merlin and coco Siamese cats-rainbow bridge remembrance day
Cat Saturday,  Cats,  Feline Fine Art,  Holidays

MEOWmorial Day Weekend

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

It’s a long holiday weekend in the U.S. We’d like to thank all the service men and women who have served our country. This Monday on Meowmorial Day is let’s remember all of the cats that we have loved and lost. Our feline friends enrich our lives beyond measure, bringing love, comfort and every day joy. They deserve to be remembered with respect and gratitude.

  • There are many ways to honor their memory. Plant a tree or flowering bush. I’ll be planting a perennial garden for Merlin’s sister, angel Coco. I never mentioned it, but Hurricane Sandy left more than broken windows and garage door. We’d buried Coco under in cozy spot a tree next the the barn/garage surrounded by raspberry bushes faced a sunny south expanse of law. Never in my wildest dreams did I think anything could happen to her grave. During the storm the tree was uprooted toppling her headstone leaving an unsightly mess. The worst of it was chainsawed away but it’s still not pretty.
  • Make a donation in their name to a shelter or animal rescue cause.
  • Have a special photo of them framed or have a photo turned into a portrait or other artwork. After Coco died in 2010, I couldn’t bear to look at old photos or videos at first but now they bring fond memories.
  • Light a candle and pause to remember them for the special friend they were and what you learned from them.

It’s hard to believe how fat Merlin was three years ago, seen here with his BFF and sister Coco.

coco-merlin-siamese-cats-memorial daydomino-cat-garden-snowshoe

From the same photo file I found this pic of Domino in his outdoor feral days. Note how white his fur is. The beige batch is now brown and covers most of his body. He never used to like posing for me but sometimes I get lucky like this week when he was playing follow the leader with Odin who was jumping on the birch stools earlier. Domino has never looking better but I wish I could say the same about Odin.

cat-domino-birch logs It’s been nonstop mischief for the wild boy. He finally managed to climb up to a bird’s nest but he came up empty-handed. I can only hope the fledglings had already flown the coop.


Where oh where did you go birdies?

Then the ticks arrived, attracted to his eyes, ears and muzzle. Every day I’ve been removing two or three. We bought new tick removers and wondered why the diatomaceous earth worked fine to repel fleas and ticks on everyone but him. Cats that are ill are less resistant fleas and ticks but Odin seemed as energetic as ever. It takes a lot of exercise to drain him of his super-sized energy. I caught him mid-leap scaling some logs where he like to perform parkour.


But I noticed he wasn’t sleeping with me for a few days. Something felt wrong. Then I noticed some swelling in his ear. I sprayed some Vetricyn on but the swelling continued until the abscess burst into a pussy, bloody mess. Our vet Dr. G. is arriving on Friday to check everyone out on and hopefully won’t need to come sooner!

Gris Gris rarely eats grass but I caught him the other day enjoying some select blades with a smile on his face. I wish you miles of smiles this weekend! Are you planning anything special? And have you signed up for our weekly original photo cat quote? Scroll down the white box. It’s free and fun.



  • Brigette

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  • Oui Oui

    Odin’s ear must have really hurt! He is young and strong, so we hope he gets better soon. In the meantime we will be purring for him. Domino’s furs have changed dramatically, it would be interesting to know why. Since he has brown, black & white, is he a very rare calico male? You have such lovely kitties! Enjoy your holiday too!

  • Abby

    Oh dear poor Odin. We hope his ear heals quickly. Poor boy.
    My the difference in Domino is amazing how his coat color deepen.
    It is hard to see the changes age brings, in furred and non furred.

  • Flynn

    I hope Odin’s ear heals well and soon.
    I have a garden where all our cats have been buried and have planted a rose bush for each one. This year though, two of the bushes are not looking healthy so I need to replace them. We planted Eric’s rose the week after he had to leave us and it now has lots of buds. Flynn knows that is where Eric is, he watched us bury him. Every morning he walks to his rose bush and touches it with his nose. He doesn’t do that to any of the other bushes.

  • Sue Brandes

    I hope Odin’s ear heals fast. So hard when are babies are sick. Really enjoyed all your photos and post. I will be remembering BearBear. And of course my other kitties but; BearBear had a very special place in my heart. Sure miss him. I have a little area with flowers and pretty rock I painted for the kitties. And please keep all those who serve safe.

  • Katnip Lounge

    Odin lives up to his name, that’s for sure! Hope his ear will mend quickly. It must have been hurty to slow him up. I love seeing your crew outdoors, being “wild” cats. It’s just so right.

  • CATachresis

    Poor Odin!! I hope he heals quickly!! Such an energetic outdoorsy boy is likely to hurt/cut himself from time to time! We have a bankholiday this weekend too, and a local festival, so many visitors about!!

  • Skeeter and Izzy

    Oh our poor dear Odin! We sends kitty kisses to you and your poor little Ear! It is good to see the boys enjoying their yard and garden. We think that the events from nature are her way of reminding us of what is important and even tho she destroyed something and made a mess of something she also reminded you of your beautiful CoCo and she is causing you to create a new garden for her….a new thing of beauty! We love all the suggestions for rememberance. We have many to remember but also many to celebrate in the here and now. My babies are indeed a precious gift and I cherish each moment that I have with them.
    We hope everyone has a wonderful,blessed, safe holiday. Luv and purrs to all Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<

  • Sam and Pam

    That cat crew of yours is always up to something! The ticks are supposed to be especially bad this year and I guess Odin’s proof of that – hope that abscess in his ear is OK – your vet will know…..good thing you have something on hand to ward off infection though. The guys are all so handsome and Coco so beautiful. Sorry her grave was disturbed by “Sandy” but a garden sounds like a lovely way to address the disturbed earth there. She will love that! Happy LONG weekend to all of you. We will be remembering many things – cats of the past and my Grandpa who was in the Air Force….and ALL the soldiers who fought to keep us free.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  • Kathryn

    Merlin is always handsome — fat or thin. Good to see a photo of Coco again. Dom’s blue eyes are the only blue eyes I’ve seen on a nonSiamese. Must be rare. He is so sweet. Odin, I hope you get better. Listen to yo Mama. Gris Gris is a regal.

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