Cats,  Contests & Giveaways,  Domino,  Feline Funnies,  Merlin

Feline Friday Flashback & Giveaway Winners

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

What a difference three years can make in the life of a cat. Exactly three years ago today, Merlin and Domino were getting better acquainted.

feline flashback friday

Domino was still an outdoor feral and Merlin was grieving the loss of his sister Angel Coco who’d died a few weeks before. It’s clear they are communicating and I’d like to imagine Merlin trying to convince Domino that living with humans isn’t so horrible. It still shocks me how Merlin has lost his weight since 2010. Odin and Gris Gris happily arrived a couple weeks later.

The porch was Domino’s domain and this photo show his quirky side and a battle-scarred nose. Eye contact rarely happened towards humans but Domino gradually developed a hint of softness.

Domino-feral cat

We’re delighted to announce the winners for our Aikiou Giveaway are Heather & Ellie Mae and Mags E. The two winners not only win an award-winning interactive feeder from Aikiou but get to donate another one to the shelter of their choice. Conggratulations! Please look for an email from Layla and [email protected] requesting your shipping address.

Aikiou interactive pet feeder giveaway

Giveaway news!

We usually do giveaways every Friday and book giveaways on Sunday but we’ve been snowed under with other work. It’s created a backlog of new products to review (some we’re very excited about) BUT as much as we love sharing news about the best pet products, we don’t want to make giveaways the core of the Cat Wisdom 101 brand. With that in mind, we will be even more selective in what we offer you dear reader!


  • Skeeter and Izzy

    This is a wonderful post. We love to see the past played out again. We hope all is going ok for everyone. Concats to the winners!

    Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang >^..^<

  • Kathryn

    I always feel like I know your cats. Seeing Merlin so much younger is a surprise and seeing Domino again, makes me realize he seems to be much happier, even in this photo, that he found life indoors with humans and cats.

  • meowmeowmans

    That looks like a very interesting conversation between Domino and Merlin, for sure. đŸ™‚

    Scent swapping has gone well at our house. We switch the litterboxes each night, and invariably find that they are using each other’s more and more. We have the baby gates up again, and none of the cats are shy about looking at each other. Zoey is still nervous around Moosey, but less than before. We’ve done one-on-one meetings two days in a row, and those have gone well, too. Treats and lots of praise have been very helpful. They have all gotten a few sniffs in, without any strong reactions. Gracie still hisses at Moosey sometimes, but that’s about it. We are getting there, slowly but surely. đŸ™‚

  • Tamago

    This is great flashback photo of Domino and Merlin! It sure looks like Merlin is telling Domino that living with humans is not bad đŸ™‚
    Congratulations on the winners of giveaway!

  • Penelope

    Oh Wow! Domino sure is battle scarred! He is such a great looking cat now! And Odin has lost weight! Purrhaps his sense of smell is going and nothing smells as appetizing as it used to (that’s the wat it is with me)

  • da tabbies o trout towne

    doodz…we love de pick sures…merlin…ya iz lookin kinda leen theeze days buddy…ewe knead ta beef up on sum flounder, mackerull, trout, toona, pork roast N donuts !! heerz hopin everee one haza grate week oh end N conga rats two all de winners đŸ™‚

  • Deb n Cats

    I think it’s a testament to how respected you are, Layla, that companies want your opinion on their products. But, I can see how you’d get inundated with stuff to try. Do you ever consider posting a “We didn’t like this” review?

    Don’t worry about us over here. We’ll be waiting when you catch up. Make sure you take time for yourself and to sit on that porch in these waning warm days of fall doling out ear scratches and belly rubs and lap time. We’d rather you missed a few days of blogging and have you happy, than have you feel overwhelmed.

    Congrats to the winners. I’d like to know what shelter gets their winnings.

    • Layla Morgan Wilde

      Deb, I have done a few review for products we weren’t crazy about but I’d rather focus on the positive. I wish I could loll on the porch but I’m working harder than ever but hopefully we can pause over the holidays.

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