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Hooked on Cat Daddy: Review & Giveaway

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)
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Odin gives Cat Daddy a four paws rating.

What do you get when you mix sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll with cats? The gutsy, new memoir Cat Daddy:What the World’s Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me About Life, Love, and Coming Clean by Jackson Galaxy, cat behaviorist and star of Animal Planet’s My Cat From Hell. It’s Mother’s Day, a day when we honor and celebrate women who nurture their loved ones; whether they have two legs or four. Cat moms have big hearts, and then there is the cat daddy, Jackson Galaxy, who healed his wounded heart and soul thanks to one special cat named Benny. This is a story of broken dreams, reinvention, and triumph over multiple addictions and dark despair. By saving the life of one cat, he inadvertently saved his own life.

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Jackson Galaxy with Benny

They say, we don’t choose cats but they choose us. Cats are our secret allies, teachers and healers, if we let them. Benny came into his life sixteen years ago at a time when no one wanted either of them. Jackson, a down on his luck musician and full blown addict, had a hole in his soul the size of a Buick. He found work at a shelter where one of his jobs was performing euthanasia on perfectly healthy pets. By a twist of fate, Jackson’s work with animals led him unwittingly toward his life purpose: making a change in the lives of animals. Slowly and after countless adventures, Benny taught Jackson about life, death, acceptance and love. Once you begin reading, you’ll be hooked by Jackson’s roller coaster ride thanks to Joel Derfer’s co-writing wizardry. Derfer captures Jackson’s voice and turns it into an alchemy of ink on paper.

This memoir, while gritty, grim and at times shocking is ultimately about love and self-acceptance. When we love ourselves, healing happens and anything is possible, and when we share that love with our four-legged friends, real change is possible. The book is chock-full of over thirty nuggets of cat behavior tips including his mentor Anitra Frazier’s now famous “slow blink-I-love-you”. Jackson is a man on mission: to end kill shelters everywhere and teach his cat mojo, his tips for better understanding cats.

There have always been cat whisperers and people who speak “cat” but every generation brings new knowledge and wisdom. Jackson Galaxy speaks to a new generation of cat lovers of every age, race and gender, beyond stereotypes, leading hopefully towards a kinder, more humane world where everyone eventually will understand and speak “cat”.

Because every cat mom deserves a cat daddy, we are offering a special Mother’s Day giveaway. We have not one but two autographed copies signed by the cat daddy himself for two lucky readers to win!

To enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment at this post (with a valid email address) and click the Facebook “like” button any time until 11:59 pm ET, May 19, 2012. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. or Canada. Two winners will chosen by and announced next Sunday, May, 20, 2012. For extra chances to win, subscribe to Cat Wisdom or our sister blog the Boomer Muse and/or like our Facebook page

If you simply must have a copy right now, click on the Amazon link in our sidebar or visit the cat daddy at Jackson Galaxy

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The publisher Tarcher/Penguin sent me an unedited manuscript of Cat Daddy which I reviewed and several copies of the bound edition. Visit us at the Boomer Muse for an expanded Mother’s Day post. Cat moms, you rock!


  • Debbie

    I have to admit I am a real Jackson Galaxy groupie and would love to meet him one day. Until then, I guess I’ll have to make due with his autobiography. I actually have a copy on the way to me in the mail, but autographed copies would make a fabulous raffle prize for our next LAPCATS fundraiser.

  • Kris B.

    I would love to win this. I’m a huge Jackson fan, and my 5 rescue cats and I watch his show each week. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Pudgebutters

    I’m a huge fan of the show and will read this book whether I win it or not…but I hope I win đŸ™‚

  • Shadow Dance Ranch Kitehs

    Our Momma really needs this book. That way she can help us be the best kittehs, that we can be. We don’t get to watch his show on TV because we don’t have that channel, but hopefully we can get it on DVD sometime. Thanks for the chance to win Jackson Galaxy’s book.

  • Sophie

    Excellent review and thanks for the chance to win a copy. Loved seeing the extra interviews and pics of you with Jackson!

  • Ginger Buck

    Jackson Galaxy has been chosen by the Cat Angels to be their Ambassador of Cat Love. They had many, many humans from which to chose but Jackson got the honor. If he hadn’t had a previous difficult life, he wouldn’t be able to share his experiences. Benny helped Jackson “start over.”
    You see how this works? Yes, I DO believe in Cat angels! My six cats and I (including one named “Dady Cat”!!) look forward to reading Jackson’s book, whether we win one or purchase it.
    Thank you VERY MUCH, Jackson, for helping cats! Thank MEW!!!!

