your purrayers. Thanks Layla.
Cynthia Southern
The vet diagnosed Queenie with hyperthyroidism.
Katnip Lounge
HORRORS!!! Who knew such terrible things were behind the purple door? We love the photo of you belting out verse No. 2745338 of the Song of Our People.
Cathy Keisha
I’m glad you sang the song of our people all the way to the vet. So, you’re thinking that you’re getting a cute sisfur who looks like Allie, Faraday’s sis. Hope your visit to the evil place went well.
Skeeter and Izzy
Merlin,sweet brother cat we are so glad you got a good checkup and we continue to Purr and Pray every day for you. A new buddy might be a good thing,especially if Angel Gris Gris is prompting the choice. Our dear Angels always have a paw in the choice and timing of the next arrival into our home.
Luvs and happy Monday to all,
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
The Island Cats
Merlin, I feel for you buddy. I’ve had to go to the vet several times in the last couple of months and I don’t like it one bit! Aren’t you glad it’s over now?? But what’s this about fostering?? We’ll stay tuned!
Glad to hear you sang your warrior songs Merlin. I hope the test results are okay and you are feeling better again now.
Sue Brandes
Hope you had a good vet visit. That is a very pretty kitty but; not as handsome as you Merlin.
Viki Worden
Merlin, you are such a handsome boy!!!! I love looking at pics of you!!!! The grey tuxedo kitty is handsome, but he can’t beat you. So, don’t worry if he comes to your home because he will never take your place.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Viki, I’ll tell Merlin. He knows he’ll always be #1 cat.
oh! what a pretty kitty! Maybe merlin will approve? hope so! Good luck. 🙂 – Crepes.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I don’t think Merlin is in any hurry to approve just yet.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood…sass em loud N bee veree proud….hope yur test ree sults come bak aye oh kay ~~~~~~~~~
Angel AbbyGrace
Oh Merlin you are still seriously our hero. We love your spunk! And what a pretty kitty!
Brian Frum
We love you Merlin and are still sending purrs pal!
Melin! Mes would has LOVED to hears your warrior song! Mes glad to see a potential new sibling! New siblings means the humans is focused on the newbie and how they is fitting in and they leaves us alone!
Layla Morgan Wilde
What a meezer duet that would be!
We are glad you are doing better. I hate the vet. Someone said something about dentals the next time I go in…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sorry to hear that but earlier is better than later. Us meezers are prone to dental issues.
So we should be on the lookout for a strange kitty in your home soon?
Merlin, sounds like you were mighty singer on the way to the vet! You are strong kitty!
The gray and white kitty is very cute. Foster possibility…? That is exciting!
Nerissa's Life
I’m super happy to hear you’re doin’ better and that the meds and purrs helped. I’m packagin’ up even more purrs, as we speak. Your next shipment of extra-strength healing purrs should arrive momentarily.
Random Felines
keep up the complaining….though we have discovered that in the long run it doesn’t seem to matter to the peeps.
that gray tuxie is pretty cute
Bev Green
Merlin never fear….Purple is a wonderful spiritual safe color…even if it does come with strange smells 🙂 My Merlin would have complained to..Hugs Fozziemum xxx
Glad to hear that Merlin isn’t going quietly. Stay strong, Merlin!
If you don’t foster the gray cat, your beautiful photograph might help get him adopted.
Connie Marie
Glad your purple appt went well. I would be upset about seeing a dental specialist too!
Very, very pretty gray Tux with nice green eyes. Don`t be upset Merlin, you will always be number 1, sometimes other cats need a home like yours.
d'Artagnan Rumblepurr
Sending you purrs, my handsome pal. Some for your Mummy as well.
I hope the checkup went okay, Merlin, although it certainly sounds like you were not thrilled! I think that grey tuxedo kitty is a cutie!
Glad to hear you’re doing well, you old meezer. Give ’em hell.
Oh that Merlin is a magician unto himself and will live forever. He doesn’t like that magical looking gray tuxedo. But he’s just wicked jealous.
So happy to see Merlin!!!!
Thanks for posting!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Merlin amazes me every day. That gray tuxie will have no trouble getting adopted but I am tempted…and nothing will happen without Merlin’s approval.