Meow like a pirate day cat
Cats,  Holidays

Meow Like A Pirate Day: Why Black Cats Are Lucky

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

Shiver me timbers; it’s our 6th year celebrating Meow Like A Pirate Day and International Speak Like Pirate Day.

This post was translated into pirate speak from Post Like a Pirate. Try it for your comments or tweets today for fun.

talk like pirate day-meow like a pirate

On September 19th, cats all over th’ seven seas be celebratin’ Meow Like A Pirate Day. Aaargh! In pirate lore, black cats were a pirate’s favored companion fer keepin’ rodents at bay. Pirates, a superstitious lot, claimed if th’ ship’s cat approached a sailor, it meant jolly luck. If th’ cat approached halfway ‘n turned away, it meant bad luck would follow. If a cat was thrown overboard, signaled stormy seven seas ‘n extra bad luck to follow.

Th’ Practical Side ‘o Black Cat Luck

Black cats were lucky by default. Thar more black cats than other colors ‘n any cat and any cat who could keep their grub supplies rodent-free was a blessin’. Th’ furry sea monsters be better than a pillow to sliumber wit’ ‘n more a ruckas to watch than a barrel monkeys full ‘o rum.




Double ‘yer Luck With Black Polys

Black polydactyl cats (cats wit’ extra toes) were considered extra lucky. Their big paws wit’ extra toes, could grip, climb ‘n hunt wit’ extraordinary skill. Th’ black darlings with furry sea legs were valued as much as any treasure. Aaargh!

meow like a pirate day

Cheers fer a grog-filled day full ‘o a ruckas wit’ furry buckos ‘n yar tribe members.

Purrs ‘n spiced rum galore from ship to shore,

Layla, Cap’n Domino, First Matey Odin and First Wench Nou Nou, Grand Buccaneer of Summerland, Merlin and a lucky black rep of the #BCTA Black Cat Tribe.



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