  • Regina R. Davis

    I’m a cat mom who loves to read (and it’s especially enjoyable when my little whiskered & swishing tailed fur babes snuggle with me when I do)and, having read a synopsis of what this book is about, I would love to have this book to read his story. It sounds very inspiring. I wholeheartedly support his mission of “no-kill” shelters society.

  • Kathy

    Everyone at the Cat Adoption Team thinks what he is doing is great. As a no-kill cat only shelter we deal with the same questions he answers for his clients. We love the way he gets them to think of solutions from the cat’s perspective. We would LOVE to get our paws on one of his books to find out more about him……. Thanks

  • Lisa

    Jackson is amazing. It’s so refreshing to see a cat expert helping families with troubles kitties on TV. Our cat wisperer. đŸ™‚ I would love to read this new book.

  • Beth Emmons

    I would love to win an autographed copy, Jackson is amazing! I love his show and have just begun using Spirit Essences to try and calm Ms. Phoebe’s competitiveness with her siblings when it comes to me giving them any individual attention. I’m hoping it will be an answer to a problem where nothing else seems to work. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Steph C

    It’s already fun to watch and learn from Jackson, but to read about him…who could ask for more? Alright, yes, actually meeting him would be the BEST, but…reading his book, second to none. Thanks much!

  • Heidie Gay

    Jackson, I am in awe at your way with cats. You rejoice right along with the cats and their people. I love that! You are my hero!! If only I had known about you 3 years ago. And you weren’t so far away. My cats needed you.

  • Andrea Dorn

    I don’t have cable so I’ve never seen the show but I’ve heard such great things about it. He must be a great cat and human communicator. I’d love to read his book to find out how he got to where he is today.

  • Alli

    Thanks so much for the website and your blog. I enjoy all of it very much and can’t wait to get emails from you. I am, indeed, a kitty whisperer of my own and love connecting to others who speak the language of “pusskins”. đŸ™‚

  • Vanessa Stoner

    OK – I pre-ordered the book, got it Thursday & finished reading it on Friday night – and, yes, it is a WONDERFUL book on many levels and I cried at the dedication page and at the end. But on Saturday, I gave a dear friend the book … this book is such a “keeper” I really would love at have an autographed copy.

  • Heather

    I love Jackson’s show. So much good advice. I would have never known about him or his show if not for you and Ingrid King and your blogs! đŸ™‚

  • Angie Bailey, Catladyland

    Love the Mother’s Day tie-in! Great Review! After our winners are chosen tomorrow, I’ll post your link, letting readers know they have more opportunities to win! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, Layla. đŸ™‚

  • Christina

    I am so thankful for Jackson! I deeply admire and respect the wonderful work he does for cats and the people who love them – and even for the people who don’t start out loving them. I recommend his show, his blog, and his website to all of my cat-loving clients.

  • Karen Warren

    I just downloaded this on my iPad, but would LOVE to have an actual copy of the book! Jackson is my hero! Thanks!

  • Nadbugs

    I would love to win the book. You may know, Layla, that we owe Jackson bigtime for the peace in this multicat household — we love him therefore! I’m in financial lock-down at the moment & dying to read it — so it’s either win here, or wait for the library. Not good at patience! Going over the FB and “liking” as Afrique Aya. Paws crossed.

  • Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey

    Wonderful review Layla – quite insightful with the ultimate message we all can learn from – self acceptance. Enjoy your day with your beautiful kitties and no need to enter us in the giveaway, as we already have this great book!

  • Jerri Carol Compton

    My daughter and I almost never miss My Cat From Hell and are HUGE Jackson Galaxy fans. Between the two of us, we have seven fur-babies and he has offered some really good advice on his show. I can’t wait to read his book!

  • Kathy Thompson

    Jackson is so brave for baring his soul to the world! I am so very glad that he found his heart in a feline. I would love to win the book but if that isn’t the case I still plan on reading it. Luvs Skeeter and Izzy (2 more Cat Daddy fans) >^@@^<

  • Leslie Stockdale

    I am a cat mommy. My cat daughters thought it would be nice to be able to give a copy of this book to their own cat daddy… and Father’s Day IS just around the corner!

  • Katie Isabella

    I love that book. Just started it yesterday and about 1/3 of the way thru..or my mom is that is. MOL. To have an autographed copy would be AWESOME. She would give this one away to her friend if she were that lucky to win it. xoxoxox

  • sue brandes

    Love his show and really looking forward to reading his book. I am amazed at how he works with and helps all those kitties. Thanks for the giveaway.

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