Meet Kelly Plus Outdoor Shelter Cats
If you ever visit the New Rochelle Humane Society where I volunteer, you’ll pass outdoor shelters for feral cats near the entrance. On pleasant days, scruffy cats with missing eyes, who have seen better days may run up to you. Don’t be alarmed or feel sorry for them. They are the super friendly, former feral shelter ambassadors. Unlike many strays and ferals, they have food, safe shelter and medical care. They also have something the indoor shelter cats don’t have: freedom and fresh air. You may not know but most shelters do not accept ferals. If they end up in the system most are euthanized making cats like this outdoor cat very lucky.
On the inside, it’s a different story. Some cats are more rough than others but most are immaculate, like the handsome Kelly boy, our feature this week. Just another purrfectly adoptable guy, not too young, not too old who has been at the shelter too long. He’s available at a reduced adoption fee this month! Visit NewRochelleHumanSociety.org
What do you think he’s sniffing in my bag? And do share the love. Let’s get this sweet kitty adopted before the new year.

Brian Frum
I sure hope Kelly gets a happy super duper soon!
ritesh sharna
I do agree with layla at some point and I personally the same from my observations.
It’s great the shelter has warm and safe outdoor home for feral kitties!
Kelly is adorable. I wonder what he found in your bag 🙂
It’s so great that the shelter manages a feral cat colony. How wonderful that these kitties are cared for and safe.
Kelly is gorgeous! We will share.
Sue Brandes
Shared. Hope he finds a forever home. Love that they help ferals too.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Kelly looks like he is going to hitch a ride home in that purse! We are glad that the former ferals there have a warm, safe place to live, and we hope that the ones that become friendly enough to be adopted can find wonderful, understanding homes.
Kelly looks lovely, and I hope he gets adopted soon.
I still have to go to your post from your homepage to be able to comment. If I go to your post from the reader I still get the error 404.
Skeeter and Izzy
We understand the Friendly Feral/Outdoor situation. That is part of the problem with the true ferals .Some folks don’t understand how long it can take to just win enough trust to get them to eat let alone move into this deluxe outdoor housing and how unlikely it is to be able to transition a feral into an indoor cat unless taken as a young kitten. We greatly appreciate the fact that they care for and protect a colony!!!!
If Kelly is indeed male as you stated then that makes him a rarity since he is a calico. Doubly special wouldn’t you say?
We hope no matter the gender that this dear little kitty finds a furever home really soon!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + twig & Peanut & Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kelly is not a calico.
Oh Kelly is so adorable! Love the way they treat their ferals.
da tabbies o trout towne
dood….de best oh fishes two ewe that yur in yur for evers by de 17th oh decemburr….now THATZ a Christmas present huh !! ♥♥♥
Kelly is lovely, really hope someone helps and take her home.
Austin Towers
Kelly looks a bit like a snuggle bunny. I hope he finds a home!
The Swiss Cats
Lovely girl ! Purrs
Kelly sounds adorable.
Michelle S
Fresh air is great, and It’s fantastic that they’re safe, but why would a friendly cat be kept outdoors? I’ve never agreed with keeping friendly cats in colonies or even outdoor enclosures. Why not give them a chance at an indoor home? I might feel a little differently if they had better shelter, or access to a heated indoor enclosure.
Layla Morgan Wilde
These cats would not be happy living indoors. The shelter is warm and the area is their territory.