fat cats
#AdorableAdoptables & Shelter Stories,  Cats,  Shelter Cats

Meet Lord Blackington a Panther Bear Cat #AdorableAdoptable

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

My shelter muse, the Angel Gray Boy must be smiling from kitty heaven.

Gray boy-NRHSJoe Hardy cat

His cage mate Joe Hardy, the ginger and cream guy with miles of style found a home. We featured Joe a few weeks ago and he graced our Happy Cat month poster. Good luck Joe, in your happy new home!

Happy Cat Month

When I first met the pair in early June, they had just been rescued from a hoarder where they lived in a dark, fly infested room stacked with dozens of cages without litter boxes. The New Rochelle Humane Society took most of the cats and scrambled to get foster homes and make space for the new arrivals. The gray and ginger pair looked surprisingly unscathed considering their ordeal when I met them, still housed in a crate. Their personalities were already apparent. Gray Boy was always front and center while shyer Joe took the back seat.

NRHS-hoarding cats

When Gray Boy died after an emergency visit to a vet, Joe lost the only familiar cat friend he had. He stayed alone in a cage until a foster home was found but it proved temporary. Joe returned to the shelter a few weeks ago but this time to the large cage-free room. He got along with other cats but to me he seemed sad. Even if he didn’t miss his friend, he’d experienced an enormous amount of upheaval in a scant few months (not including the unknown length of time at the hoarders).

Many people would not want to risk adopting a cat with a chequered past like Joe but one big-hearted woman did and has no regrets. Joe is happy in his forever home.

Black cats are considered lucky by many and if that’s the case, does a bigger black cat mean more luck? I’d like to think so. Meet Blackie.


Since I began volunteering at the shelter, I noticed a big black cat with the nondescript name of Blackie roaming the back room of the vet tech area. There are always a few cats loose there including Ivan (recently adopted) and Pa. Blackie seemed liked a friendly fixture but I mostly focused on the hoarder cats. After Ivan got adopted, Blackie looked morose, as if to say What about me? I’m a big boy but I need a home too.

It’s hard to overlook Blackie who is a big bear of a cat, well over 20 pounds with the sweetest face and disposition. Pa, a hoarder cat, who is a fraction of his size bullies him at times and he prefers to spend time underneath the sinks with a recently spayed Calico gal. I don’t know much about Blackie except that he’s neutered, has all his shots and is healthy. And I know he’s far too interesting to be stuck with a generic name like Blackie and for adoption purposes renamed him Lord Chubbster of Blackington.

I hope who ever adopts him gives him the home and name he deserves. He probably could stand to lose a little weight but is naturally LARGE and a purrfect addition to our #AdorableAdoptables roster.

Please share and crosspost, pin his adoption PSA etc. Thank-you! For more about Blackie, visit New RochelleHumaneSociety.org or call them at 914 632-2925. They’ll be happy to hear from you!

NRHS-front desk



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