Feline Fine Art

Feline Fine Art Friday

If you love cats, sharing makes us purrrr :-)

It’s National Hairball Awareness Day which is no joke. Some cats are more prone to hairballs depending on their coat, diet, general health and grooming. Indoor/outdoor cats will shed more as we head towards warmer summer weather. We usually do Friday Funnies but I thought we’d pay cats our respect today since they are forever teased and ridiculed in photos, cartoons and LOLs.

Cat maintain a quiet dignity despite being made fun of. They truly do provide a refuge from the storms of life and a soft, loving cushion of purring fur.

Cat-quote-comfort-refuge-life-art-domino-cat wisdom 101

















Tomorrow is the deadline to submit your cat’s photo for Domino’s birthday May Day party on May 1. Email or leave a comment if you’d like me to use a photo from your blog. Feline Fine Art Friday.


  • Hairless Cat

    Hi Layla,

    Nice artwork đŸ™‚

    Yes, hairballs are a serious matter.

    They can block the gut and when that happens, it’s a life threatening situation.

    Long haired cats such as the Maine Coon are especially vulnerable to blockage.

    Daily brushing is required for many different breeds. Even short haired cats need to get brushed a couple times a week.

    =^..^= Hairless Cat Girl =^..^=

  • Oui Oui

    Hi Layla,

    Its us again! We were going to email you some photos for your birthday celebration but seem to be having some email issues. If you have the time and think of it, please feel free to use any of our photos you’d like. We’d love to be included.

    We’ll send some along if we can figure it out to save you the trouble.

    Thanks & purrs!

  • Tillie & Georgia

    That is a mighty fine picture of Domino đŸ™‚
    Mom brushes us and we love it too!!
    She probably does it because she does not like hairballs, but then,neither do we đŸ˜‰
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  • CATachresis

    Awww! Sweet pic đŸ™‚ Do you want an action pic, Layla? I will send something later on when I’m on the laptop x

  • Cheysuli

    Our furballs are Ichiro (soft shedding all the time) and Gemini (lots of undercoat–fortunately she loves the furminator!). I have some shedding but not so much.

  • Bernadette

    When I saw “fine art” I had to stop by to see. Domino looks fine posterized! I missed the photo op, but I’m sure you have enough and I’m not sure I could choose only one! Any reason May 1 is Domino’s birthday? My household were all May 1 until just a few years ago–because a friend’s cat really was born on May 1! Plus, it’s right in the middle of kitten season, and though I knew some of my cats were born at other times of the year I never knew anyone’s birthday until the Fantastic Four. Happy May Day coming up!

    • boomermuse

      The real fine art I leave to you đŸ™‚ May 1 is his designated birthday for a number of reasons. For astrology and numerology(he so Taurus and a #1),to celebrate Beltane and it’s the anniversary of my father’s death which I wanted to reframe.

  • Artemisia, Fenris, Socks & Scylla

    We are not sure if you got our last comment. We would like you to use a photo(s) from our blog for Domino’s birthday May Day party. We blogs at Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog.

  • Eric and Flynn

    We didn’t know it was National Hairball Day. I used to get lots but I keep jumping on the cat tree to make sure mum brushes me every day.
    *note from mum* More like 10 times a day Eric! You’re addicted to the Zoom Groom and the Furminator.

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