Mondays With Merlin: Good Times, Bad Times, You Know I’ve Had My Share
It’s Merlin here humming an old tune from Led Zeppelin about the ups and downs of life. For very old cats like me it’s more about quality of life. No, it’s not about silk cushions, caviar and endless catnip (although I wouldn’t mind). There is a quality of life checklist called Pawspice to help assess if it might be time for a gentle good-bye. Who are we kidding? It’s euthanasia we’re talking about. Yes, the peeps were so worried it might be time. When cats get sick, some things are obvious like hiding, limping and not eating or drinking but if you’re not sure, call a vet. Out vet says quality of life is determined when bad days outnumber good days. l’ve had some bad days lately and it was time another vet visit.
It’s okay for young healthy cats to see a vet once a year but older or ill cats may need visits 2, 3 or more visits a year.
Our mobile vet, Dr. Rich Goldstein arrived in his clinic on wheels our on Thursday just to see me. Layla had wanted him to take a look at Nou Nou too but the slippery one escaped from hubby’s clutch and vanished. After Dr. G. left, the princess showed up on Layla’s desk all coy and innocent.
It would have made for funny slapstick video if the humans weren’t worried sick about me. Naturally, I’m the best feline patient in the world. They simply had to carry me out the door and into the clinic without so much as a squirm.

Dr. G. and his trusted assistant Denise checked me out while Layla and my dad stood nearby. I’ve been more wobbly in my back legs because of muscle loss from the CKD. Dr. G. is happy I’m going for walks and encouraging more exercise to help maintain muscle tone. Luckily the warmer weather is finally here and I can do more of what I love best, sunbathing and snifferizing the garden.
A few tweaks were suggested to my health protocol: diet, supplements, meds and change in sub Q fluid dosage. I surprised everyone with my feisty joie de vivre, or joy of life as the French say. Dr. G. said, “You’re looking good old man. We’ll see you in four months.”
Of course everything can change in a heartbeat but we’re all optimistic for now. I said my good-byes and headed straight to the garden for a good whiz in the bushes. Ah life, enjoy it while you can.

Cynthia Southern
Merlin, I am glad your visit went well and that summer is near. I keep purring for you.
Cathy Keisha
Good for Merlin! He’ll keep on keeping on through the summer and then some.
Austin Towers
Merlin, I think you’ll outlive us all! You are an inspiration, truly!!
The Swiss Cats
Well done, Merlin, we’re glad to hear you had a good check-up ! We wish you many good days to come ! The quality of life scale is very interesting : we didn’t know it. Enjoy your sunbath ! Purrs
A very good visit is always a happy visit.
I am glad your check up was good Merlin and I hope you get many more good days.
Excellent, Merlin! We’re so happy to hear you’re keeping on keeping on! We love you, pal … enjoy the warmer (finally) weather! 🙂
Hugs to you and your family.
Sweet Purrfections
How wonderful your vet comes to your house. Sounds like you are hanging in there nicely.
Skeeter and Izzy
Dear friend Merlin, we are so very glad to hear that your check up went well. We hope that when you decide its time to go that you are in your garden with the smell of the earth in the air and the sunshine on your face. We adore you dear friend and wish you many more years of health and quality life.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
That’s exactly how his sister went with a little help from Dr. G. Merlin may go naturally, he hasn’t let me know yet.
Good news is always welcome. Glad you had a positive vet visit. And how neat the vet comes to you.
Glad for the good checkup! I wish there was a mobile vet where I live.
Sue Brandes
Merlin we are purring you have many good days.
Merlin we’re so glad that Dr G said he’d see you this summer and we are holding onto that. You tell ’em you still have a few tricks up your paws.
Deep purrs.
Angel Ms. Phoebe's Mum & Fur sibs
Dearest nephew your wise nature has taught me so much about seeing the world in a different light, taking the time to smell the roses, feel the warmth of the sun and enjoying each moment while we are here in this Earth. Quality of life is important for any living soul, and we are glad yours still contains plenty. Our wish for you is one glorious summer filled with warm sunshine rays and all creature comforts that bring you happiness, even though it may be your last before moving on to the next phase of life.
My Clove and Kaspars who admire your dignified wisdom and practice, cannot help but cheer on your fur sis the royal Nou Nou’s strategic escape moves. Both abhorr visits to the vet and do their best to outwit me when it comes to the dreaded carrier entrance. As we read this both little escape artists giggled and raised their paws in respect to Nou Nou.
Carry on sweet boy, bask in all the warm sun rays and enjoy the glory of the pee!
Purrs of love to you and family.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Your comments warm my old bones. And Nou Nou could write a book on how to outwit humans!
Brian Frum
We hope you have many, many more good days dear Merlin.
Nerissa's Life
Your doctor comes right to your door? NICE. I’m not good with car rides. Hmm… Wonder if MY doctor would go for somethin’ like that.
I’m ever-so-happy you’re still havin’ more good days than bad and may you continue to do so for a very long time to come.
Layla Morgan Wilde
We also have a holistic vet but Merlin hates the car ride. Thanks Nissy my fellow Canadian!
Wishing lots of sunny days in the garden to warm Merlin body and soul.
My garden is having a bumper crop of catnip this year. I had a sudden flood of tears for our boy Tommie when I saw it.
Love and Purrs.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks kindly Maggie. The tears are no surprise and I give you nose kiss. Could you harvest and make special bags in Tommie’s name to give away at the shelter? Our catnip is meh this year.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood !!! heerz hopin de dood vet tellz ya …” yur lookin good buddy, see ya in 4 monthz” …for like a bunch oh times mor…..inn deed yur mom iz rite; tiz all bout qualitee oh life & we hope yur qualitee stix round for a while yet……heerz ta pee in…. in bushes ♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, peeing in the bushes is joy :-0
Aw, so glad that the check in was good!
Melissa & Truffles
A mobile vet is such a great idea!!! So glad the visit went well, Merlin, and hope they continue to for a long time to come!
Caren Gittleman
oh Merlin!!! What a great and wise mancat you are. Dr.G looks like a gem, your Mama takes superior care of you (which is a HUGE reason why you are enjoying your senior years)……you are lookin’ awfully good and I am so happy to see that! xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear Miss Caren, my peeps go over and above the call of duty :-0
Ellen Pilch
I am glad your vet visit went well. I have been praying for you daily and will continue to. Time to celebrate with some catnip and kitty caviar.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much!
Cat Holm
Excellent, Merlin! Love to you and your family.
The Island Cats
Merlin, we’re glad you’re still hanging in there. We hope your good days continue to outnumber your bad.
easy rider
How great that you got good news Merlin … I bet you had a drink from that Fountain of youth in the Foret de Brocéliande, right? My momma tried it too, but it didn’t work, she just got belly aches :o)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ha, quel dommage mes amies.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Way to go, Merlin. You’re a tough old guy, and we’re glad you had such a good checkup. Your mobile vet looks great. We’ve seen mobile vets who see you in the house, but that’s the first we’ve seen with a mobile exam room other than the mobile spayneuter bus.
Layla Morgan Wilde
They even have a full surgical suite!
the PDX pride
We’re so glad you had a good checkup, Merlin! Purring that you have a lot of good days ahead of you to enjoy that yard of yours.
Merlin, I think you have a couple of extra lives in addition to the usual 9! My human used that quality of life checklist for Sparkle, and it was very helpful.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Summer, I think you may be right. The checklist helps if one can be subjective about rating.