Good Mews For Cat Wisdom 101 Subscribers +
Happy Caturday! We have good news or mews for our dear Cat Wisdom 101 subscribers. Some of you have been impacted by our recent email notification glitches. We’re happy to announce we have a new, newsletter style email letting you know when we have new posts. They will be sent automatically at 2 AM EST. If you aren’t a subscriber, you can subscribe via email to this blog or our unique cat photo quote sent on Fridays. Both sign up boxes are in the footer with all kinds of options and we never use your email for any other purpose.
- What a week! I was at in Vegas for Blogpaws, the pet blogger conference where I was speaking and thrilled to be one of the award judges.
- You can see my Blogpaws photo album at G+ in beautiful Lake Las Vegas.
- And post Blogpaws post
- If you missed seeing the awesome cats and their catio, check out Katnip Lounge Cat Ladies Tour
- You have only 1 more day to enter our $250.00 shopping spree GIVEAWAY from Entirely Pets. To enter, visit the blog post for details.If you’ve already entered, you can enter again but hurry!
- Today is the last last to enter our exclusive Grumpy Cat Birthday Swag GIVEAWAY. To enter, leave a comment at our post.
- Our boys are happy things are getting back to normal (well, whatever that is) and the garden is a wild jungle of green heralding our favorite time of the year.
Domino is enjoying watching the grass grow. This was taken before I left before the new growth. All the cats are doing well but Domino is slowing down and looking his ten years. After being away I was shocked to notice how skeletal Merlin appears but he’s pretty nimble for a blind old boy (almost 100 in human years). He’s needing extra help to get up on the footstool to the bed and lost his balance a couple times. It’s so important with geriatric cats to monitor any changes which can happen over night. I make sure any surface he jumps on has pillows or a soft rug in case he misses his mark.
We’re joining the Saturday art blog hop at Athena Cat Goddess. Come see the other creative cat bloggers are doing. We’re also joining Sepia Saturday the sepia art blog hop from Ruckus the Eskie, (shhhh,a cute d o g).
Odin is always up for trouble. He climbed on top of the mudroom roof (it’s low and safe) and saw me inside the bathroom window. I opened the window and let him in. He thought that was a fun new game and promptly ran out and climbed back up demanding to be let in. Cats and humans are very trainable. As tempted as I was to let him in I knew it would reinforce the behavior and firmly told him to go down and off he went. He’s way too smart for his own good. It inspired this art work symbolizing how stubborn humans are when banging their heads against a brick wall and expecting it to open. It was a week of intense learning for me on every level. What did your cats teach you this week?

What a fun game Odin crated for himself! Have a good weekend.
Vera Soroka
Lovely pics of the kitties.
Chey, Gemini and Ichiro
We remember those days with Georgia. We are very glad that Merlin has you looking out for him when he loses his balance!
And the Woman said she was thrilled to meet you and was sorry that your paths didn’t cross in other places at BlogPaws-
Cathy Keisha
Purre Merlin but he’s lucky he’s had such a great Human to look after him. What do you mean Domino is slowing down at 10? I may be 10 too and I’m not slowing down. The peeps don’t know when I was born.
Beautiful photos and love the photo art of Merlin!
Odin is one smart kitty 🙂 I hope you are feeling better, Layla x
We are enjoying watching grass grow, too. Lovely photos!
Angel AbbyGrace
They are so glad you’re back. I hope you’re feeling better.
The Swiss Cats
Funny Odin ! Good job in domesticating your human ! We subscribe to your blog with another mail address again, and we hope that everything will be OK now. Purrs
Odin is so funny. If you’d wanted him to come in the bathroom window, he’d have suddenly developed an inability to climb. 🙂
You had a busy week.
What great shots! Mes is wishing Mommy leaved mes in Calgary! Mes does NOT like Jo-Jo, even though she has been nice to me, me has been giving her my bestest warrior howls!
Mes LOVES your picture of Merlin sulking!
Skeeter and Izzy
Hooray!! It seems like all is coming back into alignment and harmony at least for a bit. We are so glad to hear that the Boys are doing well, we worry.
We thank you for sharing the journey to Blog Paws with us! A picture truly is worth a thousand words! We hope that you are recouping from the travels and feeling better.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks for your good wishes and I hope the alignment lasts for more than a bit;-0 I’m off to see my acupuncturist to deal with the CFS symptoms.
Nice photos – I particularly like the garden one.
Caren Gittleman
Wow thanks for posting this! I wondered where you had gone! Thanks for listing the old posts, on my way to check them out!
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
Glad to see you have a technical solution sorted out. We love how clever Odin was, wanting to come in through the window like that!
Sounds like you whapped that techy problem just right!
easy rider
Odin, that’s a funny game, I wish I could climb like you. Oh that would be funny to enter my crib via window! Have a great caturday!
Sue Brandes
I have missed many of your posts. Going to go catch up on them. Have a great weekend.
Great pics and lovely garden!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Pawesome Cats
Odin is clearly a very smart cat, but you are smarter! Unfortunately, I have already been trained by Charlie. Laughed when I saw your sulking cat quote..same thing at our house x4. Purrs xxx
Adorbs – all of them….
I’ll tell you what I need to teach MY human – how to work the exhibition hall better at BlogPaws! I think she could have brought home more swag if she’d made just a bit more of an effort!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
More swag? Just email the contact list :-0
Deztinee High
Luv da foto and meez not been gettin’ many of yous postees so meez glad is all sowted out.
Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