Mancat Monday:There’s No Place Like Home
Then there were three. Yes, our mancat family of four members is reduced to three since Gris Gris died but he lives on in our photo quote. Despite the loss, moments of humor courtesy of today’s video of Odin, demonstrates that life really does go on and there’s no place like home.
GG used to love the snow until last year when his old bones preferred hot spots like electric heating pads and radiator warmed pillows. Merlin and Domino have been glued to warm spots from laps to heating pads since GG took his leave. All the boys are acting more needy which is normal during this time of transition. We’re taking it in stride, one purr at a time. Many thanks for all your kind words, thoughts and cards.
Domino is the most visibly sad. I found him looking mournful outdoors near the grave site on the day we buried GG.
Odin is expressing his loss by acting out. We’re indulging the snow-loving bad boy who wants to go in and out, in and out a dozen times a day. Normally restless and high energy he’s more so and clearly out of sorts. No toys or games satisfy him not even knocking items off the mantel. He misses his pal. In the winter of our grief, we all dream of spring.
Odin demonstrates his best dog paddling technique in this video. If we had a doorbell, I’m sure he’d learn how to ring it!
Kelly Underwood
I am sorry for your loss 🙁 Thank you for sharing with us.
Such beautiful photos! Gris Gris leaves a big Gris Gris sized hole in all your lives.
Austin has the same pawing the window technique, except usually he is desperate to get out, especially when he sees a bird!
I love pawprints in the snow. Gris Gris and you have been in our thoughts daily.
Your boys are going through sad time. Purrs to them. I hope time helps bring them warm spring in their hearts.
Loupi and Zorro
These transition times are rough to go through. We send you warm thoughts ! Purrs
Skeeter and Izzy
We love the vid and the pics. We know the boys are in mourning with you and hubby. They were a close pride of little lions. We purr and pray for you guys.
Monday night saw the relocation of the Feral Gang and Romeo to indoor quarters to get out of the below zero wind chill……even tho I have made them shelters I just couldn’t bear the thoughts of them being outside. We actually did quite well all things considered. Herding five cats in below zero temps with 50 mph wind gusts and flying snow proved easier than anticipated but I’m sure confirmed my status as the crazy cat lady to any of my neighbors that may have wittnessed the spectacle!
Luvs to all
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Oh, this is wonderful news! I’ve been worried about about ferals in this weather and we need more cat ladies like you!
Jo-Jo is just like Odin! She scratches our backdoor exactly the same way!
Having her in the house has really helped. Kozmo is playing with her and Cinnamon and their antics keep Queen Penelope entertained as she lays on her heating pad. What gorgeous shots of your boys!!!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks, Nellie, that’s good to hear Jo-Jo is adjusting and glad you’re enjoying your heated throne!
easy rider
I’m sure he would ring the bell, he is a wonderful guy and it’s a pleasure to watch cat-videos :o)
da tabbie o trout towne
doodz…itz gonna take a while ta get used ta de fax gris iz…knot ther…in de physical sense….all most a yeer later…eye still lay in de same spot sauce did…everee now & then….N eye still search for him in de houz….
eye noe him iz never far a way…eye just canna “see him” like eye used two….xxxxxxx
Our purrs to all the kids. We were all so sad when Georgia left so we feel for the kids missing Gris Gris.
Headbumpies to all of you.
Oui Oui
Very sweet thoughts! You are in our hearts as you transition through these rough times. Our Julie does that dog paddling on the mom when she wants to be scratched.
The Creative Cat
Lovely thoughts, Layla.
Sue Brandes
Layla I wish I could give you and your kitties a big hug. I wish I had words of comfort for you. I know things changed here too after Squeaky passed. I had one act out and 2 that wouldn’t let me out of their sight. Kitties are so intuned to everything. My kitties send you hugs and purrs too. Odin is so cute in that video. My Garfield does that inside the house when he is looking outside the front door.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Sue, big hug received with thanks.
Caren Gittleman
there definitely is no place like home, love the photos and the video is too cute. Cody does that to our windows from the INSIDE lol
Dusty Rainbolt
I am so sorry to hear about GrisGris. It takes a while for home to feel like home again after losing a kitty. GrisGris was blessed to call you Mom. And I know you and your feline family were blessed by him. My thoughts are with you all.
Those quotes — the one by Camus, and the one by you — are beautiful and so fitting. We wish we had words to make things better. But we know that the time of transition and adjustment to changes are different for every being. So please know that we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and purrs, dear friends.
Brian Frum
The most wonderful tribute is keeping the memories happy in the heart.
Texas, a cat in... Austin
I think it was a pawsome post and another furry nice tribute to Gris Gris. It is true that life goes on and we owe it to those that have left us to live it to the fullest… once the mourning period is over.
Sending you many purrs (and hugs from my human)
Angel Abby
The quote about the invincible summer is one I had on a poster in my bedroom as a teenager, brings back lots of memories.
Everyone in your household is in transition, yet I know they all still feel Gris Gris spirit surrounding them, and you as well. Its so very hard to say farewell, so hard. It never stops being hard. Not even 147 days later I still find it hard missing my Abby. Life moves on, but the memories remain strong.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Purrs of thanks. 147 days is not a long time and some days the memories are strong and other days faded but never forgotten.
Wez been away so we didn’t know about Gris Gris, we are so sorry for your loss. Such beautiful photo’s xxxooxxx
Mollie and Alfie
Cats of wildcat woods
We are so very sorry – somehow we did not see that Gris Gris had gone. It is hard for the others to go on but they will accept and be fine. Sending lots of purrs for you in your loss.
So sad for all of you, and that poor Domino is really feeling the loss. It never fades and the memories will last with you forever but thankfully a new year brings new hope. xo
The Island Cats
I like to paddle the door too…but since I rarely get to go out, it’s from the inside.
Purrs to all of you as you adjust to the loss of Gris Gris.
Pretty “poster” with Gris Gris…..and the photo of Dom really does seem sad or pensive….he’s always had a bit of an “unreadable” expression on his face but I think I do see grief there as only a cat buddy can feel. Odin’s so cute with his dog-paddle…..it DOES get our attention doesn’t it?! Hope you all are snug and warm in this cold snap. Happy Monday……….
Hugs, Pam and Sam
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks Pam and Sam. Sending warm thoughts!
The cat before me used to paw at the doors and windows like that to ask to be let out. Never to be let in… she generally only came in when my human called for her. Otherwise she was on an adventure.
prancer pie
Doesn’t matter how many kittehz you have, you always miss the one that moves on.
Sending all of you purrs, pawsitive thoughts, and universal light.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Every single one counts and many thanks for your thoughts and purrs.
Connie Marie
My thoughts are with you. Good video & pictures
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks, Connie Marie!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kathryn, spot on observations and purrs of thanks.
Sad and peaceful and renewing, at the same time.
Odin is so cute. Merlin is majestic. DomDom really does look sad.