Blogpaws Pet Blogger Conference Photo Round-up
I’m back from the awesome pawsome Blogpaws conference at the Westin Lake Las Vegas. Staying an extra day was fun but I was fighting a cold the entire time and came home less than shipshape. After unpacking a ton of kitty swag, Odin excitedly sniffed the loot but too exhausted to finished unpacking, I zipped the bag up and Odin stayed put on “his” swag. I’ve posted a Blogpaws album of 30+ high res.pics on my Google + page but here are a few small ones. Meeting familiar bloggers for the first time was thrilling (there was a lot of hugging and shrieking) and meeting the cats of the Katnip Lounge was the cherry on the catnip cake. Check back for our exclusive kitty pics on Friday!
My room with a view was next to the Presidential Suite.
So much happened, my head is still spinning. I spent most of my time networking with brands, other speakers, attended private breakfasts and lunches and zipped in and out of a few presentations like this one with Steve Dale on cat behavior.
My session on giveaways was fun but tech glitches meant juggling a mike and manually changing slides, but hey we were in Vegas and you know what they say…I’ll let you know when the slide presentation is available to view on slide share. All is well that ends well and I find going with the flow is works best for one’s sanity. Synchronicity was the magic word and I kept bumping into just the right people at the right moment. Having a few quiet, one-on-one moments with close blogger pals was the most satisfying. I tried to meet as many of my old and new connections as I could but with hundreds of people it was impossible and left it to fate. Somehow even when things went wrong, they ended up for the best.
Kate Benjamin from Hauspanther (on right with cat ears) did a fab job rounding up cat products for the Cat Lounge. We got crafty one night and made cat ears. So easy with a glue gun! All the cat product samples were raffled off and we won a most unusual new toy. More about that another day.
Pets add heart and soul to our homes. Seeing the wild variety of pets from dogs, cats,ferrets to even a Capabyra added a friendly vibe to the usual conference experience.
I confess to a secret love of bulldogs and got lucky to get up close and personal with Tillman the famous skateboarding bulldog. There were dogs everywhere: in costumes, in strollers, playing, snoozing, au natural at the dog park and enjoying plenty of treats and attention.
The highlight was the gala awards evening. Canine police dog Zeus was excited to receive a donation of a protective vest, seen below with officer Tom Moore, Tom Collins and Yvonne DiVita.
Alana Grelyak won the Nose to Nose Award for Best Video (seen accepting the award with the funny and charming MC, Dr. Michael Cavanaugh). The weather was perfect and after everyone left, I relaxed poolside contemplating the future direction of this blog. It’s good to be back home and Merlin yowled terribly while I was gone missing his mom. More about him soon but it’s all good. What happens in Vegas, doesn’t stay in Vegas but is social media shared.

Playful Kitty
Great photos! It really was a great trip. Sorry to hear that you were sick. Hopefully you are feeling better by now. I will have to look for your slides when you put them online! I’m just getting started doing reviews and giveaways, so I can use all the tips I can get. 🙂
Chris Davis
Great pictures, Layla – wish I could have been there!
Ms. Phoebe's Mum
Glad you had a great time and are home safe with the boys again. Hopefully Merlin did not hold it against you for too long. I’m sure you can appease everyone with all the swag goodies you brought home!
Skeeter and Izzy
We’re a bit late here but we are soooooooooooooooooo glad you had a fab time at Blog Paws. The pics are pawsome!!!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig and Peanut and Romeo >^..^<
Caren Gittleman
great to FINALLY meet you in pawson!
Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats
So nice to meet you in person–finally.
This was my first time at BlogPaws and it was a blast. Hoping to see you at BlogPaws 2015–and hopefully sooner.
–Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats
Harvey Button
Thank you for some great pictures – we SO much want to come to BlogPaws and need to work on it its worth coming all that way!
Glogirly and Katie
Great recap, Layla! I can’t believe I missed meeting the capybara!!! Love your photo of him.
I was also really touched by Zeus and his handler’s speech. What a wonderful donation.
Feel better soon!
The Swiss Cats
Glad to read you had a great time in such a wonderful place ! Purrs
Pawesome Cats
Great post – it was lovely to finally connect and chat with you in Las Vegas!
Welcome home! It sounds (and looks) like it was a great BlogPaws!
Oui Oui
We are sorry to hear you still aren’t feeling well. Our mom is dragging too, but at least she isn’t sick. We’ll be sending positive energy and purrs your way. Our mom was so excited to finally meet you and the trip to the Catio was the best part of the weekend. Purrs, purrs,purrs.
Connie Marie
Feel better soon!
It was so good to see you there! What a lovely time it was, for sure. Thanks for sharing your photos. We hope you feel better and can’t wait to see you again soon! – Alana and Crepes.
Sweet Purrfections
Thank you for sharing the pictures. Mom Paula hopes to attend next year.
Brian Frum
We love seeing the pics too, especially since we didn’t get to go this year.
Sorry you had cold while attending the Blogpaws. But what a wonderful time you had!
Wow, I’ve never seen capybara in harness 🙂 (I’ve seen them in hot spring though!)
You’ve got very nice view from the room. I’d love to stay this hotel if I visit Las Vegas.
I hope you feel better xoxo
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Me too. I felt torn in all directions.
Angel AbbyGrace
Read your overview on Boomer Muse — wow — hope things are better now that all the dust has settled. The photos are fantastic. Glad Merlin is doing well.
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
Thanks and more pics are coming. Re: health. I’m actually worse and need to go to the doctor.
I admit to being terribly jealous. It looks gorgeous!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
I so missed you. Talk soon.
Feel better soon Layla,great photos,xx Rachel
da tabbies o trout towne
doodz…now de food serviss gurl iz mega gel uz coz yur mom getted ta meet tillman….her haza love oh bullies two…..her grew up round bullies N ther haz all wayz been a bullie in de familee tree sum place…..knot now tho 🙁
glad her hada fun time; lookin for werd ta seein mor pick sures ♥
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
I had no idea! We’re bulldog lovers in my fam and my gran’s nickname was Bulldoggy.
Fuzzy Tales
From all the photos we’ve seen, it looks like it was a grand time, with the Katnip Lounge catio tour being particularly special. 🙂
cgp & the terrible trio of felines (Raleigh, Rikki and Triss)
Great pictures, I almost feel as I was there; so envious you met a capabyra. I can’t imagine what a complex responsibility he or she l must be for a pet parent.
Sometimes, Cats Herd You
We’re so glad you made it home safely. Big purrs that you feel better soon from the “post-conference crud.” The head peep said that she really enjoyed finally meeting you in the fur!
Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom 101)
I loved meeting your head peep too 🙂
Georgia and Julie
Love all the pictures 🙂
We are glad you had a good time amd met so many people.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
Maybe our purrs will help.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure, JJ
and Angels Tiger and Tillie
Feel better! My human wishes she had had more time to spend with you in Lake Las Vegas!