March Madness Cats and Pet Holidays
March Madness Instagram Cats and Pet Holidays
Hello, March! It’s official: the world has gone holiday crazy. Pet holidays, weird holidays on every possible topic, food holidays, cause driven holidays, global religious and secular holidays official or esoteric. Do you get confused during Daylight Savings Time? I found no less than three different dates in March but we got the right one marked on our calendar. Every year, holiday frenzy gets worse but if you can’t beat them, join them with thoughtful and curated info from us.
Our lucky subscribers will receive the full-sized version in their inbox but here is the mini-version.
Confusion is in the cards especially with the influence of a Mercury retrograde in Pisces all month. We hope the calendar will help bring focus, a smile and most importantly, happy cats.
The main pet-focused holiday in March is Pet Poison Prevention Month
May we suggest perusing our tips about the dangers of lilies and other spring flowers.
How to avoid pet food poisoning or Pet poison awareness tips.
Our March pet holiday calendar has a focus on cats naturally but we’ve included some other (hopefully) useful info.
March, even is it comes in like a lion or lamb signals the end of winter and boy are we ready to celebrate! It’s been a glacier-slow climb to reach 10,000 followers at our @blackcatsofIg Instagram account but we did it! Thank you to our pawsome community and to our admin for keeping the account active while I’ve placed my limited time elsewhere. Our poor @catwisdom101 account needs some love but there are just so many hours in the day. No one on their death bed ever said, “I should have done more Facebook.”
What helped propel us into 5-figures was our featured a delightful trio of black cats which garnered over 12,000 likes, a record for us.
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Staring down the new week. @jiji_henry_and_louis Go give a follow! ? . . For a chance to be featured, follow @blackcatsofig and tag #blackcatstellall ——————————————————— #mondayvibes #blackcat A post shared by ??????feature/BlackCatsTellAll (@blackcatsofig) on
As always, we like to peek into the past every month to feature vintage cat art. Today it’s from the March, 1910 issue of Black Cat Magazine. I wonder if it inspired the Target logo 100 years later? For our friends outside of the U.S. Target is a popular chain of department stores.
The past, present and future often collide. Let’s hope this March keeps you on target.
So, is March coming in like a lion or a lamb for you?

Yep March was mad,but may is here and Spring is in full swing.Over Easter we had a baby robin stay with us for a few days till we could get it to a rehabber.That is hard work feeding it every hour in day light hours.Then we have the hedgehogs that visit the garden .one of which has moved in to an empty nest box so maybe babies are on their way!Another is due to come back from a rescue after being ill in Jan so we will have to living in the garden plus any that visit….crazy times I tell ya plus the blackbirds have reared one brood of chicks and has started another….but its all fun and nature filled in our garden
Layla Morgan Wilde
Wonderful to hear! Everything is blooming and let’s hope Speedy bounces back from his tough winter xo
Woohoo! COngratulations on reaching 10K on Insta! That’s quite an achievement! Love that trio of black kitties. 🙂
And thank you for the March calendar. We love it!
Hugs to you all, and special hellos to our buddy Clyde!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks for stopping by. I hope your March is purrfect xx
Sweet Purrfections
Thank you for sharing the March calendar dates. We’re trying to keep up with everything on the 2019 Blogging Cats Calendar, but think we may have missed some.
Skeeter and Izzy
thanks for the cute calendar!!! We hope Spring will be here soon. I can no longer read the comments from others at the bottom of your posts. 🙁
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut And Romeo and the Angels >^..^ ~>^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s odd. I wonder if there is a connection between that and so few comments? I’ll troubleshoot xo
Eastside Cats
The photo of the three cats is priceless!
Congratulations on reaching 10K on Instagram! That’s awesome!
we hope march becomes a good month for all of us… and we will update our first aid kit now… you never know, right?