Father’s Day For Cat Lovers
This Father’s Day, let’s celebrate the men who are dads to either two-legged kids or four-legged furries. There have always been men who love cats and their numbers are happily growing.
This image of a farmer giving a treat to his cat is from my collection of vintage photo and dates back from the early 1900s. I colorized it giving it a modern look, although men don’t squirt milk into kitty’s mouths anymore, do they?
How will you be celebrating Father’s Day next Sunday?
Our winners for copies of Faithful Friends book giveaway are:Sophie T., Nancy N. and Caren Gittleman. Congratulations!
Look for an email from Layla and Cat Wisdom 101.
We will return next Sunday with another cat book giveaway and until then, I leave you with another devoted cat man’s cat we made a photo quote of. This is Bambino, who belonged to Mark Twain. When his cat went missing in 1905, Twain placed an ad for $5.00 ( a big sum in those days) with this description: Large and intensely black; thick, velvety fur; has a faint fringe of white hair across his chest; not easy to find in ordinary light.
Luckily, a couple nights later, Bambino showed up and Twain was so thrilled he placed another ad with the good news.
The Pettie Award Nomination link

Nice post, Layla. I liked reading about Bambino. One of my favorite Mark Twin quotes : “If man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve man but deteriorate the cat.”
Off to vote for you!
I have always loved Mark Twain; and how wonderful that he loved cats!
Moosey makes his Dad feel special each and every day. 🙂
Just did our nominations for today — including one for you, of course! 🙂
Kitties Blue
The first photo is so good. Wish our daddy would give us some milk. Never heard the story before about Twain’s cat, Bambino. So glad he returned to his daddy. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Mary Matthews
This is one of my favorite images of all time. I know the rules about cats and milk but I occasionally indulge in ice cream and my kitty always practically crawls on top of it. So, I let her have just a very small dab on a spoon and it doesn’t upset her digestion. And the very small dab is enough for her.
Caren Gittleman
You scared me at first!!! I thought today was Father’s Day!!! lol!! Loved your post and I REALLY REALLY LOVED that I am one of the winners!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATS to the other winners too!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Congrats! Sorry for the scare. I’m getting the ball rolling to get everyone thinking about cat dads for next week 🙂
Skeeter and Izzy
We love all the art work but particularly love the one with the cowboy hats! Concats to the winners! Sadly my Dad and Mom and all my grandparents have crossed over the human Rainbow Bridge but we celebrate with memories everday and especially on the days set aside just for celebrating them and all they mean to us.
We are always so very happy to know that more and more people are learning about the Joy of Cat and are adopting, helping and loving them in ever increasing numbers. It is so cool that more men are realizing that there isn’t anything “sissy” about a cat! To everyone out there that has a cat,loves a cat or helps a cat in any way we celebrate you daily!!
Luvs Skeeter and Izzy and The Feral Gang >^..^<
easy rider
Congratulations to all winners. I’m sure real men love cats ! I like the cowboy-kitties, the wild west must be funny with all this western heroes :o)
The Island Cats
We love all those pictures. The one with the cats in the cowboy hats? The mom has that one big and framed in our office! And this year we’ll be celebrating Dad’s Day a little differently because it’s WALLY’S BIRTHDAY!!! 🙂
We try to celebrate Father’s Day every day here so our Dad will think he is special!
Sam and Pam
I’ll be sure and make sure my human Dad knows how much I love and appreciate him this Father’s Day…he takes such good care of me when my Mom isn’t home and even though I prefer my Mom’s lap, I know Dad’s is always there for me if I need it! My Mom always gets a bit sad on Father’s Day as she remembers HER Dad but she sends him warm hugs in her heart every day. I hope you and the boys have something special planned to celebrate Father’s Day too!
Kitty Hugs, Sammy
Aww, what an amazing, adorable photograph of the farmer, and Bambino was a lovely kitty. Writers and artists love cats more than dogs.
I am a little sad, this will be the first Father’s Day that my dad, Gr.Ch. Miles Davis of Tajhara isn’t here – he died (peacefully, in his sleep) last November.