Circus Cats Then And Now
Cats are famous for being aloof and untrainable but cats have been performing in circuses for hundreds of years. Long before TV or YouTube, cats entertained in live shows all over North America and Europe and trained by cat men and women. The popularity of novelty cat (and dog shows) came to a fever pitch during the Victorian era when colorful posters like those shown here, enticed the public by their exotic and seemingly impossible feats.
Famed contemporary Russian cat trainer Gregory Popovich claims, “I have a closer relationship with cats than do most people. My silent communication with cats has allowed me to train them to perform consistently on stage. My connection with cats is very well developed, and I credit this skill to my careful tuning in to these animals’ abilities to understand us, and to perceive their environment.
Most people are unaware of just how sensitive cats are. I myself continue to be astonished by my own cats’ intelligence and sensitivity from time to time. I’ve even come to suspect that an intelligent cat can read its owner’s thoughts. One day I was working at my computer at the kitchen table, and decided I would skip lunch and continue typing away. I uttered nary a word about this decision. Within seconds, my cat Martin–a small but feisty gray mix–appeared at my feet. I realized he was begging for a piece of cheese from the refrigerator–whose door I had resolved not to open. I’d occasionally given him this sort of treat at lunch time. Sure enough, Martin ran to the fridge the moment I stood up, as if he were expecting the tasty morsel (which he readily received and devoured).”
I’ve read Popovich’s book You CAN Train Your Cat: Secrets of a Master Cat Trainer and found nothing off-putting or cruel in his methods. He says, “I don’t believe that I “train” the animals to do a certain trick or stunt, instead, I teach the animals to perform onstage by allowing them to show off their individual personalities and talents.” He maintains cats don’t do anything they don’t feel like doing and I agree. His circus act has aired on Animal Planet and I feel it’s one of the more humane ones.
He goes on to say in his book, “Most people are unaware of just how sensitive cats are. I myself continue to be astonished by my own cats’ intelligence and sensitivity from time to time. I’ve even come to suspect that an intelligent cat can read its owner’s thoughts. One day I was working at my computer at the kitchen table, and decided I would skip lunch and continue typing away. I uttered nary a word about this decision. Within seconds, my cat Martin–a small but feisty gray mix–appeared at my feet. I realized he was begging for a piece of cheese from the refrigerator–whose door I had resolved not to open. I’d occasionally given him this sort of treat at lunch time. Sure enough, Martin ran to the fridge the moment I stood up, as if he were expecting the tasty morsel (which he readily received and devoured).”

We had the pleasure of seeing the Moscow Cat Circus when it was playing in NYC a few years ago. Yuri Kuklachev, the “trainer,” said he did not actually train the cats to do what he wanted them to do. He instead waited for them to tell HIM what they liked to do. And then they went from there. What an amazing and fun show it was. 🙂
Glogirly and Katie
We’ve seen his show and it’s wonderful!!!
As for sensitive…that’s Katie’s middle name.
; )
Cathy Keisha
Whoever says cats aren’t trainable needs to see that cat on a skateboard that Sparkle blogged about. I can read my peeps thought. When I think TW is going to leave the computer, I jump out of bed.
Skeeter and Izzy
Circus cats are fine as long as they enjoy what they do,are treated with respect,love and care and have proper housing etc. Those things apply to cats or any other animal even if it is only in reference to being a “pet”.
Loves to all cats everywhere no matter what they do!!!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo
P.S. sometimes I feel like I live at the circus!!! MOL!!!!
Playful Kitty
I love the video 🙂 I have no problem with cats performing in the circus or otherwise. The issue I have is with humans who use inhumane methods to train their animals and who don’t provide appropriate living environments for the the cats. I’m glad that this trainer has chosen to use the natural abilities that cats have to include them in his show.
Sue Brandes
I never knew that had circus cats either. Love the video. Wow those animals are very trusting. You can tell they like doing it too.
Brian Frum
That was fun! Hey, I did train my Dad!
I like that he doesn’t train, instead he draws personalities of each kitty!
Nerissa's Life
MO– — — USES! I never knew about any of this. Hmmm…
Peepers… away from the computer. Nothin’ for you to see here. TURN AWAY from the computer. Show’s over. Back, back… Peepers.
Gosh, I’m gonna have to make sure Ol’ Peepers doesn’t get any ideas about this. With ten of us, she could have a whole circus on paw! Again I say… MO– — — USES!
MomFOD says I could be a circus cat. I think it’s because I’m very talented and it has nothing to do with my incredible flexibility due to my missing leg. Humane circuses are hard to find. Cats definitely like to do interesting things – so why not? As long as they’re ALWAYS treated well. – Crepes.
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz…circus animals ??? sew long as they bee treeted with compassion & respect N they iz knot forced ta “perform”….ANY animal…itz oh kay…sway frum this for even 30 seconds….noe
Judi Daly
We clicker train our horses, so it was only natural that I would try the same with my cat, Thunder. He just loves it! When he gets tired of it or his belly is full of treats, he just walks away. I find cats to be highly trainable–and very smart. Thunder learns faster than my dog.
easy rider
I like that he only shows the personalities of his cats. And I think his cat Martin did a good job to train him :o)
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Treated humanely, there’s no reason for cats not to be performers. It’s all about what makes the cats happy. If they aren’t suited to the limelight, that’s another story, but well-loved performing cats who enjoy what they do are great.
Circus cats are awesome! Because as Popovich points out, cats only do what they want and it is up to the humans working with them to figure out what they enjoy and how to make them shine! Who wouldn’t enjoy that? My human has taught Binga a few tricks now and again (although she is very inconsistent), and she really enjoys it! Especially the treat she get as a reward!
Wow, a treasure trove. This is really good. Thank you.
Constance Marie
Loved the video. The audience was having fun also! Cats looked content.
Very interested to read his book.