Fun Cat Coloring Books Reduce Stress
Fun Cat Coloring Books Reduce Stress.
Cat coloring books for adults? Is this what the world has come to? This is a slight departure from our usual Mondays with Merlin. You see dear ones, I have one word: stress. Everyone seems to be more jittery jangly nine espresso mad lately. It’s almost December and look at the view from our house. Those leaves should be long gone but they won’t let go. Look at the hammock. It’s still being used and the memorial garden, well, it’s not as green but pretty darn okay.
How I loved the hammock but nothing is what it used to be.
We have dear friends moving down to Florida today with their three cats. They had to say good-bye to a home they raised a family in and garden they loved. Big changes are scary and the world more stressful by the minute.
We’re all so stressed, adult coloring books have become all the rage and what could have been a fad, isn’t. In fact, the coloring book phenomena continues to grow and I predict won’t slow down for awhile. It’s an easy, mindless and yet mindful activity to enjoy alone or communally. There are even coloring book clubs they way we used to have knitting circles.
I’d call it a colorful, moving meditation for those too antsy to sit still to meditate.
There is a cat coloring book group on Facebook with some exceptionally talented members. Yes, many are readers here. Hello! There are more and more cat coloring books of every kind. These two are the latest ones sent to us. The Cat Coloring Book by Charlotte Fraser from Source Books is easy but not too simple. The 8.5 x 8.5 is a big enough but not too big. If you like a bigger size and more simple style, I’d suggest the latest from Pusheen by Claire Belton and published by Simon & Shuster. It’s not intricate enough for coloring aficionados but fans of Pusheen will be delighted.
The winner of a copy of Close Encounters of The Furred Kind is Janice. Congrats! Humor books are the best antidote to stress. That and petting, snuggling and hanging out with us cats. Some things never change like how wonderful cats are for humans. Have a colorful week!
Love Merlin,
P.S. Our dear old Clyde has settled in nicely and acting like a proper M– USE to Layla. Check out Instagram or a new thumbnails in our side sidebar. Yes, he’s following in my footstep like a charm. He’s already done one tarot reading and you never know with magic cats what they have up their sleeve. He may have to put a spell on Odin for stealing his food in the the middle of the night. Odin is a notorious scavenger going bowl to bowl and horrors, scraping bits of dry food off the floor. Trust me, no one goes hungry in this house. Clyde is a gentleman and watches but too gracious to say anything.
FTC disclaimer: The usual about us receiving free books and links are affiliates. Our opinion whether human or feline is 100% unbiased.

Nisa Milati Biyantini
hi, I’m the owner of miaow_story on instagram. I love this idea about cat coloring book. it’s a great idea for cat lovers, especially me. 🙂
Brian Frum
I know my Mom would like to color some cats too!
Cynthia Southern
I have four cat coloring books, markers and color pencils. I want to start on them as soon as possible. I love the cute cat designs in them and will color many of the cats as Calico cats since they are my favorite colored cat.
Those coloring books look great. We have one at home, and it really is a relaxing, centering activity.
Merlin, thank you for letting us know how our beloved pal Clyde is doing. It makes us so happy that he’s settled into his muse role with such aplomb. And we know you are always there to guide him.
Sometimes Cats Herd You
Those look like fun! The head peep has been late to the coloring craze, but it looks like such a peaceful pastime.
Hannah and Lucy
May be we ought to get colouring book for our Mum as she often gets stressed!!!
We have a coloring book of Celtic knots. It takes concentration but no thinking, which allows me to turn off my questing and sink in to stillness. Now I should learn to take advantage of it,
Mommy has a coloring book, but hasn’t used it yet. The pusheen one is adorable.
The Island Cats
The mom has some coloring books but just hasn’t gotten into coloring yet. She really needs to let go….
Colehaus Cats
Those are two adult coloring books our Dad hasn’t seen yet. Because he hasn’t liked the ones he’s found thus far, color his interest high!
The Swiss Cats
Those cat coloring books are very cool ! The Pusheen one is our favorite ! Purrs
Cat coloring books! I was looking at the Pusheen one last night in Rockport, Mass.
Ched and Mao agree! Adult coloring books are the greatest~!
My human relaxes by exercising – she has found that getting moving helps her defuse stress and depression better than anything else. That said, the Pusheen coloring book looks really awesome!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Yes, exercise works well unless one is a lazy cat 😉
skeeter and Izzy
Concats to Janice!!!!
We just received some coloring books for our birthday but alas not CAT ones! We will definitely try to find some.
We are so glad that Clyde is taking on the Muse role with such grace and ease. Merlin, dear friend you picked well!
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Clyde, is a dear muse, mysterious and magical. Purrs to all xoxox
I have a coloring cat book too. I use it while I’m visiting my mom in the nursing home as she snoozes.
Layla Morgan Wilde
That’s great multi-tasking!
I have a cat coloring book that I got as a gift but haven’t started coloring yet. I’m sure I’ll enjoy though 🙂
Layla Morgan Wilde
I’d think you’d be very good at it, enjoy! xoxo
Julia Williams
Thanks for the shout out to my Cat Colorings Facebook group. If anyone is interested to see just how many cat coloring books exist, we have a mile long list in our files section!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hi Julia, thanks for stopping by 🙂
Rose the Kitten
That’s is very cool! My Giant Lady is an Artist too.
Rose ~the adult kitten